Home » Aug 25 – Sept. 14: El Cerrito Police Calls

Aug 25 – Sept. 14: El Cerrito Police Calls

by CC News
El Cerrito

The following is a summary of criminal activity in El Cerrito police calls between August 25 – September 14 according to the  El Cerrito Police Department.

The following is a summary of criminal activity in El Cerrito. It does not include all crimes. It also does not include non-criminal events such as missing persons, traffic collisions, non-criminal deaths, non-criminal disputes, nor many other police activities that do not result in arrest.

August 25th  

  • Identity Theft – 6700 block of Blake St. At 1:59 PM, an officer reports a suspect attempted to make a fraudulent purchase with the victim’s credit card.  The purchase was declined and there was no loss.
  • Trespass – 2300 block of Alva Ave. At 1:39 PM, a victim reports a suspect entered their unlocked vacant residence in an attempt to occupy the residence. Officers conducted a search of the home and found the suspect was not inside.
  • Fighting – 5800 Block of Alta Punta Ave. At 6:22 PM, officers were dispatched to the residence for a disturbance. During the investigation, officers discovered two subjects got into a physical fight. Case forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office.

August 26th

  • Grand Theft – 11760 San Pablo Ave. At 11:01 AM, a victim reported a suspect took their cell phone from out of their hand and ran off.
  • Grand Theft – 10900 block of San Pablo Ave. At 3:07 PM, am officer reported that on August 19th, the victim gave a suspect $2000.00 needed for a deposit for an apartment. The suspect took the money and cut off all contact with the victim shortly thereafter.

August 27th

  • Indecent Exposure – 11100 San Pablo Ave. (Bright Body Medical Weight Loss Center): At 1:40 PM, officers reported a suspect had masturbated inside the business.
  • Recovered Stolen Vehicle – 2200 block of Scenic St. At 11:37 AM, an officer recovered an unoccupied stolen vehicle that was reported stolen from BART PD.  The vehicle was released from the scene.
  • Warrant Arrest – San Pablo Ave. / Madison Ave.
    At 7:31 PM, officers conducted a traffic enforcement stop. During the investigation, officers found the driver to have three outstanding warrants.  The driver was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Criminal Threats – 10300 block of San Pablo Ave. At 11:37 PM, a victim reports they were threatened by a former relationship partner. Case forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for review.

August 28th

  • Vandalism – 10800 block of San Pablo Ave. At 9:51 AM, the victim found their front passenger side window shattered while being parked sometime overnight. No loss was found from the interior of the vehicle.
  • Residential Burglary – 8300 block of Kent Ct. At 11:28 AM, a victim reported that their metal storage box had been broken into and miscellaneous items were stolen.
  • Brandishing  – San Pablo Ave. / Conlon Ave. At 12:35 PM, a victim reports during an argument, a suspect had brandished a knife at the victim.  The victim fled the area and later called the police.
  • Stolen License Plates – 6500 block of Moeser Ln. At 3:17 PM, the victim reports their front license plate was stolen from their vehicle.
  • Attempted Armed Robbery – 225 El Cerrito Plaza At 5:50 PM, a victim attempted to sell their laptop on Facebook Market Place. The suspects met with the victim and attempted to rob the victim of their laptop. During the incident, the suspect displayed a firearm.  The victim fled the area and called 911.
  • Fraud – 900 block of Elm St. At 10:41 PM, the victim reported someone used their personal information.

August 29th

  • Fraudulent Check – 1432 Kearney St. (East Bay Sanitary): At 8:07 AM, the victim learned that one of their checks was altered and fraudulently cashed at a bank.
  • Attempted Theft from Vehicle – 2500 block of Arlington Blvd. At 9:50 AM, the victim reports that a suspect entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and rummaged through the interior sometime last night.
  • Package Theft – 5400 block of Poinsett Ave. At 10:09 AM, the suspect stole a package from the front porch of the residence and fled the area on a bicycle.
  • Shoplifting – 670 El Cerrito Plaza (CVS): At 2:14 PM, the suspect stole merchandise and fled the area prior to police arrival.
  • Vehicle Tampering / Felon in Possession of Pepper Spray / Burglary Tools / Drug Paraphernalia / Warrant – 2000 Block of Harper St. At 2:55 AM, officers responded to an auto burglary in progress. During the investigation, officers located and arrested the suspect. Officers conducted a records search of the suspect and found the suspect to have a warrant for their arrest. The suspect was in possession of pepper spray, burglary tools, and drug paraphernalia. The suspect was booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and later transported to Martinez Detention Facility.

August 30th

  • Grand Theft – 6800 block of Cutting Blvd. At 2:55 PM, an officer reports the victim found their property had been taken some time between December 2023 – August 2024.
  • Battery – San Pablo Ave. / Ohio Ave. At 9:30 PM, an officer reports the victim was kicked and punched in the face by two suspects.
  • Driving Under the Influence – San Pablo Ave. / Manila Ave. At 12:14 AM, an officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop. During the investigation, officers found the driver to be under the influence of alcohol.  The driver was booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and released on a citation to a sober relative.

August 31st

  • Shoplifting – 670 El Cerrito Plaza (CVS): At 7:36 PM, officers were dispatched to a theft. Officers located the suspect at the El Cerrito Plaza BART station with the stolen merchandise. The merchandise was retrieved and taken back to the store. Store management requested to not press charges, and the suspect was released.
  • Residential Burglary – Ramona Ave. / Ward Ave. At 8:00 PM, an officer reports a suspect entered the victim’s unlocked garage and stole property from within.
  • Warrant Arrest – S. 55th / School St. At 3:03 AM, an officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop. Officers conducted a records check of the passenger and found the passenger to have an outstanding warrant. The passenger was placed under arrest and then released on a citation out in the field.
  • Warrant Arrest / Possession of a Controlled Substance – Central Ave. / Pierce St. At 4:08 AM, an officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop. During the investigation, officers found the driver had an outstanding warrant. During an inventory search of the suspect’s vehicle, an officer located a bottle of prescription medicine in another person’s name and a license plate that had been reported stolen. The driver was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.

September 1st

  • Vehicle Theft x 2 – 6400 block of Barrett Ave. At 9:30 AM, an officer reports two vehicles were stolen. Surveillance video captures the vehicles that were taken between 4:24 AM – 6:03 AM.
  • Driving Under the Influence – Carlson Blvd. / San Diego Ave. At 1:44 AM, an officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop. During the investigation, officers found the driver to be under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and released on a citation to a sober friend.

September 2nd

  • Vandalism – 195 El Cerrito Plaza At 12:00 PM, an officer reports that on 08/30/2024 at 3:50 PM, the victim’s vehicle was vandalized while being parked in the El Cerrito Plaza parking lot.
  • Stolen Motorcycle – 6500 Block of Gladys Ave. At 7:26 PM, an officer reports a suspect stole the victim’s motorcycle.
  • Residential Burglary- 300 Block of Behrens St. At 8:01 PM, an officer reports a suspect entered the victim’s residence through an unsecured door and stole property.

September 3rd

  • Petty Theft – 2500 block of Carquinez Ave. At 8:43 AM, a victim reports a suspect stole their front license plate from a vehicle between 6:00 PM on 8/29/2024 and 12:00 PM on 8/30/2024.
  • Shoplift / Resist Arrest / Probation Violation / Warrants – 670 El Cerrito Plaza (CVS):  At 8:56 AM, officers located and arrested a suspect for shoplifting. During the arrest, the suspect continued to resist arrest. A records check of the suspect found the suspect to be on probation and had four warrants for their arrest.  The suspect was booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.
  • Forgery – 11565 San Pablo Ave. (Walgreens):  At 12:01 PM, a suspect attempted to pay for merchandise with counterfeit bills. After realizing the bills were counterfeit, the cashier kept the bills to turn over to police and told the suspect the bills were counterfeit. The suspect fled the area prior to police arrival.
  • Commercial Burglary – 10636 San Pablo Ave. (24-Hour Fitness):  At 3:23 PM, an officer reports a locker was broken into and property stolen sometime between 9:00 PM – 11:35 PM on 09/01/2024.
  • Commercial Burglary – 11565 San Pablo Ave. (Walgreens): At 7:32 PM, an officer reports a suspect entered the business and pried open a display case containing merchandise. The suspect stole the merchandise and fled prior to police arrival.

September 4th 

  • Battery / Interfere with Wireless Communication Device – 11775 San Pablo Ave. (Frannie’s Hawaiian BBQ):
    At 8:07 PM, an officer reports a customer attempted to pay with a counterfeit $100 bill. The employee declined to accept the bill. After paying for the food with another form of payment, the customer threw an item at the employee. When the employee attempted to call the police to report the incident, the customer’s friend grabbed the employee’s phone to prevent the employee from calling the police.
  • Petty Theft – 6700 Block of Glen Mawr Ave. At 9:35 PM, an officer reports a suspect stole lighting equipment from the victim’s fence.
  • Commercial Burglary / Fraudulent Use of an Access Card- 10636 San Pablo Ave. (24-Hour Fitness): At 9:44 PM, an officer reports a suspect broke into the victim’s locker and stole. The victim later discovered their credit card was used to withdraw cash from a nearby bank.
  • Battery – Fairmount Ave. / Lexington Ave. At 2:02 AM, an officer reports the victim was sitting on a bench when the suspect punched and threatened them. While speaking to the victim, the suspect returned to the scene and was detained by officers. The victim refused to place the suspect under citizen’s arrest.

September 5th

  • Vandalism – 11780 San Pablo Ave. At 6:15 PM, a suspect threw a hammer at the window of the business, shattering the window.
  • Assault with a Deadly Weapon- Barrett Ave. / Yuba Ave. At 7:10 PM, an officer reports a suspect shot the victim with an airsoft weapon.
  • Assault with a Deadly Weapon – 7300 Block of Donal Ave. At 7:58 PM, an officer reports a suspect shot the victim with an airsoft weapon.

September 6th

  • Shoplift- 1000 El Cerrito Plaza (Luckys): At 9:56 PM, an officer reports a suspect was confronted by security when trying to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. The suspect returned some of the unpaid merchandise but fled with the remainder.
  • Warrant Arrest – 6400 Cutting Blvd. (Del Norte BART): At 2:13 AM, an officer conducted a pedestrian stop. During the investigation, officers found the subject to have an outstanding warrant. The subject was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.

September 7th 

  • Stolen Vehicle – 11700 Block of San Pablo Ave. At 12:09 AM, an officer reports a suspect stole the victim’s vehicle.

September 8th

  • Driving Under the Influence – S. 55th / Creely Ave. At 8:55 PM, an officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop. During the investigation, officers found the driver to be under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested, booked for at the El Cerrito Police Department and released on a citation to a sober friend.
  • Stolen Vehicle – Madison Ave. / San Pablo Ave. At 12:40 AM, an officer reports a suspect stole the victim’s vehicle sometime between 6:30 PM and 12:39 AM.

September 9th

  • Warrant Arrest – San Pablo Ave. / El Dorado St. At 9:00 AM, an officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop. A records search of the subject found the subject to have an outstanding warrant. The driver was arrested, cited in the field, and released.

September 10th

  • Annoying Phone Calls – 9900 Block of San Pablo Ave. At 9:00 AM, an officer reports a known suspect had been calling the victim on the phone and harassing them.
  • Stolen Vehicle / Possession of Narcotics and Paraphrenia – San Pablo Ave. / Schmidt Ln. At 12:39 PM, officers received a FLOCK notification of a stolen vehicle. Officers located the vehicle and conducted a vehicle stop. During a search incident to arrest, the passenger was found with suspected Fentanyl and drug paraphrenia. Both the driver and passenger were arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department, and released on citations.
  • Indecent Exposure – Gladys Ave. / BART Path: At 2:12 AM, officers were dispatched to the area for a report of a subject exposing themselves.  The suspect fled the scene prior to police arrival.

September 11th

  • Attempt Stolen Vehicle – 1700 Block of Arlington Blvd. At 5:57 AM, an officer reports two suspects attempted to steal the victim’s vehicle.
  • Commercial Burglary – 10086 San Pablo Ave. (Tigon): An officer reports two suspects gained entry and stole merchandise.
  • Petty Theft – 1000 El Cerrito Plaza (Lucky). At 10:00 PM, a suspect entered the business and stole merchandise.
  • Criminal Threats – 10900 Block of San Pablo Ave. At 1:49 AM, the victim reported receiving threatening phone calls.

September 12th

  • Shoplifting – 11545 San Pablo Ave. (Ross): At 3:12 PM, an officer reports a chronic shoplifter exited the back door with unpaid merchandise.
  • Petty Theft – 6600 Block of Hill St. At 3:49 PM, an officer reports two suspects stole the victim’s two mountain bikes from in front of their home.
  • Organized Retail Theft – 670 El Cerrito Plaza (CVS): At 5:14 PM, an officer reports two suspects exited the store with unpaid merchandise.

September 13th

  • Vandalism / Warrant Arrest – 500 block of Albemarle St. At 8:04 AM, an officer arrested a suspect for vandalism. A records check of the subject found the subject to have a warrant for their arrest. The suspect was arrested, booked at El Cerrito Police Department, and released on a citation.
  • Threatening Messages – 6500 block of Stockton Ave. At 8:10 AM, the victim reported they had received threatening texts and phone calls from a former acquaintance.
  • Stolen Vehicle Recovery – Richmond St. /Central Ave. At 8:36 PM, officers received a FLOCK notification for a stolen vehicle. Officers circulated the area and located the stolen vehicle unoccupied. The vehicle was released to the owner on scene.
  • Trespass – 11344 San Pablo Ave. (Denny’s): At 12:46 AM, officers were dispatched several times in the night to a report of a subject making a disturbance. The subject was placed under Citizen’s Arrest for trespassing and transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.

September 14th 

  • Auto Burglaries – 900 block of Galvin, 800 block of Sea View, 700 block of Sea View, 8200 block of Terrace, 1000 block of Contra Costa, 1200 block of Contra Costa, and the zero hundred block of Pomona Ave.
    At 6:33AM officers located several parked vehicles with shattered windows throughout the city.  The victims were contacted, and miscellaneous items were stolen from inside the vehicles.
  • Robbery – 11545 San Pablo Ave. (Walgreens) At 11:50 AM, a security guard contacted the suspect after witnessing the subject steal merchandise. The suspect threatened to shoot the security guard before fleeing the store, prior to police arrival.
  • Driving Under the Influence / Child Endangerment – Lassen St. / Yosemite Ave. At 8:47 PM, officers conducted a traffic stop. During the investigation, officers found the driver to be under the influence of alcohol. The driver’s underage child was also in the vehicle. The driver was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department and released on a citation.
  • Driving Under the Influence – Cutting Blvd. / Hagen Blvd. At 1:45 AM, officers conducted a traffic stop. During the investigation, officers found the driver to be under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested, booked at the El Cerrito Police Department, and released on a citation.
  • Burglary / Conspiracy / Probation Violation – 5400 block of MacDonald Ave. At 2:17 AM, officers were dispatched to unwanted subjects in the backyard of a vacant residence.  Upon arrival, officers found forced entry into the vacant home.  A canine search was conducted, and the two subjects were found hiding inside the house. Both subjects we arrested and treated on scene. After being cleared, both subjects were later transported to Martinez Detention Facility.

Previous El Cerrito Police Calls:


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