Home » Concord Introduces Anti-Harassment Ordinance

Concord Introduces Anti-Harassment Ordinance

by CC News

In a continued effort to protect Concord tenants, the City Council unanimously introduced a  Residential Tenant Anti-Harassment ordinance at their June 14 meeting. The ordinance would prohibit landlords from interfering with their residential tenants’ peaceful enjoyment of their home.

The ordinance is the result of collaborative effort that considered input received from tenant advocate groups and landlord representatives, and hours of public testimony.

The ordinance will return to the City Council for final adoption on June 28. It will go into effect July 28, 2022, 30 days after adoption.

You can find links to the draft ordinance and video of the meeting on the City’s Housing web page.

Here is a link to the Ordinance: https://www.cityofconcord.org/DocumentCenter/View/8000/1950-Tenant-Anti-Harassment-Ordinance-72822?bidId=

Staff Report: Click here

The staff report includes anti-harassment laws in the City of San Francisco, City of Oakland,  City of Berkeley, City of Long Beach, City of Emeryville, along with many letters of support and opposition.

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