Brentwood Councilmembers Seek to Address Media They Don’t Like

If two Brentwood City Councilmembers get their way, it could change the way the City of Brentwood works with media and impact the release of information to the public. Or, even how events get announced.

In a carefully crafted future agenda item request, essentially a form of cancel culture, Councilmembers Jovita Mendoza and Vice Mayor Susannah Meyer seek to address how the city gives out press releases and who the city advertises with–this would also including those who utilize social media. They are also wanting a code of ethics included.

They are making the request using a Grand Jury Report out of San Joaquin County as justification in response to how the 209 Times reports the news.

“There was a grand jury investigation in Stockton and it was something we might need to look at someday, it was about the dysfunction and I think we do have some slight dysfunction but I feel that some of our dysfunction is caused by social media platforms that choose to divide the city,” explained Mendoza. “I’ve seen it in Antioch, I have seen it in Stockton, I see some of it in Oakley.”

She referred to a grand jury report in San Joaquin County that stated external individual using social media have consistently attempted to undermine democratic process by misleading the Stockton electorate while attempting to effect election results through unethical influences.

“In Stockton, they are going to have to look at ways they deal with the media and social media,” stated Mendoza who noted a Code of Ethics. “I would like to discuss in a future agenda item, what media outlets do we give press releases to? What media outlets are we spending money with? And if we are choosing to spend money and share information, then they should be held to the society of professional journalism code of ethics as well. I would like to bring that forward so we can have a code of ethics because I don’t think we can be supporting via a relationship, via advertising dollars with any media outlet who’s choosing to divide the city which I have seen and I have seen recently, I am just not going to stand for it.”

Vice Mayor Susannah Meyer was quick to second the item.

“I read the article that councilmember Mendoza is talking about and I do think its absolutely justifiable for us as a city to require that any media platforms that we work with follow those guidelines and are willing to state publicly that they do, and they publicly do follow those guidelines” said Meyer. “I think its important that if we are spending our money as mentioned sending press releases and other information that we follow the ethics that are outlined by that as well.”

No other councilmembers offered commentary and its unclear when the item may return for discussion.

Editors Notes: Retaliation Much?

While no local media publications were named Tuesday, its obvious this publication is the target given the city is currently advertising on this website, posts press releases and the police department shows great transparency in the release of information quickly upon request.

This future agenda item request is similar to how Mendoza has treated Brentwood on Ice, the Brentwood Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Brentwood Coalition, Harry’s Tavern, Boondoggies and other businesses in the city where if you don’t agree with her, there is an attempt of cancel culture in the form of policy creation or funding restrictions are introduced to combat you—in this case, a future agenda item to address how the city works with media or social media platforms.

Pot, meet kettle. The irony here is Mendoza has utilized social media groups to divide the city and push agenda/policies most do not even want or aware is happening. Meanwhile, this is the same lady who touts she wants public input but the minute you disagree with her, you are deemed “dumb”, “just a kid” and simply attacks you. Or, if you carry a gun because you are a retired police officer, she claims she is scared of you until she is not. If you are staff, and she doesn’t get the answer she desires, she attacks. Last fall, Mendoza’s actions prompted the Director of Community Development, Alexis Morris, to issue a 3-page response to the Brentwood city council

Its very hypocritical to state one thing, yet continue to do another.

What is in the Grand Jury Report on Stockton?

The 16-page report highlights several issues going on in the city of Stockton and the use of Social Media Platforms that are impacting the city.

According to the Conclusion:

The efficient and ethical governing of the City of Stockton is under attack by both external and internal forces. This must be stopped. Externally, individuals utilizing a SMP have consistently attempted to undermine the local democratic process by misleading the Stockton electorate and attempting to affect election results through unethical influence.

Internally, members of the Stockton City Council, who support the efforts of that SMP, are complicit in the deterioration of comradery, trust, respect, and ethical governing in Stockton. The continued violations of the tenets of the Brown Act by council members undermine the provision of good government to the citizens of Stockon.

The Grand Jury strongly supports the Freedom of Speech Rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution. However, the abuse of those rights by individuals utilizing this Social Media Platform to spread misinformation and create a threatening work environment for City staff and elected officials is unacceptable and must be stopped.

Related Stories on the Grand Jury Report

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Resident June 26, 2024 - 10:08 am
Thank you for reporting and doing what you do. I will be supporting ANYONE other than Jovita Mendoza this fall.
Jill Thompson June 26, 2024 - 10:30 am
Are Mendoza and Meyer really attempting to hide what is going on in Brentwood? You are the only news source I go to locally. If they want to go after the news, I want to know what they are doing behind the scenes.
Liberals June 26, 2024 - 10:32 am
These two clowns should move to Antioch. They would be perfect for the circus of a council there.
Bretwood is loosing it June 26, 2024 - 11:26 am
You guys wanted to build more houses….when the new houses came in so did the flock. Those who came voted for these numb-nucks. You asked for this, Brentwood. Crown Jewl of east county is no more.
Hairy Bosch June 26, 2024 - 1:20 pm
Fight the good fight, Editor. Don’t let the ruling class suppress your constitutional right. Sounds like a prelude to the formation of a Brentwood Ministry of Truth. These soft politicians need to understand that politics are always divisive by nature. Report the news, publish editorials and let the consumer decide what to believe. This is how a strong Republic survives.
Street Sweeper June 26, 2024 - 2:34 pm
Brentioch is out of control.
MODERATE June 26, 2024 - 3:27 pm
This is humorous. Two mediocre city council members who think they can control social media.
Elected Garbage June 26, 2024 - 8:40 pm
What is it with these homely, liberal, ignorant women that makes them so ridiculous? Is there a libtard pill or what?
TwoCents June 26, 2024 - 10:13 pm
When the Brentwood city council threw Antioch into their argument for ethics and transparency you lost a lot of people. The Mayor ran on transparency and he is anything but that. In fact, he’s a chronic liar and extremely unethical. They’ll find out. Then you have TTW who supports sideshows along with her son and the council hadn’t passed an ordinance because they were protecting their friend. They have no clue what’s really going on behind the scenes in Antioch. A lot of people watch the city council meetings because CC Times exposed some of the dirt being done by certain council members.
Who Knew June 26, 2024 - 11:05 pm
This whole argument seems more to be to settle a score and help neighboring friends like Hernandez-Thorpe and Scooby Doo Antonio then being concerned about transparency, morals and ethics. Antioch was a poor example to use. You really think those two excel in those areas? More like political activists not government officials.
Eileen June 27, 2024 - 8:38 pm
It is awful to see what these two are doing to our city. First they are taking personal biases against certain individuals and weaponising their power to try to do harm. Second, they are asking the city (that has limited resources) to do something that is seemingly illegal. Ms Mendoza is particularly troubling. She has been confrontational, rude, rigid & irresponsible as a council member. The city of Brentwood used to be a lovely place to work but morale is terrible these days among staff. She has not embraced & celebrated this community & routinely is inviting big city issues that bring in division, tension & uncertainty. Ms Meyers has tied herself to Ms Mendoza, unfortunately and in the process she has painted herself in to a corner. Maybe I’m being too generous and she is actually as mean & ignorant as her fellow councilwoman. I hope we can see better candidates come forward this next election. This is a crucial time in Brentwood. Brentwood has always been an ideal place to live. We need level headed folks that are ready to represent the whole community in a way we can be proud of & won’t be a liability.
TBK June 28, 2024 - 2:48 am
Obviously, Brentwood Vice Mayor Susannah Meyer and Councilmember Jovita Mendoza aren't living up to their Oaths of Office, it's not just our Freedom of Speech which they intend to violate, but it's also our Freedom of the Press they intend to violate, which we all engage in when we disseminate information. Like so many "public servants" they've recited their Oaths of Office, but they've obviously never bothered to actually read the United States Constitution, the California State Constitution, but also every US Supreme Court and California State Supreme Court decisions which have limited, expanded, and defined our rights. If Vice Mayor Susannah Meyer and Councilmember Jovita Mendoza don't want to live up to their oaths to "protect and defend the US Constitution and the Constitution of the State of California," by protecting our rights, then they need to go. Their words and actions are going to cost the City of Brentwood in the form of federal civil rights lawsuits. These two Brentwood City Councilmembers need to be voted out when they seek reelection or they need to be removed from office via a recall as soon as possible. Their words and behavior are unacceptable and won't be tolerated!!!
Shannon June 28, 2024 - 9:09 am
These two women something else. They are not looking for any standards, they are looking to support media who support them and suppress those who might actually report what is going on. Since when did council members become so obsessed with controlling the messaging to the community? I say contra costa news should keep holding these two accountable. I wouldn't know half of what is going on without this site. Many people I know are over them and will vote them out, but because of retaliation are not going to speak up.
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