Richmond Police Chief Provides 5-Year Crime Data Report

This week, Richmond Police Chief Bisa French and Crime Analysis staff provided an update on Richmond crime data and to recent changes to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).

According to French, she provided a high level overview of how crime has progressed over the past 5 years in the City of Richmond and crimes the Richmond Police Department responded to.

Over the past five years, Richmond has averaged 716 Violent Crimes reported each year and 59 violent crime each month. In the past five years, Richmond has averaged 3,514 property crimes each year with 294 property crimes each month. Violent crime continues to decrease along with property crimes.  She said violent crime has decreased by 9% since 2021 and property crimes has decreased by 7% since 2021.

According to French, over the past five years, Richmond has on average 18 homicides per year and 1 homicide per month. In both 2021 and 2022, Richmond had 18 homicides.

Aggravated Assault, such as shootings and assault with a deadly weapon, averaged 319 assaults each year with an average of 26 per month over a five-year period.

Robbery crimes average 294 per year over a five year period with 24 robberies per month on average.

In terms of property crimes, Richmond averages 1,184 burglaries per year with 83 burglaries per month. With theft, over a five-year period, Richmond has on average 1,354 thefts with an average of 117 per month.  On average, Richmond has 89 vehicle thefts per month and 1,077 vehicle theft per year.

French highlighted that due to staffing, many theft calls were directed to an online reporting system which some residents chose not to complete–crime may also be underreported.

“Unfortunately, we have heard from residents they didn’t see the purpose of going online to make a report when they knew that our resources were such that we were not going to conduct follow up on those cases,” explained French. “We know that all the people we refer to the online reporting don’t actually end up making a police report. We encourage everybody to do so because it helps us understand what crimes are occurring in each neighborhood and helps us understand where to deploy resources but can’t force somebody to make a police report.”

She also highlighted they may not have an accurate account of crime because of “a growing immigrant population” and despite working to educate, there is still a mistrust between immigrant communities and law enforcement with many not wanting to have any interaction with law enforcement due to fear of deportation—even when they are a crime victim.

“We are a sanctuary city and do not report to ICE or work with immigration. We simply want people to feel comfortable so if they are a victim of crime they report the crime to us,” explained French.

She also said the data doesn’t take into account the quality of life issues which include speeding, drug dealing, drug use, loitering, mentally ill subjects, unhoused community issues, parking issues, illegal dumping.

French stated that in 2022, the dispatch center received 126,174 calls for service and in 60% of those calls they required a police response. They towed 2,757 cars and recovered 228 firearms, responding 125 sideshows, took 1,788 traffic collisions (only take report if someone is injured), responded to 1,621 mental health calls and made 148 DUI arrests.

“Driving under the influence is a major problem in our city,” said French. “We have the most DUI’s of any city in our county and have a lot of DUI collisions.”

Closure Rate: correlation due to staffing levels and investigators available.

  • 2018 – 57% for violent crime  / 50% of property crimes
  • 2022 – 31% for violent crime / 7% of property crimes

Here is the full presentation which is 54:00 minutes in length:

For more crime statistics from the City of Richmond, visit:

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1 comment

Editorial: Is Antioch Crime Actually Down as Mayor Claims? February 3, 2023 - 6:07 am
[…] pushing online reporting – Richmond Police Chief Bisa French recently covered this when she explained with lower staffing levels police do not respond to certain crimes. Therefore, […]

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