Home » Rodeo-Hercules Fire Moves Closer to Annexation into CONFIRE

Rodeo-Hercules Fire Moves Closer to Annexation into CONFIRE

by CC News

On Wednesday, the Rodeo-Hercules Fire District voted 3-2 to move forward with annexation of the district.

If approved by LAFCO, the Rodeo-Hercules Fire District would lose its independence, dissolve, and be annexed into the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District.

According to the staff report, a long-term sustainability review was conducted along with the solicitation with a number of fire districts to determine interest of contract services (including El Cerrito-Kensington Fire and CALFIRE) who indicated they were willing to entertain deeper discussions.

In December 2023, Chief Despain provided a summary of findings from the analysis of the long-term sustainability options for the RHFPD. Following the analysis, one option for the District was to request annexation of the RHFPD into the CCCFPD. At the direction of the RHFPD Board, staff initiated the process necessary to pursue a possible annexation

By March 2024, the process for annexation into Contra Costa County fire was started. By April,

During the special meeting in May on the topic of annexation, the Board voted/acted to direct staff to:

  1. Develop a “Service Plan” that meets LAFCo standards for RHFD Board review.
  2. Host at least (2) townhall meetings to provide the community with an overview and answer any specific questions from stakeholders regarding annexation.
  3. Coordinate another RHFD special meeting to review the findings and present to the Board the opportunity to vote on a resolution to annex

During the month of June 2024, the RHFPD hosted (2) Town Hall meetings. During the Town Hall meetings, online surveys were opened up for those attending (online or in person). A third survey was opened for the community through the RHFPD website, and it was opened from June 18, 2024, through July 1, 2024.

According to the survey results—a total of 127 votes, it found that 65.4% supported annexation while 22% were against.

  • 1 person voted (5x) against annexation
  • 1 person voted (4x) and was for annexation
  • 9 people voted 2 or 3 times, which was allowed.
  • 118 unique votes.

If RHFPD were to be annexed into CCCFPD, CCCFPD would assume all properties, assets, liabilities, and obligations of RHFPD. All employees of RHFPD would become employees of CCCFPD. Additionally, CCCFPD would agree to establish a Measure O Oversight committee. The committee would consist of individuals who reside within RHFPD’s current territory


  1.  Staff Report
  2. Resolution
  3. Map of Territory of Rodeo-Hercules Fire Protection District
  4. Map of Proposed Contra Costa County Fire Protection District Boundaries
  5. Plan for Services

Editors Note – Related


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