Home » Emergency Culvert Repair Scheduled for State Route 160

Emergency Culvert Repair Scheduled for State Route 160


by CC News
California Department of Transportation
Sacramento County – Caltrans is alerting motorists beginning tonight State Route 160 (SR-160) will be under full closure to motorists for emergency work.
The highway is scheduled for emergency culvert repairs at postmile (PM) 1.63 in south Sacramento County, south of the Three Mile Slough bridge.
Advance signage has been placed nearby directing motorists to use State Highway 4 and 12 to Interstate 5 as a detour. Caltrans urges motorists to plan accordingly and expect additional travel time.
Postmile (PM) 1.63 in south Sacramento County. (See map)
  • 10/24, 25, 26 and 27 from 11 p.m. – 4 a.m.
  • 10/25 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • 10/27 and 28 from 9 p.m. – 4 a.m.

Use State Highways 4 (SR 4) or 12 (SR 12) to Interstate 5 (I-5) as an alternate route around the closure on SR 160.

Current truck restrictions will apply. California legal trucks having a kingpin-to-rear-axle of more than 30 feet are not recommended on State Route 160.

Weather conditions could delay or cancel scheduled work. Caltrans advises motorists to “Be Work Zone Alert.” For motorists using the State Route 84 Real McCoy and SR-220 Ryer Island Ferries as a bridge detour, additional ferry information is located on our Caltrans Delta Ferries website at: http://www.dot.ca.gov/d4/deltaferries/.

Bay Area motorists can check 511.org: https://twitter.com/511SFBAY or follow Caltrans District 4 on Twitter: twitter.com/CaltransD4. In the Sacramento region, Caltrans District 3 will issue construction updates on Twitter @CaltransDist3 and on Facebook at CaltransDistrict3. For real-time traffic, click on Caltrans’ QuickMap quickmap.dot.ca.gov/  or download the QuickMap app on iTunes or Google Play.


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