Home » Podcast: Louie Rocha Runs for Antioch City Council, District 2

Podcast: Louie Rocha Runs for Antioch City Council, District 2

by CC News

On this episode, I chat with Louie Rocha who is running for Antioch City Council, District 2.  He is a retired principal of Antioch High School who is seeking to bring back stability and civility back to the Antioch City Council will looking to focus on not only public safety, but better improve services for residents in the city of Antioch. He also wants to bridge the communication and partnership with the Antioch Unified School District and work on solutions for not only the youth, but seniors and unhoused.

We get into a ton of stuff from Antioch being labeled the “new Oakland” to what Antioch HS has specifically done to help a unhoused students. Rocha also talked about the importance of hiring the right city manager, police chief and developing a plan for the city.

For more on Louie Rocha, visit him at https://louierocha.org/

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Kaylanie Foster September 30, 2024 - 5:34 pm


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