Assembly Democrats Vote to Protect Illegal Immigrant Pedophiles

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Assemblyman Bill Essayli forced a vote on the Assembly Floor to consider his AB 2641 which would end California’s ‘sanctuary state’ protections for illegal immigrant pedophiles. Assembly Democrats unanimously blocked the vote, thus allowing illegal immigrant pedophiles to remain protected from deportation.

“It is disgusting that Assembly Democrats just voted to protect illegal immigrant pedophiles. But to Assembly Democrats, this is just another day at the Capitol. They literally don’t give a damn. But they are now all on record that they care more about protecting illegal immigrants — even those who rape an innocent child — more than protecting American children. Today is a sad, shameful day in the California State Capitol,” remarked Assemblyman Bill Essayli.

“My only son was murdered by a criminal illegal alien thanks to our policies, and twenty-two years since my son has been murdered, not a thing has improved in protecting our borders. As a legal immigrant, I was outraged by the vote today. This bill would have protected the most vulnerable, the most innocent which is our children. It is disgusting what the Democrats are doing. They put illegal aliens before us, legal citizens.” commented victim Agnes Gibboney.

This legislation was inspired by Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s announcement that an illegal alien who raped an American child was released from California state custody. This is a direct result of California’s Sanctuary State laws for illegal immigrants. AB 2641 would have ended these protections for illegal immigrant pedophiles.

How they voted

Assemblyman Bill Essayli represents the 63rd Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the whole cities of Norco, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, and Canyon Lake, as well as portions of the cities of Eastvale, Riverside, and Corona.


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RayMcFroggy May 22, 2024 - 7:58 am
D May 23, 2024 - 4:27 am
Wow Exactly!!!!!
Rob May 22, 2024 - 3:40 pm
How do we let democrat voters of these results.
Disgusting May 24, 2024 - 7:52 pm
Pedocrats protecting their own.

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