Home » Video: Antioch Names Joe Vigil as New Interim Police Chief

Video: Antioch Names Joe Vigil as New Interim Police Chief

by CC News

On Tuesday, the City of Antioch announced that Joe Vigil will serve as the new interim police chief—his second time in the role.

City Manager Bessie Marie Scott announced that Chief Vigil will succeed Acting Police Chief Brian Addington, who is retiring. They will also begin a national search for a police chief.

“Chief Vigil has dedicated his life to serving the residents of Antioch. He’s a proven leader who will continue championing our reforms addressing violence reduction, community engagement, and strengthening our police ranks.”

Chief Vigil brings 25 years of law enforcement experience, including service with the Sacramento, Richmond, and Antioch Police Departments. During his career, he has:

  • Managed the Support Services Bureau as captain.
  • Served as acting police chief (Aug. 2023–Feb. 2024).
  • Completed the POST Command College.
  • Earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Cal State Long Beach.

While Vigil steps into this vital role, the City of Antioch will continue its nationwide search for a permanent police chief. Chief Addington will remain available in a support capacity.

The nationwide search could take another 5-6 months.

“I would like to thank the city manager, Bessie Scott for having faith in me and continue to move the police department in a positive direction. As we work towards finding a permanent chief I will continue working with Ms. Scott, city staff and all department heads to ensure a safer and stronger Antioch,” said Vigil. I want us to continue working with our mayor and new council on moving the agency and needs of the city forward. Our priorities will continue to be hiring, recruiting and public safety.”

Vigil added they will continue to work on deployment strategies and resources along with working on local leaders in the community to help the city thrive.

“I am looking forward to working with the Department of Justice and making the police department better in every aspect possible. Transparency, community trust and crime reduction are our priorities,” explained Vigil who asked for the community involvement and feedback, along with support. “You have my full commitment and I am passionate about the city of Antioch and our police department.”

Antioch Mayor Ron Bernal called it another step forward in the city’s effort to revamp and enhance public safety in the city of Antioch.

“As your mayor my focus is finding a permanent police chief for our city. A person who is passionate about our vision and will work in partnership with our community leaders in reducing crime and rebuilding our police department and establishing community trust,” said Bernal. “As we begin our nationwide search, I am confident that acting chief Vigil will continue the work already underway to  make our neighborhood safer and find the best and qualified candidates to serve our police department.”

Tidbits from Chief Addington

Chief Brian Addington shared Tuesday he believed they have seen the department stabilize which included the priority of hiring which he said was “progressing well”.  Data provided by him included:

  • 80 sworn officers
  • 65 are on active-duty patrolling
  • 6 more officers by end of month (graduating academy)
  • 60 individuals are in some form of hiring process (entry/lateral/academy/CSO/Dispatcher

“Right now, we have the highest number of lateral applicants and academy graduates that have applied in the 10-months that I have been here,” stated Addington. “I am very optimistic, and we are on the right path. But getting full staffing will take time and require patience, but I am optimistic.

He said full staffing could occur within a year.

“My message today is one of hope,” said Addington. “We will reach full staffing. We will build a reputations as a constitutional police department. And we will put this dark chapter behind us.”

He closed by thanking everyone for trusting him to allow him to serve in the role of police chief and Antioch has a bright future ahead of it. He also thanked the men and women of the Antioch Police Department who work to keep the community safe.


Antioch Police Chiefs

L to R – Tammany Brooks, Tony Morefield, Steve Ford and Joseph Vigil

Antioch Police Department Chief of Police Overview:

  • January 2025 – TBA
  • February 2024 – Brian Addington named Interim Chief
  • August 2023 – Captain Joseph Vigil named acting Chief
  • August 2023 – Chief Ford retires
  • August 2022 – Chief Ford appointed Permanent chief
  • February 202 – Dr. Steve Ford appointed interim chief
  • Sept. 2021 – Captain Tony Morefield appointed interim chief
  • Sept. 2021 – Chief Tammany Books retires

Note – Within a recent Grand Jury Report under the previous city council, it urged Antioch to hire a permanent city manager (which they did with Scott), as well as a police chief, public works and community development directors. They also highlighted eleven of the most senior positions in Antioch city government were currently held by acting or part-time personnel—the vacancy rate of the city stood at 23%–the average rate for US employers was 5.3%.



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