Home » Update: Martinez Refinery Fire Injures 3, Shelter-in-Place

Update: Martinez Refinery Fire Injures 3, Shelter-in-Place

by CC News

On Saturday, the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District responded to a report of a fire at the Martinez Refining Company in Martinez.

It was reported there was a fire, possibly flaring, coming from the refinery with a cloud of black smoke. Contra Costa County Fire protection District firefighters were dispatched to the facility at approximately 1:39 pm. By 5:15 pm, the incident was classified as a Level 3 Hazmat situation and a shelter-in-place order was issued.

Martinez Refinery Fire


Feb — 9:00 am UPDATE

  • The following was released by the Bay Area Air Quality Control District regarding the Saturday Martinez Refinery Fire. Also included is a 9:00 am Sunday update from the Martinez Refining Company. — click here

Feb 2 — 6:00 am Update

  • CONFIRE says Martinez Refining Company confirms they have not totally extinguished the fire, still couple of small fires but under control.

Feb 2 — 12: 15 am UPDATE

Martinez Refining Company (MRC), and Mutual Aid Firefighters have succeeded in getting the fire under their control and remain on site responding to the incident. Our top priorities are the safety and security of responders, as well as maximizing protection of public health and safety.

You may continue to see residual smoke and flaring. Flares are an essential part of a refinery’s integrated, engineered safety systems designed to safely manage excess combustible gases by burning them off efficiently and effectively.

Contra Costa Health has lifted its Shelter in Place Order and issued this message: “A Public Health Advisory remains for Martinez, parts of Pacheco, and Clyde. People with respiratory sensitivity should consider remaining indoors until the health advisory is lifted. This is an advisory message only. For more information, visit cchealth.org.” CCH Hazmat is also able to report, “Air quality in areas near Martinez Refining Company has improved enough that Community Warning System sirens have stopped sounding, but a Public Health Advisory does remain for Martinez, parts of Pacheco, and Clyde. People with respiratory sensitivity should consider remaining indoors until this advisory is lifted. The need for the health advisory will be reassessed on Sunday morning.”

As previously reported six people were observed by medical personnel and all have been released.

If you have a concern related to the February 2, 2025, fire, MRC has set up a claims line. Please call 800-542-7113 and leave the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Complete Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Email address

In addition, please describe the concern you would like to discuss, and a company representative will return your call as soon as practical.

We apologize to our community for the disruption and concern we have caused. Further updates will be posted on MRC’s social media and website. Community inquiries can be made to 925-313-3601.

Feb 1 — 9:57 pm UPDATE
Martinez Refining Company (MRC), Contra Costa County Fire Protection (ConFire) firefighters and mutual aid partners have made significant progress on the fire at the refinery. Refinery personnel have been able to close valves and shut down most of the source of the fire. The Unified Command, including MRC, Contra Costa Fire Protection District, and City of Martinez, along with other agencies coordinated the response to the fire. This incident has transitioned from Unified Command to MRC. We are grateful for the support from local agencies and mutual aid responders, including ConFire, Philipps 66, Chevron and Valero firefighters. We are also grateful to the San Ramon, Rodeo/Hercules, and Moraga/Orinda Fire Departments who provided coverage for ConFire during this incident.
MRC’s top priorities are the safety and security of responders as well as maximizing the protection of public health and welfare. A total of six injuries have been reported, four people have been transported off site, and two people have been treated on site and released. All roads are now open in the area.
This is a message from Contra Costa Health: “The Shelter in Place Order for Martinez has been lifted. A Public Health Advisory remains for Martinez, parts of Pacheco, and Clyde. People with respiratory sensitivity should consider remaining indoors until the health advisory is lifted. This is an advisory message only. For more information, visit cchealth.org.” CCH Hazmat is also able to report, “Air quality in areas near Martinez Refining Company has improved enough that Community Warning System sirens have stopped sounding, but a Public Health Advisory does remain for Martinez, parts of Pacheco, and Clyde. People with respiratory sensitivity should consider remaining indoors until this advisory is lifted. The need for the health advisory will be reassessed on Sunday morning.”
Once the emergency response is complete, the investigation, which is called a root cause analysis, will begin, in accordance with the Contra Costa County Industrial Safety Ordinance (ISO). We are deeply sorry for the disruption and concern this caused our community. Further updates will be posted on MRC’s social media and website. Community inquiries can be made to 925-313-3601.

9:10 pm UPDATE

  • City of Martinez Alert: Level 3 reduced to Level 2 at Martinez Refining Company. Shelter in place lifted.
    The Shelter in Place Order for Martinez has been lifted.
  • SHELTER in PLACE lifted for Martinez, parts of Pacheco & Clyde. More info cchealth.org.
    This is a message from Contra Costa Health. The Shelter in Place Order for Martinez has been lifted.A Public Health Advisory remains for Martinez, parts of Pacheco, and Clyde. People with respiratory sensitivity should consider remaining indoors until the health advisory is lifted. This is an advisory message only.

8:58 pm UPDATE

  • Nicole Heath of County Health – will be able to soon change Level 3 to Level 2 Hazmat
  • Incident updates will come from Martinez refining company going forward.
  • City of Martinez: We have continued to monitor the water supply for Martinez, as part of our normal operations. We want to assure residents that this incident has not affected our water quality or supply.

8:45 pm UPDATE:

  • The situation has greatly improved according to Martinez Refining Company PIO.
  • Battalion Chief Bob Atlas says flames present but now trending down… says they are using technology to find leaks. Air Monitoring will continue through the night
  • CONFIRE set to transition fire suppression efforts back to Martinez Refining Company Fire
  • Still currently at Level 3 Shelter-in-Place with teams still in field to determine when changes can be made to reduce level or move towards “all clear”
  • County Supervisor Shanelle Scales-Preston thanked the public safety officials in the county wide effort. Says resources countywide contributed to this response. Was happy to hear things were trending in a better direction with the fire out soon. Wants to ensure air quality is safe—wants to find root cause of what occurred and how to prevent it in the future. Wants to see impact on community. She said she has been on site all day.
  • Martinez Police Chier Andrew White thanked all the first responders. Confirmed its trending in a positive direction. Confirmed roadways have now opened.
  • Martinez Refining Company says they understand the impact the incident has had and will be doing a thorough investigation. Thanks fire districts and industry partners which included: CONFIRE, Phillips 66, Chevron, Valero. San Ramon, Moraga-Orinda, Rodeo-Hercules.


As of 7:07 pm

  • Contra Costa County Fire Battalion Chief Bob Atlas said during a press conference that the situation remains the same with water currently being placed on the fire. This will continue until fire is out and shut off the lines. Air monitoring is in place and nothing has been detected.  6 patients, 3 who were minor injuries, 3 individuals released at the scene.
  • Nicole Heath says Contra Costa County is at a Level 3 (shelter in place), it is expected to have health impacts to the public—which is why sirens are going off every 30 minutes and will continue. . Level 2 is only for those with sensitivity.

As of 6:47 pm

  • CHP Announce I-680 NB & SB off-ramps to Marina Vista are now open.

As of 6:22 pm

  • Update on road closures: All roads are open.
  • Level 3 Advisory is still in effect from County Health, so please still shelter in place in the surrounding neighborhoods.

As of 6:15 pm

  • Contra Costa Health announced the community warning system would sound every 30 minutes until the incident was over.

As of 5:30 pm

  • Martinez Refining Company has been classified as a Level 3 Hazmat situation. Residents in the affected areas are advised to shelter in place. Alarm is sounding in the City of Martinez (video on our Facebook Page)
  • 3 people have been transported off site and 1 person has been treated and released.
  • The following roads are closed; Marina Vista from 680 to Court St., Shell from Marina Vista to Pacheco.

Martinez Refinery Fire

Incident Updates

By 2:00 pm, the County issued an advisory:

Public Health Advisory for parts of Pacheco and Martinez

This is a public health advisory for Martinez and Pacheco. An incident at the Martinez Refining Company could affect individuals with respiratory sensitivities. Most people will not be affected. Eye, skin, nose, or throat irritation may be possible for some people in the affected area. If people experience any irritation, advise them to go inside and rinse any irritated area of their body with water. Handle this as advisory information only. For more info go to cchealth.org/hazmat.

Check back for updates.

2:53 pm: Official Statement from Supervisor Shanelle Scales-Preston

Public Health Advisory for Martinez, Pacheco, and Clyde
This afternoon, Martinez Refining Company (MRC) notified Contra Costa Health (CCH) about a fire at their facility that may have offsite health impacts for individuals with respiratory sensitivities. In response, Contra Costa Fire Protection District (ConFire), Contra Costa Health’s Hazardous Materials Team, and other emergency responders are actively on-site assessing the situation and working to mitigate any risks to the community.
A public health advisory has been issued for Martinez, parts of Pacheco, and Clyde. While most people will not be affected, those with respiratory sensitivities may experience irritation to the eyes, skin, nose, or throat. If you experience any symptoms, please go indoors and rinse any affected areas with water.
I want to assure you that I am actively monitoring this situation and staying in close contact with our emergency response teams. As your County Supervisor and a governing board member of Contra Costa Fire, I am committed to ensuring that our community receives timely and transparent updates.
For the latest information, please visit: cchealth.org/hazmat. I will share additional updates as they become available.
Stay safe, and thank you to our first responders for their swift action.
Supervisor Shanelle Scales-Preston
Contra Costa County, District 5

3:24 pm UPDATE via City of Martinez

Update on Level 2 Hazmat incident at PBF Energy refinery right outside Martinez:

  • There is a fire and additional flaring at the refinery, currently ongoing.
  •  County Health HAZMAT is on site to assess and health concerns for neighborhoods in area; they have not released any health advisories as of yet.
680 SB exit to Marina Vista Ave is shut down. 680 SB exit to Marina Vista Ave is shut down. All of Marina Vista Ave is shut down from 680 to Shell Ave. Shell Ave is shut down from Marina Vista to Pacheco Blvd. Please avoid the area so that first responders have easier, faster access.
We will release more information about the incident when it becomes available from official channels. Please stay informed and continue to follow for more information from official channels.

5:00 pm –  Shelter In Place for portions of Martinez.

This is a message from Contra Costa Health Services. There is an emergency at the Martinez Refining Company. Residents in portions of Martinez, north of the refinery should shelter in place due to impacts from smoke. Please go inside, close all windows and doors, turn off all heaters, air conditioners and fans. If not using the fireplace, close fireplace dampers and vents, and cover cracks around doors and windows with tape or damp towels. Updated emergency information can be found on media news networks and by going to http://www.cchealth.org. Stay off the telephone unless you have a life-threatening emergency.

5:14 pm – Statement via Martinez Refining Company

Martinez Refining Company, (MRC) and Contra Costa County Fire Protection district firefighters are responding to the fire reported at the refinery, and a Unified Command has been set up with MRC, Contra Costa Fire Protection District, and City of Martinez. A Unified Command allows multiple agencies and organizations to work together effectively. Mutual aid has also been called to assist with the coordinated response and the fire is contained to the refinery. The Unified Command’s top priorities are the safety and security of responders as well as maximize the protection of public health and welfare. Three people have been transported off site and one person has been treated and released. The following roads are closed; Marina Vista from 680 to Court St., Shell from Marina Vista to Pacheco. Contra Costa Health has issued the following public health advisory and a CWS Level 3 Alert: “Residents in portions of Martinez, north of the refinery should shelter in place due to impacts from smoke. Please go inside, close all windows and doors, turn off all heaters, air conditioners and fans. If not using the fireplace, close fireplace dampers and vents, and cover cracks around doors and windows with tape or damp towels.

Updated emergency information can be found on media news networks and by going to www.cchealth.org [cchealth.org]. Stay off the telephone unless you have a life-threatening emergency.”

5:18 pm  Assemblywoman Anamarie Avila Farias Addresses Martinez Refinery Fire

I am closely monitoring the fire at the Martinez Refining Company and remain in direct contact with all appropriate agencies and refinery representatives to assess the impacts on the facility and our community.

I spoke with Assemblymember Rhodesia Ransom, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Emergency Management, and will join her in an investigation alongside Federal, State, and local agencies to determine the root cause of this accident. Ensuring public safety and environmental protection remains my top priority, and I am committed to taking all necessary measures to protect our residents and environment.

Contra Costa Health has issued a public health advisory for Martinez and Pacheco:

“An incident at the Martinez Refining Company has been classified as a Level 3 Hazmat situation. Residents in the affected areas are advised to shelter in place. This incident could affect individuals with respiratory sensitivities. Most people will not be affected. Eye, skin, nose, or throat irritation may be possible for some people in the affected area. If you experience any irritation, go inside and rinse any irritated area of your body with water. Handle this as advisory information only. For more info, visit cchealth.org/hazmat.”

She encourage everyone to stay informed and follow public health recommendations. I will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available

For more info go to www.cchealth.org or www.cwsalerts.com. We will provide further updates.

CHP Log:
Detail Information
2:56 PM 25 [64] [Appended, 14:57:00] [7] XFER CCCO FIRE
2:54 PM 24 [62] [Appended, 14:57:00] [5] LOTS OF SMOKE
2:54 PM 23 [61] [Appended, 14:57:00] [4] LARGE FIRE IN MIDDLE OF REFINERY
2:43 PM 22 [57] XFER FIRE [Shared]
2:41 PM 21 [54] XFER FIRE [Shared]
2:37 PM 19 [50] [Appended, 14:38:09] [1] PER ANOTHER VISUAL OF SMOKE FROM NB 680 IN MARINEZ
2:35 PM 18 [48] 1039 DOT CC [Shared]
2:29 PM 17 [44] XFER COCO FIRE [Shared]
2:15 PM 16 [38] FIRE AT REFINER / XFR COCO FIRE [Shared]
2:12 PM 13 [33] [Notification] [CHP]-COCO FIRE REQ’NG CHP TO DO AN AREA CK NR GATE 75 – OFF LAGUNA X SHELL [Shared]
2:10 PM 11 [29] XFER COCO FIRE [Shared]
2:02 PM 10 [26] XFER FIRE [Shared]
2:01 PM 9 [25] 1039 COCO FIRE – GOING 1097 [Shared]
1:42 PM 8 [16] XFR COCO FIRE [Shared]
1:42 PM 6 [10] XFER CC CO FIRE [Shared]
1:42 PM 5 [9] LRG FIRE AT REFINERY [Shared]
1:40 PM 3 [14] [Appended, 13:42:30] [3] XFER TO FIRE
1:39 PM 1 [12] [Appended, 13:42:30] [1] SMOKE AND FLAMES SEEN



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