Home » Burglary in-Progress Prompts Antioch Police SWAT Response

Burglary in-Progress Prompts Antioch Police SWAT Response

by CC News

The Antioch Police Department say a residential burglary in progress with armed suspects prompted a SWAT response on Tuesday.

On September 3 at approximately 3:30pm, Antioch officers responded to the report of a residential burglary in-progress at the 2100 block of Bedrock Way.  Approximately (3) suspects wearing masks were seen breaking into a residence.

As several officers arrived at the scene they interrupted (2) of the (3) suspects exiting a residence wearing masks.  One of the suspects was armed with an AR-pistol “ghost gun.”  The suspects fled into the backyards of residences in the neighborhood and officers established a perimeter around the affected area.

Due to the heightened level of concern for the safety of the community and the officers, our communications center messaged the residents in the area about the active investigation and police activity.  Several officers responded to the scene to assist the patrol team, as well as resources from neighboring agencies.

The affected homes were searched and cleared, and the surrounding open areas were also searched and cleared.  One residence was found to have forced entry through a back door, and the residence was ransacked.

The suspects were not located, but several items of victim’s property were recovered, along with additional evidence and a discarded AR-pistol firearm.  The illegal AR-pistol, carried by the suspect and recovered by police, was loaded with a high-capacity magazine loaded with rifle rounds.

After the scene was rendered safe, the responding patrol officers took over the investigative portion of the residential burglary, and the residents were notified they could return to their homes.

No other information was released.

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