Home » Antioch Could Reduce Speed Limits on Multiple Roadways

Antioch Could Reduce Speed Limits on Multiple Roadways

by CC News

 On Tuesday, the Antioch City Council is set to discuss “Special Speed Zones” which could reduce the speed limit on several city streets. Others will stay below the 85th percentile which typically increases speed limits.

Under a new law (AB 43), it allows speed limits can be rounded down when justified, instead of always increasing. It also allows CALTRANS to establish criteria for reducing speed by 5-mph based on collision history or high concentration of bike and pedestrian traffic (effective June 2024).  It also allows a city, by ordinance, to retain the existing or previous speed limit if no additional lanes have been added to the road since the speed limit was established.

The Antioch City Council will look at speed limits in 4 of 34 segments to be certified through the ordinance to decrease speed that was increased last year.

  • E 18th St (two segments) – this would stay below the 85th percentile
  • Cavallo Road – below the 85th percentile
  • James Donlon Blvd. – below the 85th percentile
  • Laurel Road – would see drop from 45 mph to 40 mph
  • Wild Horse – would see drop from 45 mph to 40 mph.

Ironically, the two streets seeing a decrease in speed limits are Wild Horse and Laurel Road, access points by Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe to get to his home as he lives off Wild Horse Road.

See Speed Tables

The move comes after the council approved speed tables in June of 2022 which saw several streets see an increase in speed limits.

In a separate item for Tuesday, the Antioch City Council will look at proposed traffic calming improvements for Sycamore Drive, James Donlon Boulevard and West 10th Street.

Antioch City Council Meeting

Tuesday, July 25 2023
7:00 pm
Full Agenda — click here

Previous stated information

Per a public records request in June, the Antioch Police Department provided crime data, within that data included traffic:

Injury Crashes

  • 2013 – 349
  • 2014 – 351
  • 2015 – 418
  • 2016 – 385
  • 2017 – 330
  • 2018 – 362
  • 2019 – 316
  • 2020 – 266
  • 2021 – 288

Fatal Collisions

  • 2013 – 5
  • 2014 – 3
  • 2015 – 8
  • 2016 – 7
  • 2017 – 2
  • 2018 – 8
  • 2019 – 6
  • 2020 – 5
  • 2021 – 3

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Won’t Slow Down Speeders July 24, 2023 - 7:07 am

Reducing speed limits without adequate traffic enforcement will do nothing to slow down reckless drivers who already think the traffic laws don’t apply to them. This is as meaningless as the posturing behind it when you know the “mayor” is quite good at reducing police staffing numbers because no one can or wants to work with him.

Street Sweeper July 24, 2023 - 7:12 am

Why don’t they close all access points in and out of Antioch, thats the real solution.

Lots of chest pumping and high fives with this City Council. This all means nothing when you don’t have police officers to inforce it. Besides, I am guessing that Antioch tax paying residents are a little more concerned with the violence going on in their toilet bowl City at the moment.

SW July 24, 2023 - 7:47 am

Obviously Antioch has an ongoing issue with speeding and the resulting traffic accidents which, it seems, frequently leads to fatalities.
Is there anyone that seriously thinks that lowering the speed limit by 5 MPH on a few streets will do anything to solve this problem?
It seems to me that when I read about these incidents it’s almost always reported that speed was a contributing cause.
Speeds like 50 MPH over the limit!

Let the city council meet and lower the speed limit by 5 MPH and pat themselves on the back for having tackled this issue.
Also for spending thousands having a whole bunch of 45 MPH signs taken down and replaced with 40 MPH signs.

Meanwhile, I can guarantee you that the idiots that drive 65 MPH on Antioch’s streets are not going to even blink as they pass these new signs. (they’ll be looking down at their phones)

Pointless July 24, 2023 - 8:35 am

What good would that do, if you have no Police to enforce it. We haven’t seen a Traffic Unit used consistently in probably 10 years. Might as well as the criminals to stop committing crimes while you’re at it.

WPR July 24, 2023 - 12:28 pm

Reducing speed limits will keep the invincible generation from doing 70 mph on city streets and spinning doughnuts.
Perhaps governor could sent in thirty CHP officers to enforce existing traffic laws.
antioch or should name be changed to Wild West on the Delta?

3henry21 July 24, 2023 - 4:47 pm

Useless… as others have already said, speeding drivers are already disregarding the posted speed speed limits… EVERYWHERE. Just changing the number on a sign is not going to result in any behavior notification unless an active saturation enforcement is done. Hit people in their wallets and their hearts and minds will follow.
This issue is not limited to just Antioch, it’s wide spread throughout the County. All one needs to do to see it is take a short drive on Hwy 4, where cars zip by doing 80, 90, 100 mph, in any lane. Try driving in the right lane at the posted speed limit and you will get people riding your bumper. Speed limit signs have become just a “suggestion” to many. The CHP needs to become involved; organize a multi PD agency enforcement task-force together and start writing those tickets.

Martin lane July 24, 2023 - 10:14 pm

I live on minaker dr.people come down the st. At 50 =60 mpa do u think the city would put in speed bumps fuck no. They had some lame excuse. Dumb asses

Pecas July 25, 2023 - 7:35 pm

Agreed 💯with all above statements. Highways and highway 4 are absolutely dangerous. A complete disregard for traffic law and human life.
These punks will continue to behave dangerous and disregard because they can. Chp, city of Antioch Pd open your eyes and make these nuts on the roads accountable! Reduction in speed limit my ass.

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