Antioch POA Issues Statement After Oakley Councilmember Comments

On Thursday, the Antioch Police Officers Association issued a response after an Oakley city councilmember suggested the Oakley Police Department not respond to Antioch until they look at their mutual aid agreement.

Oakley Councilmember George Fuller made the comments during Tuesday’s Oakley City Council meeting after listening to commentary by Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe at an NAACP event in which Fuller stated he was “seriously distressed.”

“I want to discuss what we can do to protect our officers because the way it was going that if something happens over, Mayor Thorpe is going to be very happy to say our officers misbehaved and District Attorney Diana Becton you should put out an indictment,” stated Fuller. “I don’t want to see our officers careers go out. Our officers are trained. Whatever he says, our officers are trained. They recognize systemic racism and they are accommodating that and they are well trained.”

Fuller then highlighted a recent incident where a man was having a mental health crisis off Main Street and Carol Lane where Oakley Police responded.  In the incident, an armed man pointed a gun at officers, officers contained the area before bringing in a mental health team and peacefully take the man into custody.

“I do not want my officers going over there from Oakley and finding themselves in trouble. I would like when we come back with the request for staffing that we discuss what the mutual aid means over there and how this is going to be communicated because in law enforcement something is going to happen,” stated Fuller.

“I want to be prepared for it because I don’t want to end an Oakley police officers career for helping and saving lives in the City of Antioch,” stated Fuller. “It’s a sad situation… but I am very concerned.”

Antioch POA Response

Antioch Police Officers Association President Rick Hoffman released the following statement on behalf of the Association:

Earlier today, the APOA was solicited for comment regarding an Oakley City Council member requesting that the Oakley Police Department stop sending officers into Antioch after hearing remarks from Mayor Thorpe at an NAACP breakfast. As we said earlier, the idea of neighboring police agencies not assisting each other is deeply troubling. We recognize that crime has no borders and the best way to combat crime and keep the citizens of our cities safe is by everyone, police officer and citizen alike, to work together. APD has always and will continue to work with our neighboring agencies in times of need. We will always answer the call when they ask and we hope they will do the same.

What we, as a POA, want to further highlight is the unnecessary and disparaging remarks that Mayor Thorpe makes on a routine basis towards the officers of APD. Mayor Thorpe claims that he has outlawed certain control holds and has mandated that our officers act in a certain manner. Not only is the claim that he has outlawed control holds inaccurate at best, but the further claim that his alleged efforts have led to a reduction in Antioch’s murder rate is a slap in the face to the hard work of the men and women of APD. Facing an unprecedented staffing shortage, our officers work diligently to solve these crimes amidst one of the most tumultuous times ever faced by our department. The Mayor’s constant attacks against our officers have always been unhelpful but we wish to highlight that his comments are now also dangerous and putting officer’s lives at risk. For his comments to cause other cities to entertain the idea of no longer assisting our department is alarming and we call on the Mayor to exercise caution and restraint when speaking about our officers.

We would also like to recognize that we have always had, and plan on continuing, a great working relationship with our neighboring agencies. Specifically, we appreciate the ongoing support we receive from the Oakley, Pittsburg, and Brentwood Police Departments.”

Oakley Police Chief Says Help Will Continue

Here is the joint statement released by Oakley Police Chief Paul Beard and City Manager Josh McMurray:

The Oakley Police Department has always adhered to police department policy when it comes to how to handle outside assistance to other agencies. In part our policy reads “It is the policy of the Oakley Police Department to promptly respond to requests for assistance by other law enforcement agencies, subject to available resources and consistent with the applicable laws and policies of this department. Officers may respond to a request for emergency assistance, however, they shall notify a supervisor of their activity as soon as practicable.”

For more on the Antioch Police Officers Association, visit:

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Bill Moon January 26, 2023 - 1:45 pm
APOA is too nice in their statement. They should have come out explaining how they didn't set the policy, the ignorant council did and they have to work within the guidelines that are set by the city council and police chief. APOA should not have to put up with the criminal loving city council. What an embarrassment by both Antioch and Oakley. When cops are needed, cops should be sent. Not let politics get in the way.
Frank January 26, 2023 - 1:46 pm
What does Lamar have to say about this and anything else related to this story?
Thorpe and Fuller need to go!!! January 26, 2023 - 2:57 pm
The council member is a cliwn and doesn’t have the respect or support of any other council members or the city. He ran his ignorant mouth. Thats it. The Oakley Police support the Antioch Police and get things done. The lamé politicians in both cities have no business in what the cops do ! Thorpe and Fuller are both ignorant, incompetent and should be voted out!
Rob S January 26, 2023 - 11:19 pm
Forget voting out Thorpe -- takes way too long to wait it out. No, instead, we need to get a petition going to OUST THORPE ASAP!
Robert C. January 28, 2023 - 9:46 am
Rob, you keep calling on this website for a Thorpe recall petition but don't do anything about it. Are you aware that a recall drive was previously mounted and that it failed?
Oakley Councilwoman Responds to Statement of Not Sending Cops into Antioch January 27, 2023 - 6:40 am
[…] Antioch Police Officers Association (APOA) Address Comments by Mayor Lamar Thorpe and Oakley Councilmember George Fuller – Read Statement […]
Charles January 27, 2023 - 11:16 am
Thorpe has been nothing but a complete embarrassment to this city. He needs to go.
Charles January 27, 2023 - 11:18 am
Thorpe is a complete embarrassment to this city and its citizens. He needs to GO!!!!!!

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