Antioch Unified to Talk Policy on Elected Officials on Campus

On Wednesday, the Antioch Unified School District will discuss the current status, intention, and implementation of District policies regarding elected officials and other guests on campus.

It’s unclear what policies the school board will take up or propose as nothing is included int he agenda item, however, this is in response to Congressman Mark DeSaulnier being declined on campus for both a listening tour and show up to Deer Valley High School without an invite from the District–but rather a member of the public.

On March 27, 2023, Congressman DeSaulnier requested that the AUSD participate in his ongoing Educational Listening Tour.

The District denied the request after DeSaulnier requested the Superintendent invite principals, parents, school board members, teachers, PTA, CTA, Union Representatives, chamber members as part of his tentative agenda for the tour.

In an April 3 response, Superintendent Stephanie Anello declined to participate after legal counsel “advised that this appears to be political in nature with greater benefit to the Congressman’s future campaign and less corresponding educational benefit to the District.”

In nearly 200 pages of emails after a public records request, Superintendent Anello laid out a timeline of events on May 10 while stating to Trustee Lathan that elected officials were welcome to use school facilities with a permit, but they “could not expend resources on one elected official without allowing all elected officials to benefit similar if requested. Additionally, if an elected official is invited by a government teacher, etc., to talk about government, etc., that is also permissible”.

In response, Trustee Dr. Jag Lathan emailed Shanelle Scales-Preston apologizing for DeSaulnier being denied access while Trustee Antonio Hernandez issued a formal apology on social media.

At the May 10 meeting, Hernandez requested the board review policies on elected officials on campus.

Within the emails, it appears Dr. Jag Lathan committed a Brown Act Violation on June 14 by requesting in writing to the entire school board directing Superintendent Anello no longer communicate with Congressman DeSaulnier on the issue—however, Anello was acting based off legal counsel.


Trustee Hernandez did not respond to any questions regarding what had transpired between the District and DeSaulnier while Trustee Lathan simply replied, “Black and Latino students deserve opportunities to meet with elected officials to learn, share their experiences, and be civically engaged.”

It appears Hernandez and Lathan either met with DesSaulnier, his staff in person or had a conversation, but no report out to the public or rest of the school board has occurred.

Editors note – the Brentwood Union School District revived the same request per a Public Records Request, however, no listening tour occurred. The reason given was timing of state testing–which was the same timeline as AUSD.. Congressman DeSaulnier’s staff did not challenge Brentwood like they did Antioch Unified.

Here is a look at the emails under a Public Records Request

Antioch Unified School District Board Meeting

Aug 23, 2023 – Board Meeting Agenda
Opening Items – 6:30 PM
Agenda – click here

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Stop the Clown Show August 23, 2023 - 2:21 pm
It seems like these Board Members are looking for any reason to insert race when it is not needed. There are rules in place that everyone needs to abide by regardless of their perceived status.
T Helton August 27, 2023 - 2:45 pm
Very sad that the Antioch school districts harsh response when any of our politicians reach out to the public. Seems like the district is pretty much picked their partisan side. Maybe their is an alternative where the school board members might want to listen to politicians and what they can offer our students.As a personal choice….As in a democracy.

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