Harder Statement on San Joaquin County Being Left off of Federal Emergency Declaration

WASHINGTON – Today, Representative Josh Harder (CA-9) released the following statement after San Joaquin County was left off of the Federal Emergency Declaration that includes eighteen other California counties currently impacted by severe rain and flooding:

“It is unacceptable that once again Washington and Sacramento have left San Joaquin County behind,” said Rep. Harder. “This happens over and over and I’m tired of it. Our streets are flooded, our schools are closed, and still we’re ignored. San Joaquin County deserves just as much federal help as Los Angeles and Sacramento get, and I won’t stop until we bring those funds home.”

At present, San Joaquin County is not eligible for Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Category B measures which include:

  • Flood fighting;
  • Evacuation and sheltering;
  • Medical care and transportation;
  • Use and lease of temporary power generators;
  • Elimination of threats on public or private property (trees, power lines, water, etc.)
  • Construction of temporary structures (sandbags, levees, roadways, etc.);
  • Emergency repairs to prevent further damage (i.e. covering damaged roofs to prevent infiltration of rainwater);
  • Extracting and clearing water, mud, and other forms of debris.

California’s Central Valley Flood Protection Plan states that Stockton and San Joaquin County are currently more at risk for flooding disaster than New Orleans was during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. According to First Street’s 3rd Annual Risk Assessment, 92% of properties and 97% of commercial buildings in the City of Stockton are at risk during a flood.


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