Antioch Mayor Pro Tem Tamisha Torres-Walker took to social media Friday to call the mayor a coward and was offended by hecklers at the special city council meeting.
At the May 30 meeting, with Mayor Lamar Thorpe absent, the Antioch City Council provided direction to staff on several changes to how meeting agendas are set and councilmembers getting items placed on an agenda. They also learned they could not change how a mayor is selected until 2032.
It was during the meeting, the council was heckled throughout the special meeting by supporters of Thorpe. With the crowd continuing to interrupt, Torres-Walker made a vague statement about what she wanted to say publicly noting it would not look good for the mayor.
Torres-Walker took to social media in an effort to clarify a statement she made Tuesday when she told the crowd:
“We have already heard the voices of those who disagreed and agreed. We have done that. We are going forward. You can keep disrupt the meeting, but it won’t disrupt the direction we are giving,” said Torres-Walker. “I am trying not to say what I am thinking because it wont look good for your mayor.”
Torres-Walker said in her 3:39 minute video Friday that people kept asking her what she meant in Tuesdays statement.
“What I was really experiencing at that point was we had to continue to move the agendas despite disruptions. And because the individuals I saw related to the disruptions have direct relationships with the mayor, I felt pretty offended,” stated Torres-Walker.
She continued.
“My comment was actually going to be that I think it is a cowardliness move to send people to disrupt a meeting because you could not be present,” stated Torres-Walker.
She further explained that when she was not able to attend meetings where key things were on the agenda that she wanted to vote on but couldn’t because of work she didn’t send people to disrupt a meeting.
“I was informed by a community member that its not what I think it is and the mayor didn’t send these individuals to disrupt the meeting. No, I have not talked to the mayor. I hope that is not the case because I personally don’t have an issue with the mayor, I try and work with everyone on the council, but what I will like to say I hope that wasn’t the case and I hope we continue to move forward with progressive values while also make sure that we don’t silence people just because they don’t have the votes for their item,” said Torres-Walker.
The mayor who was in Mexico on vacation during the special meeting has not issued a statement regarding his supporters disrupting a council meeting or if he played any part in the disruptions.
To watch the meeting, click here.
This is the same guy who showed his supporters where to protest at Joy Motts, Diane Gibson-Gray, Lori Ogorchock and Sean Wrights business. Even got them to disrupt a school board meeting. Good for Torres-Walker to speak up.
Thorpe is a criminal, full stop.
He has committed crimes. He has threatened to beat up those residents who have openly disagreed with him.
He and those who support thug tactics are who are to blame for Antioch becoming a flaming shithole.
Thorpe has to go, and his thug followers can go with him.
She likes to burn up apartment buildings in the middle of the night full of sleeping families. What is amazing is how these “racist messages” is all anyone cares about. Just ignore the fact that Antioch police would falsify records so they could arrest people. How many lives were ruined by their corruption? Raise your hand if you are one of those people who had their lives torn apart from the decades of corruption ✋️👋
Thorpe is pure garbage
I find it funny that all of a sudden she wants to go against him. The mayor like to threaten to beat people up and he’s against racism unless of course it’s coming from him. His I guess now X side kick likes to have people shooting guns off at her house and for us that have the misfortune of living in the same neighborhood as her wish she and her kids (who by the way still terrorize the neighborhood on their dirt bikes) were gone. She threaten to “organize” and burn down Antioch which it’s well known fact that when she doesn’t get her way she will go in the middle of the night as families sleep and set fires! I won’t get started on the decades of corruption in the Antioch police department. I’m sorry but racist text messages don’t equal corruption. How about the falsifying records so they can arrest people? How many lives did they ruin? The only life they ruined with these messages are their own.
Antioch’s city government is on its way to becoming not just a local laughingstock but a national laughingstock.
First of all… his policies have nothing to do with Antioch’s ” problems.” Your entrenched racism is something you need to deal with .
Don’t we have a city manager type government? How would it be the fault of the mayor regarding the bad cops? City manager hires police chief.
Antioch’s city council is a direct reflection of its inhabitants.
The council comes from the community that votes for them.
They are not separate from the city, they are the city.
That’s what elections are for.
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