On Tuesday, the Oakley City Council will discuss approving an ordinance that would fine spectators at illegal speed contests, exhibitions of speed or sideshows.
Those who participate and watch sideshows on private property within the City of Oakley could face a misdemeanor, subject to six-months in jail or a fine of up to $1,000.
The staff report highlights these gatherings, often organized on social media, often result in gatherings of hundreds of spectators, sometimes in the late hours of the night or early hours of the morning. The personal safety of all involved in these gatherings is very significantly jeopardized whenever the events occur. The drivers themselves are at high risk—intensified by the competitive nature of the events—from the excessive speeds at which they drive or the dangerous stunts they perform. Those who watch, usually from very close distances from the automobiles involved, are placed at high risk of being struck by one of the competing vehicles. Motorists, pedestrians, and others passing through or by the area are also at great risk of collisions or accidents.
Side shows result in the blockage of public roads, highways, and intersections. In this regard, they can have significant traffic impacts, including the blockage of police, fire, or ambulance vehicles responding to calls for service. Side shows can also result in adverse impacts to public and private property. They can cause damage to city roads, sidewalks, and other utilities. They can also result in damage to private property on which events occur, usually without the knowledge of the property owner.
The proposed ordinance, requested by the Police Department, is intended to provide the City an enforcement tool for addressing and attempting to prohibit future side shows within City limits. The Ordinance would generally prohibit the gathering of crowds around occurring or planned side shows.
According to the ordinance:
“Sideshow” means a gathering, procession, or assemblage of vehicles where vehicles are used to exhibit stunts and maneuvers in the presence of spectators.”
“Spectator” means any individual who is present at an illegal motor vehicle speed contest, exhibition of speed, or sideshow, or at a location where preparations are being made for such activities, for the purpose of viewing, observing, watching, or witnessing the event as it progresses. “Spectator” includes any individual at the location of the event without regard to whether the individual arrived at the event by driving a vehicle, riding as a passenger in a vehicle, walking, or arriving by some other means”
The ordinance comes after several high profile sideshows in the East Bay
In April the Oakley Police Department responded to a report of sideshow activity involving an estimated 200 vehicles in the area of Sellers Avenue and E Cypress Road in the City of Oakley. Upon arrival, an Oakley Police officer estimated around 60-vehicles in the area. At that point, the officer became surrounded by participants who then attacked the vehicle with one person even jumping on top of the vehicle and on its hood. The officer backed out and called for assistance. A gunshot was also fired.
According to the city attorney, it is mimicking the City of Pittsburg ordinance recently adopted in May after a 5-0 city council vote.
“This Office believed the Pittsburg ordinance provided the best set of regulations for Oakley’s usage and believed consistency in regulations with another East County city would be beneficial for enforcement purposes,” according to the staff report.
The ordinance would include persons within 200 feet of occurring or planned event as violators. Those who violate the ordinance would be subject to potential misdemeanor prosecution. The City would also have other enforcement options, including treating violations as infractions or through civil fines or abatement.
The State of California is also taking on the sideshow issue with Assembly Bill (AB) 2000, which will prohibit street racing and sideshows from occurring in parking lots across the state. The Bill currently sits in the State Senate after passing the state assembly in a 69-0 vote.
In May, the mayor of the City of Antioch has said the city council will take up a policy to target sideshow spectators in an effort to prevent side shows from coming to Antioch. This press conference came after less than a week after Pittsburg took up their ordinance and an Antioch Police vehicle was attacked by sideshow spectators for interrupting two sideshows in May.
Antioch Police Chief Steve Ford said during the press conference, “As we enter the summer months, we want to remind organizers and participants of sideshows that if you come to Antioch your vehicles will be impounded for 30-days, costing you or your parents costing you $3k, which is only to get the vehicle out,” stated Thorpe. “You will also be issued a citation at $300.”
Oakley City Council Meeting
July 12 at 6:30 pm
3231 Main Street, City of Oakley
Full Agenda: Click here
Staff Report: https://legistarweb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/attachment/pdf/1450106/Staff_Report_for_Introduction_of_Side_Show_Ordinance__00087179xB0EC9_.pdf