Home » Podcast: Kori Barton Talks Hometown Highlights Alphabet Series

Podcast: Kori Barton Talks Hometown Highlights Alphabet Series

by CC News
Hometown Highlights Alphabet Series

On this episode, a chat Kori Barton about her Hometown Highlights Alphabet Series. This is a husband-and-wife team illustrating their way across Contra Costa County with a series of children’s books.

To date, books have been released on the City of Clayton, City of Concord, City of Brentwood and City of Walnut Creek – with the City of Martinez in progress. The goal is to bring to light the beauty and unique aspects of Bay Area cities.

We talk about the importance of community pride, art, putting together the projects and whether the writing or illustrations come first, and ultimate goals. Plus, much more including what is next!!!

For more on Kori, the projects, and where to purchase the books, visit them at www.hometownalphabet.com. And for those interested in selling Hometown Highlights Alphabet Series books, give them a holler: [email protected]

If you are not able to purchase the books “local” — as you should “buy local” — here is a link to Amazon where you may purchase the Hometown Highlights Alphabet Series — click here.

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If you are a business or have a story in Contra Costa County and think you have a good story to tell, please email [email protected] so we can potentially schedule a date and time.


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