Richmond City Council Race Ends in Tie, Heads to Game of Luck

On Thursday, the Richmond City Council District 2 Race has resulted in a tie between Andrew Butt and Cesar Zepeda.

The race will now be determined by luck. The Richmond City Clerk’s Office will place the name of each candidate in a sealed unmarked envelop and the tie vote shall be broken by a lot.  The time and place must be agreed upon by both candidates.

Each candidate finished with 1,921 votes.

Information provided by Supervisor John Gioia

Butt’s Priorities:

  • Restore Public Safety and Rebuild Trust – The safety of every Richmond resident, in every Richmond neighborhood is the top priority of City Hall. As our Councilmember, Andrew will restore police funding, as well as the community policing model, to rebuild trust between our communities and the police department.
  • Fight for Economic Development that Benefits All of Us – Andrew knows that more opportunity leads to stronger communities. He’s ready to use his small business experience to attract more small businesses that help revitalize our downtown and provide good, family-supporting jobs.
  • Address the Affordable Housing and Homeless Crises With the Seriousness They Demand – Andrew knows there’s no silver bullet to tackling housing affordability and homelessness (two crises that are deeply intertwined). But he also knows that more can be done to make progress right now. As our Councilmember, he will fight to protect Richmond residents at risk of falling through the cracks and losing their housing, work to streamline the building of more affordable units, and expand resources for mental health and substance abuse programs.
  • Fulfill Richmond’s Responsibility to Creating a Sustainable Future – As a green architect, Andrew has the experience and the commitment to put environmental protection and sustainability front and center. As our Councilmember, he’ll fight for clean air and water, and more protected open space, parks, and recreational opportunities. He will also bring an approach that will enable the City to thoughtfully navigate future development projects so they’re aligned with the best environmental practices while also generating the new housing and new small businesses we need.
  • Increase Transparency and Accountability in Local Government – The people of Richmond should be able to have the confidence that their local government is not operating behind closed doors. On the Council, Andrew will work to ensure that critical decisions and expenditures see the light of day and that the public has better access to public meetings and the critical information they deserve.

Zepeda Priorities:

  • Reduce crime: by properly funding the police and bringing back community policing

  • Affordable Housing: work towards solutions to the homeless crisis and fight for affordable housing

  • Infrastructure: Fix our crumbling infrastructure, from potholes, lights, sidewalks, and more!

  • Economic Development: Work to bring more businesses to Richmond, to provide jobs and revenue to the city

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1 comment

Supervisor Gioia Shares Thoughts on Tie Richmond City Council Race December 3, 2022 - 12:05 am
[…] On Friday afternoon, Contra Costa County Elections certified the results of the November 8th election and reported the results to the City of Richmond. The results show a tie between Andrew Butt and Cesar Zepeda for Richmond City Council District 2, each receiving 1921 votes. […]

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