Fuller Accuses Oakley Councilmembers of Money Laundering

On Tuesday, Oakley City Councilmember George Fuller accused two city councilmembers of money laundering campaign funds.

The accusation came during the reorganization of the city council after the City Council named Anissa Williams as its next mayor; however, they bypassed Fuller as vice mayor in favor of councilmember Shannon Shaw.

Councilmember Aaron Meadows made the motion to keep a traditional rotation and appoint Fuller as vice mayor, however, no one on the council offered a second prompting Fuller to make the second—that vote failed on a 2-3 vote with Hugh Henderson, Shaw and Williams voting against.

City Attorney Derek Cole informed the council of city council noting the council may decline to appoint a mayor or vice mayor for any of the following circumstances:

  1. Violation of State Law or City Policy or councilmember is being investigated for a law or policy
  2. Intemperate, disparaging remarks or conduct toward the public, staff or city council
  3. Lack of leadership or communication skills
  4. Excessive absenteeism
  5. Any other conduct considered to be unprofessional or unbecoming of the position of mayor or vice mayor
  6. Determination that the person does not have the available time to assume the additional duties of mayor or vice mayor.

Shaw stated the reason for voting “no” for Fuller fell under item 2 (Intemperate, disparaging remarks or conduct toward the public, staff or city council).

“Can you name one?” Stated Fuller who requested the conversation be had in public. “I would expect an explanation.”

Henderson then nominated Shaw for vice mayor based on his interpretations of Items 2, 3 and 5.

Fuller responded.

“If the nomination for councilmember Shaw goes through, I would ask to postpone that until the California Attorney General can review circumstances that regrettably have developed. I have reason to believe, and so do many others, that councilmembers Shaw and Henderson laundered their campaign contributions from O’Hara Properties and from DeNova Homes. They sent the donations back and the California Real Estate Association Political Action Committee reissued the same amount within a few days to the councilmember allowing them to vote on their projects—especially Mr. Banke’s project regarding the McDonald’s. SB 1439 was in play and it passed, it was signed by the Governor and there was talk that neither councilmember Shaw nor councilmember Henderson could vote on the project at that time. It went to the legislative analyst, and they said they could vote but at that point the laundering had already occurred.  I did make a sworn complaint with the FPPC in Sacramento. They reviewed it and the enforcement division of the FPPC elected not to pursue it, I talked to Laura Wagner who was the handling agent. She said they did not elect to pursue it because they did not have the resources. I was not surprised. It’s a very complicated and convoluted area involving many many parties. CREPAC has over $4 million to defend themselves and did not feel they had the resources to pursue a proper investigation and I believe its going on to the California State Attorney General’s Office for review to see if there is criminal prosecution by anyone and they do have the resources to investigate it. I would ask we wait on councilmember Shaw until there is a an opinion coming back from the California Attorney General that it was not laundering and they will not pursue it.  Beyond that, there is an administrative procedure but I believe that is where it is going at this time.”

There was no response to the statement by Fuller by anyone on the city council.

Williams then called for the vote which Shaw was appointed vice mayor in a 4-1 vote with Fuller dissenting.

Editors Notes:

May 26 – Senator Glazer Applauds Ruling Upholding Anti-Corruption Law (SB 1439)

Under the law, local officials cannot receive a contribution of more than $250 in the 12 months after the vote on matters involving the donor. Officials would be able to return a contribution to avoid violating the new law and still vote on the matter.

Based on the court ruling and the bill, Fuller is wrong as both Henderson and Shaw returned the money.  Furthermore, his own statement says the FPPC is not pursuing it and the money was returned–thus it appears more of a witch hunt than anything.

According to Shaw, she confirmed she received the check in September and returned it in October.

Fuller being bypassed did meet Items 2, 3 & 5

Anyone watching the Oakley City Council meetings or observing George Fullers blog or social media would understand the council perspective of not selecting Fuller as its vice mayor. Ironically, minutes after being accused for making disparaging comments in the past, Fuller offers up disparaging comments regarding Henderson and Shaw.

Based on the reasoning in Items 2, 3 and 5, there are several instances that would allow the council to bypass Fuller.

Under Item 2: Intemperate, disparaging remarks or conduct toward the public, staff or city council

  • Used his “blog” to essentially call City manager Josh McMurray a liar on the Koda Park delayed.
  • Used his “blog” to make disparaging remarks on councilpersons Meadows, Shaw and Williams by using the term “gaslighting” just a few months ago.
  • Used his “blog” in August to be critical of Shaw in her response to fireworks and accused her of micromanaging the police chief.
  • Used his “blog” in July to accuse Shaw, Williams and former mayor/councilmber Kevin Romick of accosting attendees to persuade them to accept a concept for the 55-acre park.
  • Used his “blog” to insinuate “bias” for cannabis because Rotary members took a trip to visit a cannabis facility–Meadows, Henderson, and Shaw. Along with City manager Josh McMurray.
  • In January, used his blog to insinuate three council members (Shaw, Henderson, and Meadows) were bought off by developers after they received four-figure dollar amounts for their election campaigns on the dais.
  • Publicly accused Shaw and Williams of conflict of interest because they serve on Tri Delta Transit and voted on the Park and Ride.

Under Item 3: Lack of leadership or communication skills

  • For someone who preaches the community be heard, Fuller attempted to have the city create a policy to limit public comments in which the city attorney, after research, provided a memo informing the City Council they cannot limit public comments.
  • The great water debate (August ) where he stopped a meeting as he was flustered that Councilmember Shaw was getting water and threw a temper tantrum.  (see video)
  • Suggested not sending police to Antioch
  • Making negative remarks about another city’s mayor.
  • His very public opinions ahead of the McDonald’s votes could have led to a lawsuit had O’Hara Properties opted to over forward with a lawsuit against the City of Oakley.
  • Fuller has also blocked members of the public from social media — including this publication.

Under Item 5 : Any other conduct considered to be unprofessional or unbecoming of the position of mayor or vice mayor

  • Essentially, see above.

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Fuller is a clown December 13, 2023 - 7:37 am
Fuller is a complete clown and a total embarrassment.
Street Sweeper December 13, 2023 - 10:42 am
This guy is senile asf! 🍿🍿🍿🍿
Hairy Bosch December 13, 2023 - 10:53 am
Petulant rant because he was not selected. The AG’s office will never get involved with these accusations. Especially after the FPPC punted. Vote wisely, Oakley residents. No one currently on the council is very impressive.
RealSucka December 18, 2023 - 7:46 am
Let me point something out that I found odd... calling this a "bizarre" event is putting it lightly. Let's not act like this is "new" or "rare", this has a considerable amount of times before. George continues to make a mock out of himself, the city of Oakley, and more importantly - the residents of Oakley. Antioch is not alone when it comes to "dumbed down" politics - Brentwood and Oakley have been there, they have not just arrived.

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