Home » PG&E: Gas Rates Increase by 8.6% to Kick off 2025

PG&E: Gas Rates Increase by 8.6% to Kick off 2025

by CC News
Pacific Gas & Electric

With a New Year, comes increased PG&E rates as they announced beginning January 1, gas rates increased by 8.6%.

Overall, however, PG&E says an 8.6% gas increase will be offset by electric prices going down by 4% less if one uses about the same amount of electricity–$11 less.

According to PG&E, “A typical residential customer using 31 therms who gets both energy supply and delivery from PG&E will see monthly gas bills increase by $9 per month, compared to rates in effect in December. For customers receiving discounts, the monthly bill increase will be about $7.”

The cost increase will pay for new investments in safety and reliability. This work includes replacing, inspecting and strength-testing pipelines, and using advanced leak detection technology to quickly find and fix gas leaks to improve safety and reduce methane emissions.

PG&E Says Combined Residential Customer Bills Remain Flat

Most residential customers who do not receive discounts will pay about 4% less, or $11 less, for electricity this January 2025 than they did in January 2024, as long as their electric use stays about the same.

This electric decrease largely offsets gas increases that have occurred since January 2024. Customers who receive both electricity and gas service will see combined bills remaining about the same compared to last January, increasing by about $1 per month, based on average residential bills available in PG&E’s rate advisories.

Based on current information, electric rates are expected to be more stable in 2025 compared to 2024, with fewer and smaller changes during the year.

All rates are temporary, which means they can change during the year as some costs leave bills and others are added. This is because costs will end for some wildfire safety work and storm response and will no longer be included in customers’ bills. Other pending rate increases, if approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), could offset a portion of these decreases.

More from PG&E

How customers can lower energy use and money

Some simple steps can help customers reduce their energy use and limit monthly bills:

Set thermostat and water heater for savings. For every degree you lower your thermostat during the winter, you can save 1% annually on your bill. You can save up to 10% by turning down your thermostat 7-10 degrees for eight hours, health permitting.

Improve home energy efficiency. PG&E offers energy efficiency programs and services to help customers save. The Home Energy Checkup estimates what uses energy in the home and suggests improvements. The HomeIntel program is a free service that provides in-depth analysis of energy use and pairs you with an energy coach who offers recommendations to reduce use.

Enroll in Budget Billing. This program uses participating customers’ energy-use history to balance energy bills across the year for predictable monthly payments. PG&E recalculates customers’ energy usage every month based on their average energy costs over 12 months to avoid seasonal spikes in bills.

Find your best rate. Personalized Rate Comparison supports customers by providing the best rate plan options for their household, which can help save money on energy bills. PG&E also offers rebates and incentives, as well as other energy-saving tips, to help customers conserve.

Customers should also check if they qualify for bill assistance, including:


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1 comment

SW January 5, 2025 - 11:43 am

Makes sense being that the United States is the largest producer of natural gas in the whole world.
As a matter of fact, in 2023, the United States exported 21 BILLION cubic feet per DAY!
Trump will surely turn this around

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