Home » Sept. 6-7: Monster Trucks Return to Antioch Speedway

Sept. 6-7: Monster Trucks Return to Antioch Speedway

Candice Martin

by CC News
Monster Trucks

Antioch, CA — There’s excitement in the air at Antioch Speedway. The fans of the Contra Costa County Event Center facility are in for a treat this Friday and Saturday night with the annual visit of the Malicious Monster Truck Insanity Tour.

This is a show that fans mark on their calendar as must see.

The IMCA sanctioned divisions are back in Boone, Iowa, including a few of the local Antioch Speedway stars. However, the track will be roaring with the thunderous sound of Monster Truck engines. These gargantuan machines never disappoint.

The classic lineup is in town, which includes the popular Rock Star, Cali Kid, Identity Theft, NAPA Car Care and Spitfire. The ride-along trucks will also be here to give the fans a taste of what it’s like to ride in one of these beasts before, during and after each show.

On each night, the Monster Trucks compete in various contests, to the delight of the crowd. Dallas Glenn-Rogers, the well-informed announcer, adds to the entertainment factor of the show as he gives play by play and interacts with the fans. At various times he gives away t-shirts. The give and take between he and the crowd adds to the enjoyment of the show.

When all of the events are done and the points are calculated, one Monster Truck will emerge as the winner each night. However, the real winners are the fans who are entertained from start to finish by the Monster Trucks and other special attractions.

If you’re looking for a night of Motorsports entertainment to give your family, look no further than the Malicious Monster Truck Insanity Tour this Friday and Saturday night at Antioch Speedway. You will not be disappointed. Come early for the pit party and see these trucks up close.

Tickets are available on the track’s My Race Pass site at https://www.myracepass.com/tracks/1055/schedule


  • Friday, Sept. 6: Admission is $20 with gates open at 5:00 pm, pit party from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm with even to begin at 7:00 pm.
  • Saturday, Sept. 7: Admission is $25 with gates open at 4:00 pm, pit party from 4:30 to 5:30 pm with event beginning at 6:00 pm.

For further information, go to www.raceantiochspeedway.com or check out the Antioch Speedway by PROmotions Facebook page.

For more upcoming events around Contra Costa County — click here


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1 comment

stove September 3, 2024 - 4:32 pm

Hard to see monster trucks any cheaper than this! Get in while there are tickets still available! Ill be there.

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