Home » Contra Costa Animal Services Seeking Adopters and Fosters as Shelter Reaches Capacity

Contra Costa Animal Services Seeking Adopters and Fosters as Shelter Reaches Capacity

by CC News
Animal Services

CCAS offering free adoptions of all animals during the month of February to alleviate crowded shelter   

Martinez, CA – All animals at Contra Costa Animal Services (CCAS) will be free to adopt during the month of February in an effort to clear kennel space with the county shelter reaching capacity. CCAS is also seeking qualified foster homes – specifically those that can accommodate large dog breeds – to help alleviate the current shelter population.

“We’ve reached a fever pitch,” says Dr. Katherine Mills, DVM, CCAS Chief of Shelter Medicine. “With an already crowded shelter and an average daily intake of nearly 20 animals each day, we’re asking for the community’s help in getting as many pets out of the shelter as we possibly can through adoption and foster.”

CCAS currently has over 100 pets seeking permanent or temporary homes. Interested adopters and fosters can view CCAS’s available pets at www.ccasd.org, or come to meet them at the CCAS adoption center in Martinez. A $25 licensing fee may apply for pet adoptions.

CCAS Adoption Center

  • 4800 Imhoff Pl., Martinez, CA 94553
  • Hours: Tues-Sat 10AM – 5PM
  • Wednesday 10AM – 7PM

For more information, contact Contra Costa County Animal Services’ Public Information Officer, Steve Burdo, at 925-393-6836, or by email at [email protected].

Contra Costa Animal Services is the largest animal welfare organization in Contra Costa County. The department operates a shelter and adoption center in Martinez, CA, where they provide high-quality animal care services, shelter homeless, abandoned, and lost animals, place animals in safe, caring homes, and provide education and services to enhance the lives of people and their animal companions. Additionally, the department’s Field Services Division plays a crucial role in protecting the health and safety of all people and animals in our community through enforcement of state and laws, protecting the public from animal injury and working to prevent animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect


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