California Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 1174 into law, prohibiting local governments from requiring voter ID at polling places, including for municipal elections.
According to SB 1174:
This bill would prohibit a local government from enacting or enforcing any charter provision, ordinance, or regulation requiring a person to present identification for the purpose of voting or submitting a ballot at any polling place, vote center, or other location where ballots are cast or submitted, as specified.
The bill was aimed at the City of Huntington Beach where voters approved a ballot measure in March requiring people to show ID when casting a ballot. It passed 53.40% of the vote.
- authorize the City of Huntington Beach to require voter identification for elections;
- provide for at least 20 ADA-compliant in-person voting locations within Huntington Beach;
- provide that ballot dropboxes are to be monitored for compliance;
- define an elector as a citizen of the U.S., a resident of Huntington Beach, and at least 18 years old; and
- state that, in the event of a conflict between the Huntington Beach Charter and California Election Code, the Charter shall prevail.
SB 1174, passed out of the State Assembly in a 57-16 vote and in the State Senate in a 30-8 vote.
Elon Musk is already trolling Governor Gavin Newsom over the bill:
“The same people who demanded that you have a vaccine ID to travel are now demanding that there be no ID for voting”
“Wow, it is now illegal to require voter ID in California! They just made PREVENTING voter fraud against the law. The Joker is in charge.”
While ID’s are not required to cast a vote, currently, ID’s are required for:
- Boarding a plane
- Prescription drugs / vaccines
- Cashing a check
- Applying for food Stamps
- Drivers license
- Getting married
- Adopting a pet
- Bars or Buying alcohol
Aug 30: Senator Min’s Voter Integrity Bill Moves to the Governor
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Senator Dave Min (D-Irvine) announced that the Assembly passed Senate Bill (SB) 1174, which places a ban on local governments imposing voter identification (ID) requirements in local elections. The legislation prevents a patchwork of varying election requirements across the state and reinforces the State of California’s exclusive jurisdiction on the issue.
“This legislation makes clear that election integrity and voter eligibility requirements are exclusively up to the State of California,” said State Senator Dave Min. “We cannot have 100 different charter cities making up 100 different sets of voting rules, based on fringe conspiracy theories. I have repeatedly told the Huntington Beach City Council members pushing this issue that if they were to produce any evidence of widespread voter fraud, I would lead efforts to change California’s voter eligibility rules. They have not produced any such evidence. I am grateful to my colleagues for their overwhelming support for this bill, and I am hopeful that the Governor will sign SB 1174 into law later this year.”
In March, the City of Huntington Beach approved a charter amendment that would implement voter ID requirements in City elections starting in 2026. If signed into law by the Governor, SB 1174 would nullify Measure A before it is enacted.
- Feb 16 , 2024 – Bill Would Prevent Unlawful Voter ID Requirements
Yes, this makes sense for “safe and secure” elections, why would ANYONE want to know who is actually voting?
Between all of the claims of voter suppression or voter fraud will the public be able to retain widespread confidence in our democratic system? It seems odd to me that there is one group saying that voter fraud does not exist, only voter suppression does. Then there is another group saying the exact opposite, voter fraud does exist but voter suppression does not. Is eliminating one issue automatically creating the other? It seems like that’s the scenario we are doomed to be divided by. Smarter people than me should be able to figure this out. Can we not have both – no voter fraud and no voter suppression ? I guess it depends on who you ask as to what answer your going to get.
How is asking for voter ID voter suppression? Everybody eligible to vote has an ID, just show it. There can be only one reason for banning voter ID, and that is voter fraud. It is common sense to understand this.
TSG, you are exactly correct. Only in the alternate universe of California’s progressive-left is requiring ID considered “voter suppression.”
The clear solution is for citizens to be able to easily obtain a form of valid ID required to vote and then to require that ID in order to cast a vote. Anyone opposing either of these premises is no true defender of either democracy or the right of citizens to vote and be confident that their votes are counted and not undermined by electoral shenanigans.
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