Merry Christmas From ContraCosta.News

Just wanted to take a moment and wish you all a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year to everyone who has visited this site in 2023.

It’s been a wild year so I hope today you get the chance to spend some much needed time with family, friends and loved ones.. plus fill up on tasty food, treats, eggnog or good wine (or non-alcohol beverages).

Let the debate over the greatest Christmas Movie continue — hands down it is A Christmas Story. Or, whether or not Die Hard is actually a Christmas movie. Hit play on the Christmas tunes for one last day until next winter. And be sure to drive around town and hit up some Christmas lights — such as The Tunnels of Joy (La Costa Dr, Brentwood), the Disney House (Colonial Ct, Antioch) and other incredible homes to observe (733 Solitude Drive, Oakley, or 2921 Camby, Antioch).

Some cleanup items:

  • Weekly newsletter, which has been on hiatus the past two weeks returns this week and will include upcoming crab feed events — sign up.
  • Podcast – returns after the first of the year
  • 2024 ad rates are now available (wink-wink)

So Merry Christmas everyone… and thank you for all the support this year. Please take it easy today and we will get back to a normal updates tomorrow.

Mike Burkholder

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