Home » Immigration Forum Set for Saturday in Pittsburg

Immigration Forum Set for Saturday in Pittsburg

by CC News

On Saturday, Stand Together Contra Costa will hold an Immigration Workshop to help people understand their rights as an undocumented immigrant living in the United States.


  • Date: Saturday, January 25, 2025 (10AM & 1PM)
  • Location: Willow Cove Elementary – 1880 Hanlon Way, Pittsburg, CA 94565 (Library)
  • Facilitator: William Colin, Catholic Charities East Bay- Know Your Rights Coordinator

This week, during the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors meeting, Contra Costa County Sheriff David Livingston reported that ICE made 577 requests for notifications, however, the notifications were significantly less at 131.

“The reason is we follow the law in California, which of course was known as SB54 which limits our interaction with any official on immigration,” explained Livingston. “These are only serious and violent offenders that are subject to be released that we do notify ICE about, we don’t comply. They don’t come into our facilities, they are not allowed to do interviews.”

Livingston said he did not see much changes in Contra Costa County with changes to the new administration–noting he was to follow state law, not national law, after being asked by the Board of Supervisors to clarify.

Meanwhile, back in December, under two new proposals, California schools could become off-limits to all federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. Bills were recently introduced by Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance) and State Senate Majority Leader Lena Gonzalez (D-Long Beach), who under SB 48 has the support of State Superintendent Tony Thurmond (more info on the bills).

On January 13, Stand Together Contra Costa issued the following statement”

Dear Community,

Stand Together Contra Costa, the immigrant rapid response network for Contra Costa County, continues to provide critical information and legal services for the community. We continue to stand for Contra Costa’s commitment to due process for all our residents, regardless of citizenship status. The current environment of anti-immigrant rhetoric and forthcoming changes to the federal administration make it more necessary than ever to remind everyone in our community to respond with Power Not Panic. Please remember that panic can spread very easily on social media and to refrain from re-posting or spreading unsubstantiated rumors regarding alleged ICE raids on social media.

Instead, please call your local rapid response network to report if you have witnessed ICE enforcement activity in your community and we will seek to confirm whether there was, in fact, any ICE enforcement. If so, we will connect those impacted with relevant legal and community resources. So far this year, there has been no substantiation of any ICE raids nor any confirmed increase in ICE enforcement activity in Contra Costa county.

If you do witness ICE enforcement activity in Contra Costa county, or if you live, work, or go to school in Contra Costa County and need a free immigration legal consultation, please call us at 925-900-5151. And remember, Power NOT Panic.

Workshop Details

All persons in the United States have constitutional protections. Join us on January 25, 2025 to understand your rights as an undocumented immigrant living in the United States.


  • Date: Saturday, January 25, 2025 (10AM & 1PM)
  • Location: Willow Cove Elementary – 1880 Hanlon Way, Pittsburg, CA 94565 (Library)
  • Facilitator: William Colin, Catholic Charities East Bay- Know Your Rights Coordinator

En Español

Todas las personas en los Estados Unidos tienen protecciones constitucionales. Únase a nosotros el 25 de enero de 2025 para entender sus derechos como inmigrante indocumentado que vive en los Estados Unidos.


  • Fecha: Sábado, 25 de enero de 2025 (10AM & 1PM)
  • Lugar: Willow Cove Elementary – 1880 Hanlon Way, Pittsburg, CA 94565 (Biblioteca)
  • Facilitador: William Colin, Catholic Charities East Bay- Coordinador de Conozca sus Derechos

For more information, visit www.standtogethercontracosta.org

Stand Together Contra Costa is a rapid response, legal services, and community education program to support safety and justice for immigrant families in Contra Costa County.  An innovative partnership between Contra Costa County, philanthropy, and community-based organizations, Stand Together Contra Costa provides culturally competent, no-cost rapid response support, legal defense services, and immigrant rights education and training to support families impacted by anti-immigrant policies and practices affecting Contra Costa County residents. The mission of Stand Together Contra Costa is to ensure that all people in Contra Costa County, regardless of immigration status or ability to pay, are afforded the rights established by the United States Constitution, and are protected from actions or policies that result in disparate, discriminatory, or unlawful treatment.


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WPR January 23, 2025 - 11:50 am

How will supervisors react when federal dollars are withheld by new administration?
SB54 could well end up being not worth the paper it is printed on.
Executive orders by Newsom as well as California laws have increasingly been struck down by Courts.

MODERATE January 24, 2025 - 10:40 am

It is one thing to not provide information to federal immigration authorities (if federal law does not otherwise require). It is, however, questionable if the state has the authority to make schools or any other entities “off-limits to all federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.” Where state law attempts to preempt lawful federal authority, the state will lose.

Immigration issues cannot be settled at the state or local level. Our progressive-libs have yet to learn this.

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