Home » Podcast: Antwon Webster Runs for Antioch City Council District 3

Podcast: Antwon Webster Runs for Antioch City Council District 3

by CC News
Antwon Webster for City Council

On this episode, I chat with Antwon Webster who is running for Antioch City Council, District 3. We get into a variety of topics including him working with services groups to in an effort to improve the city as a whole.

We touch on the tone of the most recent council meeting and then get into topics such as public safety, the Antioch Police Department, economic development and staffing levels. We get into the budget, youth services, and the Amtrak. We close with Webster stating despite the rhetoric, he is not a “plant” for the mayor and is running to improve Antioch.

Antwon Webster is an 8-year resident of Antioch, a husband, father, Airforce Veteran, and dedicated community advocate, who in the short time he has lived in Antioch has brought several community events, non-profit clubs, educational opportunities, and community events to the residents of Antioch. For more on Webster, visit him at www.antwonwebster.com.


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