Riverside Sheriff Says “It’s Time to Put a Felon in the White House”

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said he was “changing teams” and it was time to put a felon in the White House.

The commentary came via a 2:35 minute video posted on his social media where he also was critical of the governor and state legislator for having  a “love affair” with the criminal, but now was ready to change teams and support a felon for the white house.

Here is the full transcript:

“Hello California, its Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco. For the past 30 years I have been doing everything I could to keep our communities safe by arresting criminals in jail and putting them in prison and keeping them out of our neighborhoods.

For the past 5-years, I have been very critical about our governor for slashing our budgets, from corrections, for letting prisoners out early, for closing our prisons.  I have been critical of our state legislator for passing laws for making it harder to put people in prison. I have been critical for their changing of laws that let prisoners out early. And I have been critical of our attorney general for seemingly not caring about crime and really being an embarrassment for law enforcement.

This love affair that our governor and state legislator have with criminals is based on the belief that criminals are not responsible for their own actions, they are a victim of society and really its our fault. It’s society’s fault, its businesses fault, its cops fault, it might be my fault.

Law enforcement, apparently if you listen to our governor is systemically racist. If you listen to our legislator, our laws are systemically racist, our judicial system is systemically racist.

All of these people that are being put in jail is because of law enforcement bias and District Attorney bias and all of these things. So they let them out, they give them food, they give them housing, the money, drugs and alcohol now.

I got to be honest, I am getting tired.

I am wondering if I am having a change of heart and deciding if I have had a change of heart. Maybe I have been wrong and I think I am going to change teams. I know its going to make some of you angry, I know you are going to be mad at me. But I am going to change team.

I think they are onto something, but I don’t think they are doing enough. I think that we need to go big. You know me, go big or go home, you do the best, you are the best at everything and you might as well do something right if your going to do it.

I am all in. I hope that you are all with me, I hope you all have this change of heart. You all feel that this is definitely the right thing to do and you come along aside me in this venture.

I think its time instead of letting them out of jail and giving them alcohol and drugs and everything else, I think its time we put a felon in the white house. Trump 2024 baby. Lets save this Country and Make America Great Again.”

You can watch the full video on Facebook or on Instagram

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MODERATE June 4, 2024 - 7:29 am
Another good argument why county sheriffs should be professional police officers hired by the county instead of elected positions. It ain't the Old West anymore.
Bianco for Governor June 4, 2024 - 7:35 am
Hopefully this man runs for governor. Order needs to be restored to this state.
Frank June 4, 2024 - 1:58 pm
It's about time you get on the MAGA train.
Hairy Bosch June 4, 2024 - 2:53 pm
He’s not allowed to say those things. Doesn’t he know California is a one party state and dissent is not allowed? The ruling party will not be happy about this. And certainly a Sheriff cannot be elected. How dare citizens vote for someone like this man.
Street Sweeper June 4, 2024 - 3:18 pm
Aren't Republicans against "changing teams” 😏. -- On a side note Antioch has felons on the the city council, all of these politicians are a criminals and felons anyways.
Fake News June 4, 2024 - 11:09 pm
This guy is fake news….. Newsom changed California policy even with Trump in the White House. What did Trump do? Nothing….lol Why? Because a lot of the changes were at the state level that Trump has zero control over. Trump will get elected again, but California will remain with the same liberal policy. Y’all need to stop running from the truth or maybe run away to a red state.
Absolutely ***NO*** June 5, 2024 - 2:11 am
What utter nonsense and B*llSh*t. If you want a conspiracy theory, no problemo: this idiot servant to the public officer was hired by the RNC to cause a stir -- thus he did just that, while also making himself look like a fool.
Enough is enough June 5, 2024 - 5:29 am
I’m not about to join any MAGA anything, ever, but It does pose a massive dilemma for democrats like myself, who want to see a much tougher approach to crime, but refuse to vote for a felon or anyone who supports a felon. The idea of wanting criminals held accountable while voting for a criminal makes very little sense to me.
What a Lunatic June 5, 2024 - 8:03 am
This whack job should be removed immediately. What kind of lawman would support a career criminal to serve the people?!?!

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