Home » Freitas Wants Antioch Code of Conduct, Resignation of Oversight Commissioner

Freitas Wants Antioch Code of Conduct, Resignation of Oversight Commissioner

by CC News

On Tuesday, Antioch City Councilmember Don Freitas called on the city to create a code of conduct while also asking for the resignation of a police oversight commissioner.

Freitas recalled comments made by Antioch Police Oversight Commissioner Leslie May on January 17, a special meeting, where the council was set to discuss the city attorney – who later resigned.

“Something that I found very troubling because words matter,” stated Freitas. “When you have a particular individual stand up and using derogatory terms to the city manager and then city attorney. It was very troubling to me. What was most troubling was that when we adjourned and we got into the elevator to go to the third floor to conduct our closed session, the city manager was in tears. That’s not acceptable and I would recommend that on January 10, when you talked about a Code of Conduct, not only for ourselves, but for board members, commission members because they are representing us, the city of Antioch.

And some of the most racist statements were made and it concerns me that this particular individual is on the police oversight committee who is supposed to be monitoring behavior in the department. One issue is racism.

It is absolutely unacceptable in any form to use the “n” word not once, not twice, but directed to the city manager and then city attorney. I personally believe that this individual owes an apology to the city manager, this council and the community. I would strongly recommend that she resign from the police oversight commission and that we get the code of conduct so that we know what is expected of us as individuals, as elected members and appointed members. Thank you.”

At the January 17 meeting, here is the comments made by May who stated she was representing herself and “re-imagine Antioch” while citing Proverbs and abominations.

“I can’t stand a lying so called pretend Christian who runs to Christianity after they get their behinds in trouble. I am not going to name names, but I think you remember, Lamar Thorpe left from Diana Bectons office and came to this city hall and pulled several people into that meeting and said this is what I was hit with. This is what I was told to do. And he allowed one of you to resign—too retire in silence instead of smearing your name with the information he brought back. I know about it, because I been pulled down to the DA’s office and to the public defenders office so much in the last six months that I am weary and tired and I have heard everything and one of them was this young man sitting here and I know him from Oakland. And I have heard a lot of things going on since you (pointing at Mayor Ron Bernal) came here. They pulled you out of the basement, dusted you off, rubbed you off, threw some hair dye and said run and you bought your way into the office, same with you.

I ain’t never seen you guys walking the streets and at my age, I have walked these streets and you can talk to people in every district… for you to sit here and plot the destruction, because see, in that meeting back in 2021, you decided I am going to get these people back when they showed you mercy. God does not like it when somebody shows you mercy and you plot to devise a wickedness against them. And the things that have gone down since the announcements made I haven’t had a chance to talk to you Attorney Smith because I wanted to make a chance, but I am tired. I work everyday, I am tired. I haven’t had a chance to talk to you city manager Bessie Scott, but when I see white men pitting two black people against each other, you know what you did. You know what you did the day after you took these seats. And you made the remarks that Burkholder put out there that you came and said it at the meeting. You knew what you were gonna do, we gonna pit these two black people against like the they used to do back in slavery.

We have the field n—a and the house n—a and you put them against each other because of the color of their skin. The light n—a against the dark n—a. We are sick of this. I am calling it out, I speak straight from the heart. I am sick of seeing this. You are dividing people you are going around there, you say what you want to do about Monica (Wilson), then you go back and talk about Tamisha (Torres-Walker), then you try to pit them against each other.

You smeared Lamar (Hernandez-Thorpe) name, Lamar did enough, he knows what he did, he’s a young man, young enough to be my child, he is younger than my children. He wasn’t always right but he was hell of right, a lot of times. He did some wrong. But he was hella right and he tried to put this city on track. You could not stand him because of the color of his skin and he stood up to you and had people behind him and stook up to you. You are a disgrace. You are a disgrace and as of tonight I am putting you on notice. I am praying Psalm 109 over all three of you. If you don’t know the Bible that is a power scripture. I am going to my knees, my bad knees and some people will have to help me up off the floor, I am going to my knees on you three tonight and I am praying for your strength and whatever. And let me tell you, its not over, indictments are coming.”

Also at the January 17 meeting, several other speakers spoke at the meeting with nearly 30 minutes of public comments prior to the closed session.

May, and many others, have become gadflies at meetings over the years speaking during not only public comments, but on several items each meeting and bullying others they disagree with–including those who support the police.

At the November 18 police oversight commission meeting, May alleged Antioch Police Department officers were placing Thin Blue Line stickers on vehicles and wanted an investigation. Later, Chief Brian Addington confirmed the rumbling were not true. However, what is on a police vehicle is a special flag on a K9 vehicle that has the canine’s name on it. Chief Addington also confirmed they will be adding the American Flag to all marked vehicle

At the November 12 meeting, May also spoke during public comments alleging just like the military and cities, “its always calling on the black folks to come in here and save the day when you mess up everything.”

Meanwhile, at the March 12 city council meeting, May referred to Councilmember Mike Barbanica, Interim Police Chief Brian Addington and Antioch Mayoral Candidate Ron Bernal as the “Three Thugateers” during public comments. (see video)

The city council has removed former commissioners in the past for various reasons.

Most recently, in May of 2020, Ken Turnage II was removed from the planning commission over comments he made about Covid19. Meanwhile, in February 2016, Lamar Thorpe was removed from the Economic Development Commission as well as serving as Councilwoman Monica Wilson’s alternate on the City Council. He was removed because of his involvement with the Card Room Initiative, sponsored by the California Grand Casino in Pacheco (CA) and is in the electoral process in the City of Antioch.

The Antioch Police Oversight Commission (APOC) was established to enhance transparency, accountability, and trust between the Antioch Police Department (APD) and the community it serves

Previous Stories involving Leslie May over the past year.

Correction: in the original story, May was quoted as saying “n—er”.  It has been updated to reflect she said “n—a”


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Oniwy January 30, 2025 - 3:46 pm

Thank you, Don, correct on all counts.

That old race crap is over January 30, 2025 - 6:48 pm

Very small group of racist vile agitators that wanna bring peoples race into everything. Black people are strong proud and successful, it’s these few that really hate their lives. That May needs to move on and let Antioch thrive in 25!
Let’s get it going Antioch!

Vince A. January 31, 2025 - 5:55 am


How about going a few steps further and propose to get rid of the Police Oversight Commission, or restructure it to enable people who actually know about the inner workings of a police department serve on it. Right now no one with any experience with the job can be on it, that is so wrong. Contrary to the opinions of the person (you all know who she is) who authored the selection criteria, not everyone who worked for the city and/or retired as a cop are racists, and have “closed minds”.

Bob the Builder January 31, 2025 - 10:10 am

So sad! This hatred of skin color goes both ways. You don’t have to be white to be a racist. Stop blaming others for stupid things and work together for a better Antioch. The same goes for our new federal government!

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