Antioch Business Burglary Suspects Arrested and Identified

The Antioch Police Officers Association released the names of suspects involved in multiple burglaries in Antioch over the past several days, even weeks.

The suspect was identified as Casey Beck and Alyssa Castro who were both charged with several crimes to include multiple burglaries. Beck was a parolee at large. Officer’s on day-shift continued to work leads when graveyard went off duty. An officer conducting follow up located the vehicle and conducted a traffic stop.

The vehicle was searched and evidence from several burglaries were located inside to include, Muscle Maker Grill, Tailgaters Sports Bar, Hidden Dragon and possibly The Hillcrest TapHouse. Police are also searching for other possible victims.

In a push-back against orders from Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe and city PIO Rolando Bonilla, the Antioch Police Officers Association released names of two suspects arrested in multiple business burglaries.

In their letter,  police called the arrests positive for the city, but have not been allowed to release the information which they had planned to do Thursday night but were muzzled. Here is portion of their letter:

Those positive updates to this point have not been released and the APOA has been informed that they will not be released because the Mayor has ordered APD’s leadership not to to release any further information regarding this incident.

So we, as an APOA, will tell you that the person responsible has been arrested by alert and hard working APD patrol officers. Officers who responded to the original burglary were able to identify the responsible vehicle the night of the burglary and located the vehicle on February 16. They identified the driver as 34 year old Casey Beck and determined that he was responsible for multiple burglaries in the recent past. Beck was arrested and booked at the Martinez Detention Facility.

This update was prevented from reaching you because the Mayor ordered APD leadership from releasing it. We have been informed that this message has reached our department leadership through Chief Strategic Officer Rolando Bonilla.  We have been told that Mr. Bonilla ordered the department’s Public Information Officer, Ashley Crandell, from releasing any further information regarding this incident.

The crime spree began Wednesday morning when the Hillcrest Taphouse in the City of Antioch was burglarized and said the Antioch Police response took nearly 4 hours to respond–it was later discovered Cocina Medina Mexican Restaurant was also hit by burglars.  This prompted an open letter to the community from the Antioch Police Department.

The next day Muscle Maker Grill and Tailgaters Sports Bar and Grill, both had windows shattered and a suspect who made entry into the businesses and burglarized. This made more than 50 burglaries in the city of Antioch in 2023.

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Choose Life February 17, 2023 - 11:27 am
Thank you for the transparency and update.
Brian February 17, 2023 - 11:37 am
Thank you Mike and the APD! People need to know what we are up against!
Sherrill February 17, 2023 - 11:41 am
Mike, you need to be our next Mayor of Antioch! Lamar needs to go!!!! Please keep getting the word out there so the residents of Antioch will learn what is going on! Sorry to say the council woman in my area is useless!
Patrick February 17, 2023 - 11:46 am
What possible motive does the Mayor have for not allowing release of information.. Does he think ignorance is bliss??
K. Cash February 17, 2023 - 11:50 am
Thank you APD parole offices for capuring and arresting these individuals. Thank You APOA for releasing this information to the community. It helps those who travel for work in the middle of the night and need to stop for Fuel in those areas feel a bit safer
Former Resident February 17, 2023 - 12:46 pm
Publicity, public ridicule and embarrassment are great motivators.
Roila February 17, 2023 - 4:30 pm
Thank you,APD,and Mike Barbanica! I’m so glad for the pushback against city hall! We’ve endured nothing but power trips from the triad! We’re being held hostage by a narcissist who thinks he can control all of us. Thanks for breaking out,everyone!
getridoflamar February 17, 2023 - 5:02 pm
The Mayor needs to go. This town is a joke. It seems lawless. Anything goes and people are tired of it. Lamar you are a clown.
Roy Maxson February 17, 2023 - 6:45 pm
What could the possible motive for the Mayor to do this?
Jaimoe February 18, 2023 - 11:27 am
He may have been in on it... Fencing stolen merch
Steve February 17, 2023 - 8:05 pm
Just another huge example of the poor and dishonest leadership of the Major. Wake up people. He needs to go!!
Frank February 17, 2023 - 8:17 pm
Seen the Mayor on the news, what an arrogant ass.
Daniel Cullen February 18, 2023 - 12:17 am
Allow the citizens to hear the APD on the scanner frequencies and stop hiding. When you don’t show up, we can. It’s a shame we are excluded from our hearing our crime waves. Stop silencing City Hall? Stop silencing our Police calls. Stop jamming the frequencies.
Ellen February 18, 2023 - 7:25 am
Good job Antioch police department. We need to support our police doing their jobs. Also instead of secretaries for the council, we need to hire police officers as proposed. Once we get our police force back on track with help then you can revisit the need for secretaries! We need to get rid of the clowns Lamar Thorpe and Torres-Walker- I don’t know how they ever got re-elected!? Now talking about reparations since when was a CA a slave state? Are you going to pay reparations to the Japanese in the internment camps too? Ridiculous- you can’t find money to hire secretaries, yet you want to pay reparations for descendants of slaves- on the poor backs of Antioch citizenry? Hey, let’s focus on the here and NOW on us Antioch citizens trying to stay afloat and not be a victim of crime! Take care of our CRIME number 1 priority and the rest of Antioch’s problems like blight, homelessness, businesses shuttering, home prices declining, Antioch’s image, more police staff, etc will improve by taking care and getting tough and rid of the crime and its criminals. Sometimes, heck I think I need to run for mayor, I definitely can do better than what we currently have- meaning I do something, rather than nothing. And I don’t drink so definitely won’t get a DUI- what an embarrassment. We need to hold these people accountable- it is like we have a fox in the hen house! And criminals must be voting too for these candidates because we are in short supply of people with common sense! I know I didn’t vote for both of these candidates!
Ellen February 18, 2023 - 7:36 am
Oh and THANK YOU Antioch Police association and department for being bold and reporting NAMES of the criminals! Yes, hold them accountable, shame them and let people know who these evil people are! So we can also be on the lookout for them and call them out with information to help the police if we know who to look out for! Lamar Thorpe get out of the way and let police do their jobs! You only hinder th for your own political gains to make you look like you are improving the city and its image. Let the police be tough and go after criminals and give them the tools and staff to do so then the image of Antioch will be known to be no nonsense and tough and criminals will be taken down and not welcome here! Thorpe will go down as the mayor that has turned our city into a crime spree and like East Oakland or Richmond! Let them know we citizens are sick and tired of all this, we need to stop moving to other cities, take back our city and stand up to these criminals and politicians( sometimes one and the same in all levels of govt it seems -sigh!). But THANK YOU APD and APOA for standing up and doing what is right and keep naming criminals, etc. We support you, not the mayor! Turn the tide, have the citizenry support the police and back it and maybe the chief or police association reps can be mayor or support a good mayoral candidate!
Two Wheeler February 18, 2023 - 8:07 am
APOA just mic dropped you, Lamar. Great job APOA!

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