Home » Mendoza Has Not Signed Brentwood Code of Conduct Policy

Mendoza Has Not Signed Brentwood Code of Conduct Policy

by CC News

During a candidates’ forum, Brentwood Councilwoman Jovita Mendoza admitted she still has not signed the Brentwood City Council Code of Conduct.

In a June public records request from the city, they provided copies of the mayor and councilmemebrs who had signed the Code of Conduct— signed documents were provided for Mayor Joel Bryant, Vice Mayor Susannah Meyer, and councilmembers Pa’Tanisha Pierson and Tony Oerlemans. Mendoza’s document was not provided because she had not signed it per staff.

On Monday, candidates were asked during the Brentwood Press candidates forum if they would sign a code of conduct and would they adhere to it. Here is a recap of the answers:

Council District 1

  • Anita Roberts: signed the code of conduct for planning commission and would sign it. But did acknowledge she was disappointed in the context of the training session.
  • Faye Maloney: would welcome any type of training and have already signed code of conduct as a candidate.

Council District 3

  • Brian Oftedal: 100% yes
  • Jovita Mendoza: Admitted she did not attend the training because she researched the firm and says she was disappointed nor a YIMBY (yes in my back yard) and was not happy with what the training was going to deliver—wanted Myers Briggs team building instead. She says she watched the training and didn’t sign it.“You either going to be ethical. You are either going to have morals or you are not. It doesn’t matter what anyone signs because anyone can sign anything. There is nothing holding you to it. I hold myself to high standards each and every day,” said Mendoza. “I don’t think you should have to sign it, I think you should live it because signing it doesn’t mean anything if you are not going to follow it.”

Mayor: How would you enforce the code of conduct

  • Susannah Meyer: happy to sign those, even if it’s a piece of paper.
  • Gerald Johnson: would absolutely sign it and adhere. Would expect the council adhere to it.

Note – Mendoza did sign code of conduct when first elected, but has not and will not sign updated code of conduct which the council spent more than a year updating.

Editors Comment: Mendoza Continues to be a Hypocrite

The updated Brentwood Code of Conduct and policy dates back more than two years to September 2022 where councilmember Karen Rarey and Jovita Mendoza wanted to censure Johnny Rodriquez. They then wanted to change the process so they could get the outcome they desired by bypassing the mayor and going directly to the city manager to place a censure item on an agenda.

The code of conduct policy took the council on more than a year-long journey, much staff time, community time, to ultimately amend the process and policy to hopefully hold councilmembers accountable. A training was held for the council, only for Mendoza not to attend or sign the Code of Conduct.

While Mendoza claims she has morals and is ethical on Monday, her actions continue to say otherwise given she has crossed the line several times belittling  other elected officials, councilmembers, staff and members of the community–so much so, staff is now showing up to council meetings talking about council behavior, to even Director of Community Development, Alexis Morris, issuing a 3-page response to the behavior of Mendoza.

Ultimately, its fair to say that 99% of people think they have high moral values and are ethical, but it doesn’t mean we all have the same level values and morals which is why a document is important–even if its just a piece of paper.  If the training and paper doesn’t matter as Mendoza suggests, one could argue why is the council making staff take obnoxious trainings and classes? If a code of conduct doesn’t matter, why should anyone in Brentwood have any repercussions for anything?

Her whole premise for not signing is a code of conduct is utterly ridiculous over not getting the trainer or course she wanted. It is equivalent to a 4-year-old throwing a temper tantrum over not getting the correct cookie. This is typical of her, rather than coming up with a solution on a code of conduct, she simply stomps her feet down.

Ironically, Mendoza has been quick to apply a code of conduct on others–but not herself. She was quick to attack former vice mayor Johnny Rodriquez and then newly elected Tony Oerlemans for behavior she did not agree with–even erroneously claiming she feared for her safety after an outburst by Oerlemans.

And lets not forget her recent circus like stunt of trying to place media who do business with the City of Brentwood under a “code of ethics” but yet wont even agree to her own council code of conduct.

Given her history, if anyone needs training and a code of conduct to follow, its Mendoza. As someone who operates in the gray area most of the time says a lot about her character and what she is willing to try and get away with.

At some point, Mendoza needs to realize the rules do apply to her and actions do have consequences. Some of this includes her signs being place illegally throughout Brentwood on the weekends while she is using people on her campaign materials without permission. Meanwhile, she is flat out lying to the public on her accomplishments in campaign material while one could even argue using her social media and city email on the campaign trail is inappropriate and not ethical.

Any council member refusing to sign a Code of  Conduct should raise a red flag. It is not just a piece of paper, it actually sets the tone for behavior for the organization. If you want to act with a higher code of conduct than a policy, great. But the bar should be set and after that, its up to each person to act professionally and follow the rules.

Mendoza should simply sign the Code of Conduct and move on versus throwing her temper tantrum.

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John Franklin October 15, 2024 - 12:20 pm

This article is so misleading! Mendoza said she DID sign the contract. I was at the meeting, but anyone can watch the video. This is click bait. You should retract your title and be honest. You just lost me as a reader.’

CC News October 15, 2024 - 12:31 pm

Wrong. It was Mendoza who said she didn’t sign it. No one else. City staff also provided the signed documents. Mendoza’s has never been provided.

You should also read a bit closer as your point was already included.

Antonio Xavier October 15, 2024 - 1:43 pm

Council Member Mendoza had already signed a code of conduct. The portions of her answer that you selectively edited out of her response included her explanation.

She had already signed a code of conduct as a council member and asked why she needed to sign another one. Staff didn’t provide a clear answer so she didn’t sign another one.

Council member Mendoza also mentioned she had witnessed multiple violations of the code of conduct with no penalty. So why all the pearl clutching about a code of conduct if people don’t adhere to it.

Council member Rodriguez admitted he shared confidential information with his wife. That was a violation.

Council member Oerlemanns had a heated and disrespectful exchange with the mayor. That was a violation.


It is totally fine that you dislike her position on items and criticize her.

I’m replying with additional information because I disagree with how you present your opinion and leave out what others may considered pertinent information.

CC News October 16, 2024 - 7:05 am

You should really listen to the part where she says she didn’t sign the code of conduct. Her words, not mine. It also DOES SAY she signed them when first elected.

PBandJ October 15, 2024 - 5:21 pm

Slow news day today?
Or is there an election upcoming?
Why don’t you post on something newsworthy.
You’re just a blogger with too much time on your hands. Why don’t you post about all the crimes happening in Brentwood. Instead of playing politics with your blog.

CC News October 16, 2024 - 7:03 am

Slow news day? The forum was last night. She admitted not signing it at the forum. Not me. As for PB&J, stop using an alias then if you really have this opinion.

PBandJ October 17, 2024 - 2:24 pm

Why you singling me out when others use aliases as well. Only when it suits you and your “opinion” is it ok?

PBandJ October 15, 2024 - 7:27 pm

Why do you “Mr. “Burkholder get to decide what replies get posted to your BLOG. Publish what we reply. Or do you have something to hide?
What are YOU afraid of??

CC News October 16, 2024 - 7:03 am

Wrong… I get around to it when I get around to it.

MODERATE October 16, 2024 - 9:49 am

What difference does it make if she signs a code of conduct or not? She has demonstrably been a disruptive, negative entity in city government and voters should turn her out.

Yvonne October 26, 2024 - 11:37 am

I’ve gotta say, as a former supporter, I am really disappointed in Ms Mendoza. Over the past few weeks she has demonstrated a lack of integrity & also some very concerning character issues. She made a mistake in including a picture in her campaign materials. When approached privately she did not respond. She could have easily addressed the issue easily & moved on but instead ignored the issue. When confronted publicly she missed the opportunity to express regret and apologize and it would have blown over pretty quickly. Instead she again ignored it. When confronted on tv she misrepresented her relationship with the chaplain & still could not just admit a mistake & move on. This behavior is consistent with the way she interacts with others. Whether it is county staff, business owners or even constituents she disagrees with. She has shown herself to be someone that doesn’t understand our system. It is built on the process of various people coming from different perspectives that work together to solve problems. It’s not about being the loudest voice that uses intimidation & bullying to push your agenda. I worry that her approach will actually hurt the district I live in that she wants to represent. Will her colleagues want to work with her? Will her staff make her priorities theirs when she is so unreasonable & demanding? Will she even care about constituent concerns if she doesn’t share their concerns. For me it is a definite NO!
Jovita you need to do some self reflection & take responsibility for your actions, practice humility & civility, & stop being such a bully.

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