Fairfield Police Disperse Group of 30-40 Juvenile Bicyclists Attempting to Take Over Intersection

On January 17 at 5:40 pm, Fairfield Police officers were dispatched to North Texas Street and Travis Boulevard, following reports that approximately 30-40 juveniles on bikes were in the roadway.

Several callers stated the bicyclists were intentionally impeding multiple lanes of traffic. Fairfield Police Officers quickly located the group in the area of North Texas Street and Cement Hill Road – at which time the teens appeared to be in the process of trying to take over the intersection.

Several juveniles were arrested for obstruction, cited, and released to their parents. Several bicycles were also seized.

We’ve said it before, but will reiterate it again (although it may not be well received by the young people chasing the thrill behavior like this brings). While we encourage outdoor activities for our youth , we do not condone engaging in those activities at the expense of safety – or the law. One dangerously poor decision can result in long-lasting effects young people may not think about in the moment.

Below are some safe, alternate locations for similar events:

  • Linear Park Trail
  • Rockville Hills Regional Park

A list of local parks can be found here: https://www.fairfield.ca.gov/government/city-departments/parks-and-recreation/facility-park-picnic-rentals/city-parks?locale=en

Additionally, a list of bike trails can be found here: https://www.fairfield.ca.gov/government/city-departments/parks-and-recreation/facility-park-picnic-rentals/bike-trails?locale=en

Fairfield Police said in their message that they encourage juveniles to have fun the right way and one does not have to endanger your life, break the law, or inconvenience others to have a good time.

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Thank you police officers January 18, 2024 - 9:21 pm
Great to see this. These little AHoles deserve to be run over! The parents are failures. Thank you PD
Respectful Tax Payer January 19, 2024 - 2:02 pm
Finally these punks got caught. The parents should be fined for raising selfish, inconsiderate, disrespectful children. I hope Fairfield PD cleans up the rest of the filth plaguing this city.
James Bastian January 19, 2024 - 7:54 pm
Good job, Fairfield! The more we let this behavior slide, the more it will happen. Bust them with max penalties. By the way, I am all for kids, being a 35-year veteran teacher.

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