Contra Costa County Fair Robbed of Nearly $90k

The Contra Costa County Fair was robbed of nearly $90k in receipts Monday after robbery at gunpoint occurred during a deposit.

According to multiple sources, they confirmed the incident occurred after the fair closed on Sunday and during a deposit at the BMO Bank on Somersville Road in the City of Antioch. When employees were attempting to deposit money from the fair, they were approached by at least one individual with a firearm. The firearm was then allegedly pointed at one of the fair employees heads. They took the fair money and took off.

It is not clear why the deposit was attempted overnight as opposed to Monday morning or if any armed security was with the employees given the large amount of money at the time of the attempted deposit.


On May 20, 2024, at approximately 2:18 AM, Antioch police officers responded to the 2500 block of Somersville Road for the report of an armed robbery.

When officers arrived, they contacted two victims. Officers learned the victims were employees of the Contra Costa County Event Park (Fair Grounds). The Contra Costa County Fair had ended, and two employees were tasked with conducting the night deposit. While conducting the night deposit at the BMO Bank they were approached by an unknown suspect. The suspect robbed the victims of the money and personal belongings at gunpoint.

We are asking for anyone with information regarding the incident to contact the Antioch Police Department Investigations Bureau.

This information is made available by the Investigations Bureau. Any further inquiries into the status of this case should be done via the Media Access Telephone Line 925-779-6874. Any further information or additional press releases will be provided by the Investigations Bureau.
Additional inquiries or information can be directed to Antioch Police Detective Sgt. Palma at (925)779-6876 or by emailing

The Contra Costa County Fair ran  May 16-19 with entertainment, rides, food, and at the Contra Costa County Event Park on W 10th Street. There were no issues reported at the fair this year as they had a new chaperone policy.

All youth under the age of eighteen (18) are required to be accompanied by a parent/guardian (adult – age 25+) to be admitted into the Contra Costa County Fair. Any person entering may be asked to show a valid California Driver License or Identification Card or other Government issued ID. Each adult can only chaperone 4 youth at a time.

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D May 23, 2024 - 3:51 am
I hope the employees are safe during this time of being violated but sounds like a planned armed robbery.
Sam May 23, 2024 - 7:14 am
Kind of surprised they don't use a service like Brinks or something for that large of a deposit
Goodfellows May 23, 2024 - 7:30 am
2:18 AM your at an atm in Antioch with 90k? You can't be that stupid.
3henry21 May 23, 2024 - 2:28 pm
"Two employees were tasked with conducting the night deposit"... meaning they were told to make the deposit. What dunderhead made the decision to have them make the deposit, instead of waiting until normal business hours?? What... they didn't feel it was safe having all of that money at the fairground offices until the Bank opened at 9:00AM, and decided a 2am deposit at a Sommersville location was safer? LOL
Street Sweeper May 23, 2024 - 2:30 pm
Nothing fishy about this at all.
WPR May 23, 2024 - 8:54 pm
In of all places west Antioch with $90,000 at 02:18 is many multiples past STUPID. Managed an all cash business for years and when we had large night deposits we asked for and had a marked Police unit tailing us until deposit was made.
Jason70 May 23, 2024 - 9:27 pm
Wow, REALLY? Hmmm, that’s allot of loot to have come up missing like that! MOST businesses DON’T even do night drops anymore due to safety! Interesting to see how this plays out. There’s cameras all around them banks, it’s just a matter of time until the truth comes out!! I hate to say it, but this definitely sounds fishy & could be an inside job?? Hope I’m wrong. WHOSE BRIGHT IDEA WAS IT TO HAVE IT DROPPED AT NIGHT MUCH LESS 2sonething in the Am in ANTIOCH FOR GODS SAKE?? FIRED!!!!!
MODERATE May 24, 2024 - 3:47 pm
Think inside job...
d May 30, 2024 - 5:34 pm

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