Home » Podcast: Kim Karr Talks Social Media For Good

Podcast: Kim Karr Talks Social Media For Good

by CC News

On this episode, I chat with Kim Karr of #ICANHELP and Digital4Good. The conversation comes a day after negative social media commentary hit the contracosta.news social media pages.

While we discuss the work they do for youth, we get into a variety of topics around social media form folks producing content simply for clicks and addiction to play off emotions. How to combat that. Strategies to identify pots, trolls and tension seekers. Potential laws that might be a good idea or even just improving accountability for online usages which has led to suicide and the ruining of peoples lives. She also recommends changing how and why you use social media–look for gold nuggets, not negativity. She also talks about the role of parenting and accountability.

Note, during the episode, Karr recommended the book “The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt

At Digital4Good, they believe in the power of digital citizenship to create a safer online world. Founded in response to an online attack on a teacher, Digital4Good emerged as a way to fight back against digital negativity. 

Note, during the episode, Karr recommended the book “The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt

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1 comment

Thanks for the podcast! August 28, 2024 - 3:01 pm

It doesn’t help when you have a FORMER president to spread digital negativity. Maybe Kim Karr should sit down with him for an 1-0-1.

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