Home » June 2-8: El Cerrito Police Calls

June 2-8: El Cerrito Police Calls

by CC News
El Cerrito

The following is a summary of criminal activity in El Cerrito police calls between May 25-June 1 according to the El Cerrito Police Department.

The following is a summary of criminal activity in  El Cerrito. It does not include all crimes. It also does not include non-criminal events such as missing persons, traffic collisions, non-criminal deaths, non-criminal disputes, nor many other police activities that do not result in arrest.

June 2nd

  • Trespass – 6500 Block of Blake St – At 6:05 PM, an officer reports the citizen’s arrest of a suspect who had blocked the victim’s driveway and refused to leave. The suspect was booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and was transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Shoplifting / Providing False ID to an Officer / Warrant – 670 El Cerrito Plaza (CVS): At 8:37 PM, an officer reports the citizen’s arrest of a suspect who had stolen from the store. The suspect was booked at the El Cerrito Police Department. During booking, the suspect identified themselves using their child’s information in an attempt to conceal an active warrant for their arrest. The suspect was transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Battery / Vandalism – San Pablo Ave. / Cutting Blvd.: At 8:54 PM, an officer reports a collision between two parties that escalated into a verbal argument. The suspect exited the vehicle and held the victim down while the suspect’s juvenile children kicked the victim’s vehicle. The victim did not want to press charges on the matter.

June 3rd

  • Violation of Court Order – 3400 block Belmont Ave. At 12:06 PM, the suspect knocked on the victim’s front door in violation of a court order. The suspect fled prior to police arrival.
  • Battery – 800 block Arlington Blvd. At 3:18 PM, an officer reports a suspect shoved a victim during an argument.  The suspect was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Residential Burglary – 2300 block of Cedar St. At 2:47 PM, the victim reports that the suspect forced opened a door to the residence and went through the interior. Unknown if items were taken.
  • Brandishing / Criminal Threats – 11400 block of San Pablo Ave. At 9:12 PM, the victim reports the suspect brandished a firearm and was threatened by the suspect. The suspect fled prior to police arrival.

June 4th

  • Commercial Burglary – 10300 block of San Pablo Ave.: At 9:37 AM, a victim reports the suspect forced open a door and stole multiple items.
  • Battery on a Police Officer / Resisting Arrest – 1400 block of S. 56th St. At 3:19 PM, an officer reports a suspect was found trespassing on private property.  The suspect refused to cooperate with the officers and struck an officer while resisting being placed in handcuffs.  The suspect was treated at the hospital for minor injuries before being transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.

June 5th

  • Recovered Stolen Vehicle – 11450 San Pablo Ave. (Safeway): At 8:37 PM, an officer located an unoccupied stolen vehicle in the parking lot.  The vehicle was released to the owner at the scene.
  • Warrant Arrest – San Pablo Ave. / Portola Dr.: At 11:04 PM, an officer contacted a suspect and learned the suspect had a no bail warrant for their arrest.  The suspect was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Warrant Arrest of Parolee – 11785 San Pablo Ave. (Launderland): At 12:47 PM, officers responded to a suspect causing a disturbance inside the business.  Officers detained the suspect and later found the suspect to have three warrants from the San Mateo County Court. Further investigation found the suspect to be on parole for manslaughter and held a parole warrant issued for their arrest. The suspect was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Shoplifting – 10680 San Pablo Ave. (O’Reilly’s): At 2:59 PM, an officer reports a suspect stole a car battery and fled the business prior to police arrival.
  • Vandalism – 900 block Kearney St.: At 3:44 PM, an officer reports a suspect sprayed graffiti on the back of a building.

June 6th

  • Battery – Moeser Ln. / San Pablo Ave.: At 10:15 AM, the victim reports they were shoved and stuck in the head by a suspect and lost consciousness. The suspect fled prior to police arrival.
  • Assault with Caustic Chemicals – El Cerrito Plaza: At 5:56 PM, the victim reports being assaulted by a suspect who sprayed them with pepper spray. The suspect fled prior to police arrival.

June 7th

  • Driving Under the Influence – 5920 Cutting Blvd. (Jack in the Box): At 1:19 AM, an officer noticed the driver of a vehicle passed out at the drive through of the business. The officer conducted a DUI investigation and found the driver to be under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Driving Under the Influence – MacDonald Ave. / Key Blvd. At 3:12 AM, an officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop and noticed the driver appeared to be intoxicated. The officer conducted a DUI investigation and found the driver to be under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.

June 8th

  • Vehicle Tampering – 10944 San Pablo Ave. At 1:44 PM, an officer reports a suspect punched the ignition on the victim’s motorcycle in an apparent unsuccessful attempt to steal it sometime between 7:35 PM on 06/07/2024 and 1:30 PM on 06/08/2024.
  • Recovered Stolen Vehicle- Eastshore Blvd. / Potrero Ave. At 10:30 PM, an officer noticed an unoccupied suspicious vehicle. The officer conducted a records check of the vehicle and discovered it had been reported as stolen by the Oakland Police Department. The vehicle was towed, and the owner was contacted.
  •  Robbery – 670 El Cerrito Plaza (CVS): At 8:36 PM, an officer reports two suspects entered the business and pushed the manager while stealing merchandise.  The suspects exited the store and fled prior to police arrival.
  • Shoplift – 670 El Cerrito Plaza (CVS): At 9:20 PM, an officer noticed a suspect exiting the store with unpaid merchandise. The officer contacted the suspect who admitted to stealing the merchandise and was placed under Citizen’s Arrest. The suspect was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department, and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.

Previous El Cerrito Police Calls


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