Oakley: 16-Year-Old Killed in Shooting, 3 Others Wounded

Oakley Police issued an update Sunday morning in an overnight shooting that left 1 dead and 3 others wounded during a house party.

Statement from Oakley Police Chief Paul Beard:

On October 21 at 11:12PM Oakley police officers were dispatched to the 400 block of Shannon Way on the report a shooting had just occurred and several people had been shot.  Officers arrived on scene a short while later and located 5 spent 9mm shell casings in front of the residence. Officers also found a total of four victims suffering from gunshot wounds.

Tragically a 16-year-old juvenile was pronounced deceased on scene by medical personnel. Next of kin has been notified. The other three victims were transported to John Muir Walnut Creek with non-life threatening  injuries.

Additional resources, to include Oakley police detectives, additional officers and administration were called in.

The suspect fled the scene prior to officers arriving and has not been located. This was a very chaotic scene and Oakley police personnel are actively working with dozens of potential witnesses in an attempt to ascertain the identification of the suspect. At this point it does appear as if there was only one suspect.

Officers were dispatched to this residence approximately thirty minutes prior to the shooting regarding a loud party. Officers arrived at that time and spoke to an 18-year-old female resident who was advised of the noise complaint. The female advised the party was being shut down and they were trying to get people to leave but kids kept showing up. Officers asked if she needed help shutting down the party and she declined assistance.

One witness advised that after officers left the residence, a group of 20-30 kids showed up in front of the residence but could not get into the house due to the front door being locked. The group entered the backyard through the side gate. Shortly after, screaming was heard coming from inside the home and several people were seen running out the front door.  Shortly after that, approximately five-six shots were heard being fired in front of the residence, which is consistent with the observations of our officers and the evidence they have located so far.

“This is an active investigation and it is our top priority right now. I have spoken to the Oakley personnel who were at this scene and I have been made aware of all of the investigative steps that need to be taken. Our commitment to our community is heightened due to the fact the suspect and the weapon used in this crime are still not accounted for. This is very much of a “no rest until an arrest” approach for our investigators and officers. Every plausible lead is going to be followed up on until this case is resolved.

As I write this there is not yet enough information that has been developed, about the suspect in this case, for me to broadcast out. As soon as I have something to put out that will benefit our investigation I will be sure to do so and I will make an appeal to our community to assist us in locating the suspect.

No parent should ever have to receive the news that happened last night and live through the horror of losing a child- I am very sorry this happened and I offer sincere condolences.

I will update all of you as soon as I can. If you do have any information about this shooting please call the Oakley Police Department at 925-625-8060, advise the dispatcher you have information regarding the shooting that happened on Shannon Way and you will be connected to the appropriate person.

Stay safe Oakley.”

~Chief Paul Beard

Original Story

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Mack O October 22, 2023 - 8:13 am
My daughter could have been killed last night. FOR WHAT!!! FOR WHAT!! She has to watch people die because some ANIMAL PIECE OF TRASH CANT GET INTO A HOUSE WITH A LOCKED DOOR. I HOPE THE POLICE GUN HIS ASS DOWN. NO JUVENILE CHARGE GARBAGE. START THROWING THE KEY. AWAY ON THESE LUNATICS… and while they are at it go lock his parents up for raising an Animal. If he got the gun from someone or got it from unsecure source they need to do 10 years jail minimum. ENOUGH! As for Oakley P.D. GET LAWYERS IMMIDIATLEY. You’re gonna need them. Probably should have stuck around to make sure those intoxicated Minors were able to shut party down. Not wise to take the word of 18 year old girl with a house full of kids High and drunk. One of their usual attorneys is my wife. She’ll be sitting this one out. UNREAL. Lives ruined, Children Dead, Children mentally scarred. CANT WAIT TO GET OUT OF THIS MISERABLE PLACE
Parents or birthers October 22, 2023 - 2:13 pm
The parents are the problem. Parents that raise their kids with no respect. Parents that allowed their kuds to attend the party. Parents that allowed the party. Its a culture problem not a police problem. If your kid was at the party then take some responsibility for knowing what your kids are doing.
MODERATE October 22, 2023 - 9:12 am
Tragic that people never learn. While the perp is of course responsible for the act, I'd be asking who the property owner is and, if applicable, who the tenant of record is. Those parties bear some responsibility for even allowing such a "party."
D October 22, 2023 - 10:27 am
High and drunk kids at a party! That home owner is the one responsible for this as well. Looks like the attorneys will benefit. It’s 10 pm do you know where your kids are ?
John Alexander October 22, 2023 - 11:13 am
Antioch is creeping into Oakley slowly slowly
Jane Alexander October 23, 2023 - 6:28 am
What an idiot comment!!
Alex Alexander October 23, 2023 - 8:17 am
the truth always hurts your little snowflake felling's, doesn't it?
Alyssa Murray October 25, 2023 - 1:44 am
@John Alexander: Considering that both Antioch and Oakley had poor development and people that didn't run those cities properly, I would be surprised if that doesn't end up happening.
AdultsAreToBlame October 22, 2023 - 12:18 pm
The residents of Oakley keep wanting to build, build and build. The more housing you add, the more you invite people to make these stupid house parties a reality. The adults in the room should stop and stare in the mirror for a little bit-YOU are the ones that are causing the quality of life to diminish.
Alyssa Murray October 25, 2023 - 1:30 am
From a critical thinking perspective, you're right. If a city is going to build a whole bunch of houses but not actual places for those young people to go to (arcades, bowling alleys, theaters, etc), then they will have to get creative when it comes to hanging out with friends. These include dangerous house parties that could get people killed.
Street Sweeper October 22, 2023 - 12:28 pm
Mack O is 100% correct!!! -- I have been saying for a a while now , that Oakley residents need to wake up and look around. Oakley & Brentwood getting ghetto asf too.
Unknown October 23, 2023 - 11:55 am
I agree . I have lived in Brentwood for half my life since I was 15 and almost 51 it was a nice suburb place . Quiet and safe and now it’s not. I’m sorry but sometimes parents are at fault but sometimes not. My son was murdered last year by his own friend but drugs were involved and it was out of state. My son for the most part was a great person but got into stuff he shouldn’t have and I had no idea. He had a baby and was only 27 there was no fighting just jealousy. And he lost his life. So it’s all how each persons mind thinks and acts . Sometimes you just can’t control someone else’s reactions… and it sucks I am lost and my hearts shattered from losing my son and now his baby grows up without a father. Life just isn’t fair. Some people will say mean things over this some may agree. I’m just saying I won’t point a finger at anyone cause I’ll have 3 pointing right back at me. I’m very sorry for this catastrophe and the loss of those parents and the other children are kids or minors that were injured. I understand the pain it’s not fair, but we can’t do anything except for try to help improve this city, making the community better if everybody just joins together instead of pointing fingers. I hope everyone can move forward and try to make this place safer for everyone. Prayers to everyone. And I believe that the people who threw the party and that the police should’ve stayed. Everybody knew that something was not right. They should all just stepped up and faced what they didn’t do and just try to fix it. What’s that saying two wrongs don’t make a right all wrongs don’t make it right.
Jiveass honky October 22, 2023 - 4:56 pm
The house's in that neighborhood are what , 3200 + square foot . Nothing I could afford . I would bet that those houses are section 8. But of course , they deserve only the best.
Hard To Swallow October 22, 2023 - 7:47 pm
It's pitiful how parents these days are so quick to blame schools, police or other people for them failing as a parent. No one will admit their kid is a piece of shit who hangs out with other piece of shit kids.
pv October 22, 2023 - 10:33 pm
Wow! Consequences of crimes without consequences. Vote out Soros funded politicians, DAs, Mayors and restore CA sanity. I’m sure police would have rather stayed and shut down the party but did they have the authority to do so since all these new crazy laws have been implemented?
pepe October 23, 2023 - 8:14 am
animal house.
Laurie October 23, 2023 - 1:28 pm
A family is grieving, can we just stop a minute to honor them and their child. Kids have party's, it's normal or it was normal. Let's get the facts before we start arguing.
Aliceineastbay October 23, 2023 - 1:46 pm
I’m sorry but you don’t get to freak out when you allow your child to attend a party like this. I’ve lost count of how many shootings have occurred at a house party. Your daughter wouldn’t have been “almost killed” if you as a parent didn’t allow her to attend what is obviously a huge magnet for gun violence. Not only that, I can’t imagine you would allow your daughter to be somewhere where there is under age drinking and drug use right..? Unreal! You’re definitely right though! Parents do need to get their chit together and quit raising heathens. And parents need to also use their heads and keep their kids outta blatant danger.
Alyssa Murray October 25, 2023 - 1:39 am
Stories like these scare me. This could have been someone's child, sibling, aunt, uncle, friend, classmate, niece, nephew, grandchild, significant other, or even acquaintance. It's sad that people have to resort to violence that could result in someone's life abruptly ending. My condolences go out to anyone who has known the victims.
Sue October 25, 2023 - 1:31 pm
Heartbreaking, my condolences to the family and friends of this young man who lost his life. The only blame is on the person(s) who brought a gun and pulled the trigger. AKA a piece of shit, low down scum.

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