Boondoggies Response to Brentwood Councilwoman’s Commentary

On Wednesday, Boondoggies took to social media to issue a response to commentary made during the Brentwood City Council meeting that the concession stand was “not open a lot” and were closed for half the games.

The comments were made during the $31 million Sand Creek Sports Complex discussion where Councilwoman Jovita Mendoza stated she was told the concession stand at Sunset Park was “closed a lot” and people have told her it was never open and “maybe open half of the games they have”.

She later asked for the contract and what the ramification were for not opening. Mendoza did not provide any examples of them not being open other than hearsay.

Boondoggies, who is the vendor, issued the following response Wednesday night after learning of the comments made during the City Council Meeting:

I have been made aware, we were targeted by the City Council! Guess that means we’re famous!

According to someone, we’re not open half the time at Sunset Park. And someone wanted to know what the ramifications of not being open per our contract…. (Which doesn’t happen, in the building we occupy unless we are not notified of the game schedule, which falls on City Staff.) Not sure how that was relevant to the topic being discussed… but the ramifications are that the City gets to retain a quality concessionaire when they don’t try to force us to engage in harmful business practice: being open with zero sales.

Sounds like someone doesn’t know that the City closed the Soccer Field Concessions Stand, and didn’t include it for use with our contract.

Sounds like someone doesn’t know, the reason that stand closed, is because it never had enough customers, and was frequently closed before we had the contract.

Sounds like someone doesn’t know we did try to open during soccer games (the biggest tournament at the park all year.) despite being several football fields away, and lost money every time.

Sounds like someone doesn’t know I even tried to bring concessions to the soccer fields…. And still lost money.

Sounds like someone doesn’t know that we are open 7 days a week, when games are scheduled, on the side of the park that our concessions stand is located.

Sounds like someone didn’t think to ask any clarifying questions about the subject before trashing my business in a public City Council Meeting.

Sounds like someone should reflect a little longer on that admonishment.

Sounds like it’s time to head down to City Hall and start talking.

And then it sounds like I’m done absolutely killing myself, to be open every single day at that concessions stand to have to hear that someone is complaining it’s not enough.

You couldn’t have picked a better week Councilmember.

Council Opts for Food Truck Alley at Sand Creek Sports Complex

Mendoza stated during the meeting that she has received feedback that they “do not open all the time” and wanted to know what their contract said about them having to be open every time a tournament is hosted or games.

Parks and Recreation Director Bruce Mulder said he believed they were supposed to be open every time they have games at Sunset Park.

“What is the ramifications if they don’t?” asked Mendoza.

Mulder said he would have to look at the contract but generally when they have games they are supposed to be open. He stated that the contracts would be similar at Sunset Park and the new Sand Creek Sports Complex that when there are games the concession stands would be open.

Later in the meeting, Mendoza pushed to get rid of the concession stand design in the new sports complex in favor of a “food truck alley” while leaving it up to the teams what food trucks they want to bring in.

The council ultimately agreed in a 4-0 vote — see full recap.

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Karina June 15, 2023 - 10:17 am
Don't forget this is the same woman who publicly stated she'd never attend a ribbon cutting cutting with our Chamber. What was it, "that will never happen". Yea, she's a real awesome gal that one. SMDH.
More ignorance from the council of fools June 15, 2023 - 1:54 pm
Brentwood City Council is acting more like Antioch every meeting. These dumb people think their council seats are thrones. Do your homework before opening your mouth Jovita!
Steve June 16, 2023 - 3:22 pm
Amazing comments from a council member that relies on 100% hearsay to speak out on a subject she is totally clueless about. Has she ever bothered to actually do her own homework or is she just a mouthpiece parroting trickle down information from a uneducated source. Sounds like she has some type of hidden agenda. Wouldn’t it be wise if her speaking topic was on the issue cencessions at the parks that she would at least have the courtesy to invite a representative from Boondoggies present to actually explain and provide her the facts?
Street Sweeper June 17, 2023 - 4:26 am
Brentwood is a few years away from being Antioch, look around.

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