Home » May 25 – June 1: El Cerrito Police Calls

May 25 – June 1: El Cerrito Police Calls

by CC News
El Cerrito

The following is a summary of criminal activity in El Cerrito police calls between May 25-June 1 according to the El Cerrito Police Department.

The following is a summary of criminal activity in  El Cerrito. It does not include all crimes. It also does not include non-criminal events such as missing persons, traffic collisions, non-criminal deaths, non-criminal disputes, nor many other police activities that do not result in arrest.

May 26th

  • Warrant Arrest / Resist Officer – Ohlone Greenway / Conlon Ave. At 8:40 AM, an officer contacted an intoxicated suspect who was known to have an outstanding felony warrant. Officers have known the suspect to be highly combative and carry deadly weapons. Due to the severity that could be placed upon the public, K-9 deployment was made after the suspect failed to comply with officer’s orders and was fleeing. After the canine made contact with the suspect, the suspect was first treated before being transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Vehicle Burglary – 1700 block of Julian Ct.  At 10:57 AM, an officer reports a suspect shattered a window and stole items from the victim’s vehicle between 6:00 PM on 5/25/2024 and 10:56 AM on 5/26/2024.
  • Vehicle Tampering – 1700 block of Julian Ct. At 10:57 AM, an officer reports a suspect shattered a window of the victim’s vehicle between 11:00 PM on 5/25/2024 and 7:00 AM on 5/26/2024.
  • Robbery – 7022 Stockton Ave. (7-Eleven): At 10:50 PM, an officer reports a suspect simulated a firearm in an attempt to rob the business. The suspect grabbed two items and fled the store prior to police arrival.
  • Driving Under the Influence – San Pablo Ave. / Potrero Ave. At 12:21 AM, officers responded to the area for a collision. During the investigation, officers determined one of the drivers was under the influence of alcohol and was placed under arrest. The driver was then booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and released with a citation to a sober friend.

May 27th

  • Trespass / Warrant Arrest – 1000 El Cerrito Plaza (Lucky):  At 11:13 AM, an officer accepted the citizen’s arrest of a suspect who refused to leave Lucky when ordered by staff.  During the investigation, officers found the suspect had a warrant for their arrest.  The suspect was booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Vehicle Burglary – 1300 block of Navellier St.  At 10:40 AM, a victim reported the window of their vehicle was shattered and items stolen sometime between 11:00 PM on 5/26/2024 and 8:00 AM on 5/27/2024.
  • Vehicle Tampering – 1500 block of Arlington Blvd:  At 2:50 PM, an officer reports a suspect shattered the window of a vehicle and damaged the steering wheel column sometime between 10:00 PM on 5/25/2024 and 4:00 PM on 5/26/2024.
  • Vandalism – 3020 El Cerrito Plaza (T-Mobile):  At 4:02 PM, an officer arrested a suspect who caused damage to property within the store.  The suspect was released with a citation.
  • Vehicle Theft – 3200 block of Yosemite Ave. At 4:15 PM, an officer reports the theft of a vehicle sometime between 12:00 PM on 5/24/2024 and 4:15 PM on 5/27/2024.
  • Shoplift – 11565 San Pablo Ave. (Walgreens): At 7:10 PM, an officer reports a suspect took a backpack off the shelf and filled it with merchandise. The suspect then exited the store without paying for the merchandise and fled prior to police arrival.
  • Petty Theft – 700 Block of Kearney St. At 11:55 PM, an officer reports two suspects entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and stole items.

May 28th

  • Driving Under the Influence – El Cerrito Plaza Parking Lot At 1:32 PM, an officer witnessed a driver passed out behind the wheel of a postal vehicle. Durning the investigation, the driver was found to be under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department, and released on a citation to a sober family member.
  • Possession of Stolen Property / Failing to Comply with Police / Failing to Register as a Sex Offender – 11565 San Pablo Ave. (Walgreens) At 3:12 PM, a theft suspect attempted to run away but was apprehended by officers.  During the investigation, officers learned the suspect was a sex registrant who failed to register.  The suspect was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.

May 29th

  • At 2:20 AM, officers conducted a traffic enforcement stop. During the investigation, officers found the passenger to be in possession of heroin. The passenger was arrested, cited, and released at the scene.

May 30th

  • Residential Burglary – 5500 block MacDonald Ave. At 11:26 AM, a victim reported that a suspect had forced entry into their home and stole miscellaneous items some time on 05/21/2024
  • Theft by False Representation – 700 block of Elm St. At 1:18 PM, the victim reports they paid the suspects to conduct work on their home and never returned to complete the work.
  • Organized Retail Theft – 430 El Cerrito Plaza (Foot Locker) At 5:59 PM, two suspects entered the store a stole merchandise.  Both suspects fled prior to police arrival.
  • Grand Theft – 540 Ashbury Ave. (El Cerrito High School) At 6:08 PM, the victim reports their electronic bike was stolen during school hours from the bicycle rack.
  • Robbery – 11565 San Pablo Ave. (Walgreens) At 7:29 PM, two suspects entered the store and stole items.  During the theft, one of the suspects punched a store employee.  Both suspects fled the store prior to police arrival.
  • Vandalism – 7150 Portola Dr. (Invictus Academy of Richmond) At 10:29 PM, ten to thirteen juvenile suspects entered the campus and vandalized the campus and several classrooms.  All juvenile suspects fled prior to police arrival.

May 31st

  • Assault – 11565 San Pablo Ave. (Walgreens):  At 1:18 PM, a Walgreens security guard was assaulted after stopping a shoplifter from completing the theft.
  • Tampering with a Vehicle – 1900 Block of Key Blvd. At 8:15 PM, an officer reports between 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM, a suspect shattered the right rear window of the victim’s vehicle and damaged the steering column.

June 1st

  • Possession of Stolen Vehicle / Warrant Arrest – Portola Dr. / Richmond St.  At 6:25 AM, officers responded to the area of San Pablo Ave and Kains Ave after receiving a FLOCK hit on a stolen vehicle.  At 6:30 AM, an officer located the vehicle and the driver. The driver was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Violate Court Order – 3400 block of Belmont Ave.  At 2:55 PM, an officer reports a suspect was present at the address and in violation of a restraining order. The suspect fled prior to police arrival.
  • Public Intoxication – Fairmount Ave. / Kearney St.  At 4:40 PM, an officer arrested a suspect for being too intoxicated to care for themselves.  The suspect was issued a citation and taken to the Contra Costa Regional Medical Center.

Previous  El Cerrito Police Calls


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