California Lawmakers Seek Court Opinion on Constitutionality of Donald J. Trump’s Appearance on Ballot

SACRAMENTO — Nine Members of the California State Legislature signed a letter by Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley) to California’s Attorney General Rob Bonta calling for urgent action by the Office of the Attorney General to, “…seek the court opinion as to whether or not Donald J. Trump should be removed from the ballot…” as a result of Mr. Trump’s role in the insurrection that took place on January 6, 2021 at the United States Capitol.

The full letter can be viewed and downloaded here.

Assemblymember Evan Low said of the effort:

“My colleagues and I are asking our Attorney General to proactively seek the opinion of the court to determine if Donald J. Trump is or is not eligible to appear on the ballot. On January 6, 2021, Americans witnessed Donald Trump order his army of supporters to the United States Capitol and multiple courts have already declared the events of that day an insurrection. Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is clear that no person who has taken the oath of office and engaged in insurrection against the United States can hold public office. Whatever the courts decide it is important that they do so quickly to avoid further political strife, and the Attorney General is uniquely positioned to get the American people the answers we need to protect our Republic.”

California Legislators who signed on to the September 15, 2023 letter authored by Assemblymember Evan Low (District 26) to California’s Attorney General include: State Senator Josh Becker (District 13), Assemblymember Mike Fong (District 49), Assemblymember Mike Gipson (District 65), Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson (District 60), Assemblymember Alex Lee (District 24), Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (District 6), Assemblymember Stephanie Nguyen (District 10), and Assemblymember Phil Ting (District 19).

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Trump 2024 September 22, 2023 - 10:27 am
this is such bs the liberal media is trying to do anything they can to stop him from running. this is so insane . i am pro trump and voting for him in 2024
Good Character Is Not Optional September 22, 2023 - 1:21 pm
Anyone who would vote for a guy that has exhibited no redeeming character traits needs to do some self examination.

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