Home » Podcast: Oleksii Chuiko Runs for Oakley City Council

Podcast: Oleksii Chuiko Runs for Oakley City Council

by CC News
Oleksii Chuiko

On this episode, a chat with Oleksii Chuiko who is running for Oakley City Council, District 5. Chuiko serves as an Oakley Planning Commissioner and is currently the president of the Oakley Chamber of Commerce. We get into why he is running and talk his priorities which include public safety, economic growth and working towards a regional cooperative on many topics. We also get into being able to agree to disagree and move forward.

For more information on Oleksii Chuiko, visit www.oc4oakley.com

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If you are a candidate wanting to be interviewed for the 2024 election, please email [email protected] so we can schedule a date and time. Please note, given the number of candidates and number of races, not all races will be covered in a podcast given time constraints.


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1 comment

Thanks Mike September 10, 2024 - 9:00 pm

Shoutout to CCN for giving us these Podcast episodes. Im just the average joe in the neighborhood, with no major awards to give, but I appreciate you….PLEASE keep them coming, Mike.

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