Martinez, Calif. — Contra Costa District Attorney Diana Becton filed a murder charge (PC 187) on May 26, 2022, against Marshall Curtis Jones, III for the killing of 24-year-old Oakley resident, Alexis Gabe.
Yesterday evening, in Kent, Washington, Jones was shot and killed by law enforcement personnel during an attempted fugitive apprehension. 24-year-old Gabe has been missing since January 26, 2022, after last being seen in Antioch. Due to the nature and scope of the investigation, Oakley Police requested investigative assistance from the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office and Antioch Police Department.
On April 25, 2022, Antioch Police Department authored a wiretap affidavit, which was signed by District Attorney Diana Becton, and presented to the Contra Costa Superior Court for approval. A wire and electronic interception of Jones’ cellular phone concluded on May 24th. Along with the phone intercept recordings, surveillance footage, cell data, and DNA evidence, investigators made a criminal referral to the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office on May 25th.
After the criminal complaint was filed on May 26th, the DA’s Office, Antioch Police, Oakley Police, the U.S. Marshals Service, and Washington State authorities coordinated to apprehend Jones – who, during the course of the investigation, fled from Antioch to Kent, Washington.
On June 1, 2022, a fugitive task force attempted to arrest Jones inside an apartment where he was in hiding. Police announced themselves, and Jones reportedly opened the front door to the apartment and charged at officers while wielding a knife. He was shot by authorities. Police took immediate life-saving measures, but Jones died at the scene.
24-year-old Gabe has been missing since January 26, 2022, after last being seen in Antioch. Members of her family found her blue Infinity coupe about a mile from Gabe’s home on Trenton Street near Carrington Drive in Oakley the next day. The keys were still inside, and the vehicle was unlocked. Shortly thereafter, the Oakley Police Department started an investigation into the highly suspicious circumstances of Gabe’s disappearance.
Gabe’s former boyfriend, Marshall Curtis Jones, III became a focus of the investigation – which culminated in the wire and electronic interception of his cellular phone. Jones and Gabe had reportedly broken up in November 2021 but saw each other from time to time. Jones confirmed to investigators that he and Alexis were together at his home on Cedar Point Way in Antioch until 9 o’clock on the night she went missing, but that he witnessed her leaving his residence in the blue Infinity coupe she arrived in earlier.
Today, District Attorney Diana Becton said, “It’s been an emotionally wrenching time for the family, friends, and community. I, along with the police agencies who have worked tirelessly to bring justice to the Gabe family, wish to express our deepest condolences for the loss of their beloved daughter. My office will continue to seek justice in finding Alexis so her family can have a sense of closure to this tragic loss of life.”
Editors note
At 11:00 am Thursday, Oakley Police Chief Paul Beard held a press conference and the Gabe family also spoke. The Gabe family thanked both the Antioch Police Department and Oakley Police Department for being involved everyday–regardless of others holding press conferences. Here is the 22-min press conference. The family made it clear where they stood at the 11:20 min mark.