Antioch Mayor Suggests Taking Resident Outside During Heated Exchange

During Tuesday night’s Antioch City Council meeting, Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe challenged to take a resident outside after a public comment was made.

The exchange came during public comments when Antioch resident and former Citizen of the Year, Sal Sbranti spoke about how culture change takes approximently 7-years which started under the previous two chiefs and is continuing under Chief Ford–he says he believed they were in the midst of a positive culture change.

“Measure C passed with 68.9% of the vote, Measure W passed with a 66.11% favorable vote – both of those measures were sold to the public as an effort to increase safety and security in the city of Antioch especially by increasing our police force – there was the mandate,” stated Sbranti. “Lamar claims he has a mandate from the public with a 44% popular vote – counting his harvesting – and Tamisha Torres-Walker with a 33% popular vote and Monica Wilson had 35% of the vote – how is this a mandate?”

He continued.

“Based on Facebook postings by Ellie Householder and Lacey Brown, plus his previous issue while working for the County, I believe Lamar should be investigated by the City Attorney  to determine if he has created a hostile work environment as has been suggested.”

At that point, Sbranti questioned the mayor for his past text messages with the city clerk and Shagoofa Khan (referring to possible criminal activity) and suggested those be released to the public with an audit.

Thorpe interjected “get it, get it”.

“I would like to see the police cam video when police officers went to Councilmember Tamisha’s (Torres-Walker) house for shots fired. I would like to know what the agreement with Con Johnson as with the city to how much he would be paid if he was terminated. I would like to know the selection criteria used to select Con Johnson as City Manager and who else was evaluated for the position,” stated Sbranti.

At that point, Thorpe responded.

“That is a dog whistle racism, an apologist for what is absolutely wrong with this city. You want to go outside, let’s go!,” said Thorpe. “I am sick and tired of being attacked by these people in this community apologizing for the racism that is going on in this community. You are the problem. You are the problem.”

At that point, with crowd getting loud and Thorpe still shouting, the rest of the council called for a recess trying to calm Thorpe down who left the dais and went to the back room while slamming the door.

When he returned, he apologized calling his outburst not right but admitted to being upset over being named in the Antioch Police text messages.


Other Tidbits from Antioch City Council Meeting

  • The Antioch City Council offered their thoughts on racist police text – an investigation by Chief Ford will forward regarding the text messages.
  • Mayor Thorpe admitted over the years, they sat in many closed sessions and consciously swept things were under the rug and chose not to say anything. When they chose to say something and began police reform, two of them were dragged through the mud.
  • Thorpe says they went through a “stupid recall” in the name of defense of the culture that has been existing at that police department.
  • Although 17-officers were involved in the text messages, it appears to have grown to 24-officers.
  • During Chiefs Presentation, it turns out due to an HR issue, Antioch Police Officer evaluations has been completed since 2017.
  • Budget Workshop – City is facing a $6 million deficit in the coming year while the city currently has 83 vacancies citywide.
  • Police Crime Prevention Commission to be reframed—this item will return.
  • City Council to move forward with policy to allow them to directly hire or fire a police chief. The city will come back with an ordinance. “Either we do this or stay on the side of racism” said Thorpe as the council provided direction.


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Choose Life April 12, 2023 - 6:19 am
Antioch needs effective, strategic, level headed leadership that citizens can rest confidently in knowing the best is being done on and for the city’s behalf. This isn’t it.
Choose Life April 12, 2023 - 6:24 am
With toxic leadership like this, no one will want to work in city government with Thorpe as mayor.
Yourfullofit April 12, 2023 - 6:42 am
Where are the texts?
Dave April 13, 2023 - 11:01 am
I agree! Where are Lamar and Ellie's texts with Shagoofy?!?!?!
Robert C. April 12, 2023 - 7:11 am
So Mr. Thorpe is saying, among other things, that anyone who dares to question the Council's hiring process for Con Johnson is a racist. He appears to be incapable of defending that process so indulges in name-calling instead. Kinda reminds me of Donald Trump behavior. He also states that, regarding changing the hiring process for police chief, “Either we do this or stay on the side of racism.” Effectively, he is saying that this council is incapable of hiring a city manager who is competent enough to manage a fair and non-racist hiring process for the police chief position. How sad is that when this council has demonstrated repeatedly that it cannot manage its way out of a wet paper bag?
BonBon April 12, 2023 - 7:19 am
The Major is a racist. Pain and simple. The police department s culture is not new… why throw the chief under the bus?
WPR April 12, 2023 - 9:13 am
Thorpe, little more than a spoiled petulant child.
Guy Sylva April 12, 2023 - 11:36 am
I'm sitting on the side watching the show and it seems to me, it would be a waste of time for the man who is part of the problem to be the one to go to for an answer to the problem.
Brian April 12, 2023 - 12:57 pm
Antioch is becoming one of the worst cities in in the bay area. Poor management starting at the top. Excuses excuses. I regret investing in this place. Wake up people and vote.
Former Resident April 12, 2023 - 4:21 pm
Mr. Sal Sbranti was Vice President of Operations for a multi million dollar company for years, he was an extraordinary manager and out classes thorpe by many magnitudes. Taking it outside, thorpe wouldn't have a chance. . What Anrioch needs to turn this city around is two or three recall petitions.
Two Wheeler April 12, 2023 - 6:21 pm
Lame-ar challenging someone to take it outside. LOL. What a complete clown? Hey Lamar, what's say you do it for charity? You can use the proceeds to pay off your DUI fine AND pay the settlement for your sexual harassment lawsuit.
MEV April 12, 2023 - 6:45 pm
"Alleged" texts most like are not real. After the DOD leak of classified documents on line, this could be done by the same group. I can't imagine a police officer doing that on his phone; not very smart with all the hackers lurking about. They'll figure it out. Either way, Antioch City Council needs a change in leadership. Personally, I think Lamar is the racist.
Jeanne Romo April 13, 2023 - 1:35 pm
I totally agree. I read once he was mouthing off how Antioch was racist back in the 50s and 60s and he was going to to pay it back. He sure has been eorking on that. I believe the racism is him,and he is creating the racism now. Along with his minions.
Cat Mom April 12, 2023 - 7:59 pm
He's an embarrassment to our city. Only a bully goes after someone the way he went after Mr. Sbranti. Definitely not a good look for someone in his position. He needs to take anger management classes. He needs to step down.
Frank April 12, 2023 - 9:01 pm
Wow!!! Lamar just went postal right in front of the city council and all for the city of Lamar to see. This thug is a loose cannon and should relinquish any and all guns he might own. He threatens a citizen in an open forum right in front of the cops. Guess we should higher more social workers not cops? NOT
Mozell April 12, 2023 - 9:06 pm
You all talk about the mayor. No comments on the racist texts and bad behavior of some of the officers. They give a very bad name to the good officers who put their life on the line everyday.
CC News April 12, 2023 - 9:13 pm
The texts are self-explanatory, they are horrible and will be dealt with through termination, suspension, demotion or corrective action. Can't defend the text message at all. I am hearing they will be released Friday which will provide more context.
Rob S April 13, 2023 - 2:26 am
We seem to all agree on all issue raised that Mr. Thorpe needs to be recalled. How do we get this started?
Jaimoe April 13, 2023 - 7:58 am
As incompetent as they come. Just like all other libs, they always call for violence. Show these demonrats no mercy
A Espinosa April 13, 2023 - 10:51 am
Antioch police department has been corrupt since the 90s when I was a teenager. It doesn't matter if you are black brown or tan. The whole force is ran like cowboys. It's us against them and we always loose obviously due to corruption. The city has been ran to the ground. GET OUT IF YOU CAN.
Enough is Enough April 13, 2023 - 10:57 am
“The inmates are running the asylum” has never been more true. The nut job mayor needs to be removed from office, the bad cops need to be dealt with swiftly, and this poor, mistreated city needs a fresh start, with leaders who care about the citizens and the city as a whole, not just their own agendas and ego stroking.
MEV April 14, 2023 - 5:04 am
Great post and agree. Lamar hasn’t done one thing good for Antioch.
Jake Henderson April 14, 2023 - 1:57 am
What about the mayor? Himself he’s running a circus with that DA “Becton”. I bet $1,000.000 they have skeletons in their cell phones. Why have they not been investigated? Antioch PD do what you need to do to clean up your city!!! Nobody else is stepping. Up to do it!!! I support Antioch PD!!!!
Michelle Hickox April 14, 2023 - 2:09 am
The mayor is a clown and he is running the circus. Along with that DA Becton. I didn’t see one harming text message. I wonder if the mayor and DA had their conversations brought in the public eye there would be the same stuff. I support Antioch PD!!!
A Espinosa April 14, 2023 - 12:12 pm
WHY IS THIS ABOUT THE MAYOR? It's understood his behavior was bad but the fact remains that there's 24 racist police officers getting away with this.
CC News April 14, 2023 - 1:13 pm
Getting away with what exactly? They are suspended and cases are being looked at they have worked on.
Anna Sassen April 15, 2023 - 7:37 pm
I don’t believe Antioch police are that stupid to be texting anything that can be used as evidence on them. They know first hand you can get evidence from a phone. And even if they did so what!! What happened to freedom of speech!!! This is America we can say what we want to!!
Annie Leigh April 17, 2023 - 9:37 am
I just read the transcripts of the texts. My first impression was these were written by some of the most ignorant, classless and vulgar people ever. Additionally, they as a group cannot spell or use proper grammar. What shocked me the most was the potty mouth on that female officer. Is this is how they speak to their families, their neighbors? No one who uses vulgar foul language limits it to just texts.
Carol Christensen April 19, 2023 - 8:01 am
All I can say to the residents in Antioch is "Love thy neighbor as thyself." We ALL need to get along. ❤️

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