Home » Senator Glazer’s Statement on Wicks-Google Agreement

Senator Glazer’s Statement on Wicks-Google Agreement

Press Release

by CC News
California State Senator Steve Glazer

SACRAMENTO – Senator Steve Glazer issued the following statement on the Wicks-Google agreement:

“Despite the good intentions of the parties involved, this proposal does not provide sufficient resources to bring independent news gathering in California out of its death spiral.

Google’s offer is completely inadequate and massively short of matching their settlement agreement in Canada, in supporting on-the-ground local news reporting.

Democracies live and die based on the free exchange of information and oversight between government and its people. Autocracies and dictatorships thrive when that information is constrained or manipulated.

The hollowing out of independent news gathering and the monopoly power of these digital platforms is an existential threat to our democratic republic.

This agreement, unfortunately, seriously undercuts our work toward a long term solution to rescue independent journalism

There is a stark absence in this announcement of any support for journalism from Meta and Amazon. These platforms have captured the intimate data from Californians without paying for it. Their use of that data in advertising is the harm to news outlets that this agreement should mitigate.” 

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