Home » Richmond Police to Uphold Sanctuary City Policies

Richmond Police to Uphold Sanctuary City Policies

by CC News

On Sunday, the Richmond Police Department issued a statement mimicking what other agencies have stated within Contra Costa County — however, they added they will uphold its Sanctuary City Policies.

We are committed to a safe community for all, regardless of your immigration status.
We understand that some members of our community are fearful of law enforcement due to their immigration status . We want them to know the Richmond Police Department is committed to upholding our Sanctuary City policies and state law. We will never question a persons immigration status, and we do not detain individuals for civil immigration violations. We DO NOT participate in ICE raids or assist in federal immigration enforcement. We want victims and witnesses of crime to be able to come forward without fear that we will question their immigration status. We are here to protect, not enforce immigration laws.
The Richmond Police Department is committed to prioritizing public safety and community trust, ensuring our officers focus on keeping our neighborhoods and city safe for EVERYONE!
If you have questions or want to know more about your rights, contact Stand Together Contra Costa at 925-900-5151 or https://standtogethercontracosta.org/
Estamos comprometidos con una comunidad segura para todos, independientemente de su estatus migratorio.
Entendemos que algunos miembros de nuestra comunidad tienen miedo de la Policía debido a su estatus migratorio. Queremos que sepan que el Departamento de Policía de Richmond está comprometido a defender nuestras políticas de Ciudad Santuario y la ley del estado. Nunca cuestionaremos el estatus migratorio de una persona y no detendremos a personas por violaciones civiles de inmigración. NO participamos en redadas de ICE ni ayudamos en la aplicación de las leyes federales de inmigración. Queremos que las víctimas y los testigos de delitos puedan presentarse sin temor a que cuestionemos su estatus migratorio. Estamos aquí para proteger, no para hacer cumplir, las leyes de inmigración.
El Departamento de Policía de Richmond está comprometido a priorizar la seguridad pública y la confianza de la comunidad, asegurando que nuestros oficiales se concentren en mantener nuestros vecindarios y nuestra ciudad seguros para TODOS.
Si tiene preguntas o desea saber más sobre sus derechos, comuníquese con Stand Together Contra Costa en 925-900-5151 o https://standtogethercontracosta.org/

They joined other agencies in Contra Costa County who have issued similar statements that include:

  • Contra Costa County Sheriffs Office
  • Antioch Police Department
  • Brentwood Police Department
  • Concord Police Department
  • Pittsburg Police Department
  • See those responses — click here

Jan 24 – Contra Costa County Responds to Recent Executive Orders

Amid recent changes and concerns about federal immigration policies, Contra Costa County wants to reassure you about our unwavering commitment to all members of our community, regardless of immigration status.

Our Approach:

  1. No Discrimination: Contra Costa County does not single out individuals based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, or immigration status.
  2. Privacy Protection: We do not collect or share information about your immigration status unless required by state or federal law or a court order. Safeguarding your personal information is one of our most important priorities.
  3. Access to Services: Everyone in our community should be able to access essential services, including healthcare. Recent federal actions will not affect how the County provides these services.

We recognize that fear and uncertainty can prevent people from seeking County programs and services, but we want to assure you that our services are here for you. You have the right to feel safe and secure in your community, and our longstanding policies are designed to uphold your safety and trust.

Contra Costa County stands united in creating a welcoming, inclusive environment where everyone has the support they need to thrive. We encourage you to reach out for assistance without hesitation, knowing that our commitment to serving and protecting all residents is steadfast.


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