Oakley Seeks Feedback on Oakley Regional Park Master Plan

Oakley produced a plan in 2019 which the council is now looking at alternatives

The City of Oakley invites the public to attend its 2nd Community Meeting for the Master Planning of its future 55-acre Oakley Regional Park on Wednesday, July 19th at 7:00 pm.

The park is located on the delta waterfront at the north end of Sellers Avenue within the City of Oakley.

The park is estimated to cost around $50 million and has been in the works with concepts in 2006 and in 2016 – the park attempted to be all things for all people, however, recently, the city council has taken the approach of narrowing it down to a few amenities and make it a great experience. The council even had a presentation about turning the park into a polo field.

In June city manager Josh McMurray presented an alternative idea to allow for water access and delta usage. With council action in June, they allowed McMurray to continue with the concept to present the idea of utilizing the park for more of a waterfront destination and provide access to the delta–boating, fishing and activities that center around the delta. The council still wants to see what a park around baseball fields and other amenities would look like.

McMurray said during the June meeting, they have multiple other baseball and soccer fields coming with development in the Summer Lake north project.  Still, many residents have advocated for 4-baseball fields to be located at the regional park.

Although there have been many opinions and options on the 55-acre park provided to the city council, two alternative park designs based on the top amenities voted on during the last community meeting will be presented along with the online survey results. Attendees are encouraged to share comments, ask questions and participate in interactive activities, which will help fine-tune the direction for the park’s future development.

The meeting will be in the City Council Chambers at 3231 Main Street — for the agenda, click here

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1 comment

D. Jackson July 19, 2023 - 1:49 pm
Good, Good Job Oakley Police!!!! Feeling more safe knowing Oakley Police are on the job to protect us. Thank you Oakley Police Department!!!

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