Home » Contra Costa Council on Homelessness Accepting Applications

Contra Costa Council on Homelessness Accepting Applications

Press Release

by CC News
Council on Homelessness

The Contra Costa Council on Homelessness (COH) is seeking candidates to apply for the 8 seats opening at the end of this year. We are looking for people willing to bring their time and talents to the important work we are doing to end homelessness in Contra Costa County.

What is the Council on Homelessness?

The Council on Homelessness (CoH) works to improve the local response to homelessness in Contra Costa County. Council members support and govern the Contra Costa Continuum of Care (CoC). The Council on Homelessness encourages all members of the community to apply for a seat. The Council aims to include members with different backgrounds, such as different abilities, ages, sexual and gender identities, immigration statuses, and racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, as well as representing different regions within the County. Individuals who have experienced homelessness and/or the justice system are encouraged to apply.

For more information about the Council on Homelessness and the Contra Costa Continuum of Care go to https://www.cchealth.org/about-contra-costa-health/leadership/commissions-advisory-groups/council-on-homelessness

For more complete information about the Council and the application process, please see our Frequently Asked Questions document.

Para obtener información más completa sobre el Consejo y el proceso de solicitud, consulte nuestro documento de preguntas frecuentes.

If you have questions, please contact email [email protected] or call Jaime Jenett, Staff to the Council at 925-464-0152.

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