Home » Pittsburg Teacher Facing Backlash Over Post About Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Pittsburg Teacher Facing Backlash Over Post About Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

by CC News
Vanessa Yava of Pittsburg Unified School District

A teacher within the Pittsburg Unified School District is facing backlash over a comment made on social media after the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

Vanessa Yava, a teacher at Rancho Medanos Junior High School replied to a KTVU post on the assassination attempt stating, “Too bad he missed”.

Her post was screen captured and was posted by Libs of TikTok. As of Friday morning, that post has received over 3,500 comments, 21k shares and been viewed 1.8 million times.

This has now prompted many to reply on the Districts Facebook page with screen shots of the image and commentary requesting she be fired. It also includes:

“Is this the type of teachers you hire?”

“Will she be fired”

“I’m curious how Vanessa Yava treats students/parents/staff who may not agree with certain things that she believes in? Does she wish them dead as well?”

“So are these your values as well”

“This is appalling. Is this reflective of this school district’s values? Calling for the un-aliving of those you don’t agree with?”

“Homeschool if you can”

“I sure hope you guys are teaching your students about their digital footprints. Maybe some CE for your teachers would be helpful too?”

“I wonder what kind of rhetoric she uses in school???”

“I cannot imagine her contract with you allows her to be like this. God only knows what she must say to students in her room.”

On Thursday, Superintendent Janet Schulze confirmed Yava was still employed by the District.

“Yes, Ms. Yava is employed in our district. We are currently on summer break,” said Schulze through email. “I have seen the same screen shot of the posting on what appears to be her personal page. We are not in session currently, so we have not done any training this week. ”

Schulze did not say what the potential training would be but did say human resources is looking into the issue.

“HR is looking into this and as you know, I cannot comment on a personnel matter,” said Schulze who added everyone in the community should model behavior for the youth.

“No matter how deep or heated the debate, dissent, or disagreement, words or actions that condone or promote violence are not acceptable.  I believe now is the time for everyone in public education, and the entire community, to reaffirm a shared commitment to model for our youth and our future leaders that violence and hate language are never the answer,” said Schulze.

With the Pittsburg Unified School District Human Resources Department still looking into the incident, its unclear if any school policy was violated or if the free speech is protected given the post has potentially created a harmful or disruptive work environment given the social media backlash.

In May of 2023, Yava was named a Human Rights Award Winner by the California Teachers Association for her commitment to social justice and for promoting and protecting human and civil rights, both in the classroom and in their wider school communities–more info.

Yava has not responded to questions regarding her comment.

Other Teachers Facing Backlash:

  • In South Dakota, the Sioux Falls School District announced a staff member was “no longer employed” after sharing a social media post about Trump. The decision followed middle school behavior specialist Cassandra Oleson writing “Shoot ~ If only he would’ve had his scope sighted in correctly” on Facebook, according to KSFY.
  • In Oklahoma, a teacher is under investigation for commentary stating “Wish they had a better scope.”. This prompted a response by state schools Superintendent Ryan Walters shared the post on his X account, commenting that the teacher’s comment was “unacceptable” and that “We will not allow teachers to cheer on violence against Donald Trump. He later posted: “I will be taking her teaching certificate. She will no longer be teaching in Oklahoma.”  Full story
  • In Colorado, a school district distanced itself from a teacher by removing her from the website after comments she made after the assassination attempt.  She is still employed. Full Story
  • In Kentucky, ‘Don’t miss’: Kentucky college professor ‘no longer’ employed after Trump shooting post Full Story



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1st Amendment July 19, 2024 - 11:11 am

Looks like Freedom of speech just like Trump and his party.

ManBearPig July 19, 2024 - 11:39 am

Leftists doxx those who say things they disagree with.

Can’t be too upset when the roles are reversed.

Faye Kaname July 19, 2024 - 5:26 pm

If anyone stupidly thinks free speech is limitless. Tweet or post something anti LGBTQ and see how fast you are fired.

PattyOfurniture July 19, 2024 - 11:46 pm

You are free to speech; but the consequences of your free speech are yours to bear. I don’t believe this woman wants to be fired, but she clearly did not think about consequences of her first amendment right.

Rob Broocker July 20, 2024 - 11:18 am

What is really scary and sad is she is in charge of teaching our youth. Makes me sick and glad my kids are no longer in school.
I’m pissed my taxes go too a person like this🤮

Everyone July 22, 2024 - 9:01 pm

Vanessa Yava You are a bad person and you should feel bad.

Cynthia July 24, 2024 - 3:02 pm

Well, if trump had been hit instead of that fire fighter, then no innocent life would have been lost. I’m pisssed my taxes go to caring about something so trivial.

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