To contact, you may do so for any reason whether its a story idea, a story tip, advertising or submit a letter to the editor. It’s pretty straight forward, for all inquiries, please email [email protected].
- Advertising/Partner – Our 2023 Ad Rates and Programs are now available. — more info
- Post an event – click here
Letters to The Editor
All submissions for Letters to the Editor will be considered for possible publication–but we do retain the right to decline publication for a variety of reasons — all voices, perspectives and views are welcome as long as it adds to the discussion. 300-1,000 words are generally accepted, an in some cases, longer pieces will be published. We ask that you keep topics to that of Contra Costa County and the State of California.
General Rules:
- Please be as accurate as possible
- Limit foul language
- Basically, just use good judgement when making a point.
While Contra Costa News does not charge for our service, our stories, our event calendar or other forms of content we may put out, we do offer two ways to support this site.
- Donation (PayPal–click here) — donations could be one-time or monthly. You make the choice.
- ECT Club Member (a private Facebook group) — here you will get local alerts in real time and tidbits that may typically never make a news story or published on our main page regarding East Contra Costa County.
For more information – Click Here
How can we get coverage in Contra Costa News?
We provide a general news service of the issues we perceive as being important in Contra Costa County and the State of California. There are however a range of ways in which you or your business can take advantage of our service and get in front of our readership.
These are:
- Advertising: We offer a range of highly competitive and targeted advertising opportunities.
- Sponsored content: If your business would like a story about your business or offerings, we have a number of sponsored content opportunities.
- Columns: If you’d like to showcase your expertise with our audience, a column is always a great idea. We can help you reach your customers