Home » Mayor Calls For Audit After Antioch Officers Sent Racists Text

Mayor Calls For Audit After Antioch Officers Sent Racists Text

By Mike Burkholder

by CC News
Lamar A. Hernandez-Thorpe

On Saturday, Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe issued a video statement in response to a Contra Costa County Judge releasing the names of 17 Antioch Police Officers who allegedly sent racists texts.

Here is the transcript:

 “On Friday afternoon, Contra Costa Superior Court Judge Clare Maier released the names of 17 Antioch police officers who allegedly were just unafraid to use racist language.

There are no words to express my profound disappointment given that one of the named officers serves as president of the Antioch Police Union.

While Antioch has worked hard to become one of the Bay Area’s most racially diverse cities, this will undoubtedly leave an embarrassing stain on our community.

The culture at the Antioch Police Department is a problem and has long been a huge legal and financial liability for the city, which is on full display today.

The culture at the department requires further exploration including how the hell all of this alleged misconduct could go on for so long without anyone on the command staff noticing– from lieutenant to chief.

Therefore, I’m calling for an independent audit of the internal affairs process specifically looking at all complaints within the last six to eight years from the nature of complaints to their dispositions.

I am also seriously concerned about complaints that have not been investigated and are now outside of the statute of limitations. I want a complete review of that as well.

Moreover, we need a complete independent audit of our hiring and promotions practices so that the Council can implement measures to better root out individuals with certain biases. This idea was part of my original police reform package that I presented to the City Council in 2020 but has yet to be examined.

Lastly, our police-reform efforts to this point are missing the forest for the trees because this fundamentally is about culture. I agree with Vice Mayor Tamisha Torres-Walker and City Manager Forrest Ebbs on conducting some kind of police equity audit of the Antioch Police Department to measure bias in our enforcement efforts and ultimately pursue measures that help eliminate racist policies, practices, and behaviors.

We will hold anyone accountable that has allowed this culture to continue irrespective how long you have been here with the department. Whether its been here for a year or 20 years, and regardless of your rank.

I really want to remind the public, I really want people to understand that in my first 30 days in office, I had to deal with two in-custody deaths and the fallout as a result of that; in less than a year, a failed recall effort fueled by the idea of protecting the police department; then in year two I was hauled into the DA’s office to be briefed about a very serious FBI investigation of the Antioch Police Department; and now, on year three we’re dealing with alleged racism.

The culture of acceptance is wrong. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

The fact of the matter is that our goal of a strong police department will not materialize until every resident in our city regardless of race and socio-economic background can feel that they have a trusting relationship with our police officers.

If you’re a supporter of law enforcement, you should support these reforms as they help separate officers who are committed to the badge and have played by the rules and those who have no business being police officers to begin with.”

I want to thank the men and women of law enforcement who continue to hold themselves to high standards as I know this time is a difficult time for you but I also ask for patience and understanding as the leaders of this city work to navigate these challenging situations. And I ask for the same patience and understanding from our residents. I will do my best to ensure that we put out as much timely information as we can and that this council and myself can make the appropriate decisions to steward our police department in the right direction.”


  • April 7: Becton Issues Statement on Disclosure of Racist Texts in Felony Case
    Contra Costa Superior Court Judge Clare Maier ruled on the disclosure of information that centers on racist text messages exchanged by Antioch Police officers. — more info
  • March 31: Antioch POA and Attorney Mike Rains Respond to Antioch Mayor
    The Antioch Police Officers Association issued a statement in response to Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe’s latest press conference. On Friday, Attorney Mike Rains issued a more comprehensive statement in response to Thorpe’s comments —  more info
  • March 30: Antioch Police Chief Issues Open Letter to Community
    Antioch Police Chief Steve Ford issued the following open letter to the residents of Antioch. — more info
  • March 30: Antioch Mayor Holds Press Conference on New Police Investigation
    On Thursday, Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe held a press conference regarding a new in investigation which has resulted in several officers being placed on leave. — More info + video

Editors Note – Rather than opt for a press conference, like he attempted last week, he opted for a video release after the Bay Area Media finally pushed back on his commentary so he could not be fact checked — including comments that two men died in custody of Antioch Police–see DA report here.

Criminal Council Wants Control of Police Department

The above statement comes as the Antioch City Council will discuss Tuesday moving control of the Police Chief under city council control. Currently, its the city manager who hires and fires the chief of police and provides oversight.

Let’s also not forget, the very officers the mayor is now blasting, he had been taking credit for their efforts touting crime has not been lower between 2013-2020 while stating there has been a 25% decrease in homicides.

On Saturday, Thorpe was quick to blast Antioch Police Officers and the department culture, but failed to address the culture created by members of the Antioch City Council or accept any responsibility for its actions:

  • Mayor DUI and lied about the number of drinks he had — he is still under probation
  • Hired the City Manager and Police Chief without a national search (as promised)
  • Faked an assault against him while vilifying an Antioch resident — no charges ever filed
  • Two women accused Thorpe of sexual harassment – county settled the case
  • Thorpe lied about body cameras — he previously voted against them
  • Media blackout for local publications who disagree with him
  • Muzzled the Antioch Police Department from releasing information to the public
  • Has blocked elected officials and the public from his social media, deleted comments who disagree with him
  • Called people who disagree with him “Karen’s” on several occasions
  • Multiple attacks on Antioch Police over the past several years — including naming several officers

Meanwhile, Tamisha Torres-Walker has had multiple run-ins with the Antioch Police Department which include 12 police calls for services to her home over the past two years–including gunshots and interfering with police which prompted a misdemeanor charge. The City Attorney has denied the request for body camera footage of the incident four times. Back in 2020, she issued a 9-min long anti-police rant after her sons had a run in with Antioch Police. Torres-Walker was also arrested in 2009 for arson and burglary.

Ultimately, the investigations into the officers are going to take care of itself from the FBI/District Attorneys Office–remember, no charges have even been filed against any officer. Oddly, the same FBI/District Attorney people have faith in failed to do anything with text messages between Thorpe and City Clerk Ellie Householder who the Antioch Police Department said while searching a cell phone record of Shagoofa Khan in an arson case, might have criminal conduct.

These new accusations announced last week will likely look horrible upon release while answers will be required with complete transparency within the law, but Chief Ford, who has given the community no reason not to trust him, will handle the officers involved in these racist text messages swiftly and fairly whether it be termination, suspension or corrective action. After all, if restorative justice works for those accused of crimes,  sensitivity training should work for officers–if not, then we do have a problem.

I urge the public to not let these latest round of text messages distract you from the bigger picture which is the control over the police department and the politicization of the role of the police chief. The community has to ask themselves, what would make Lamar Thorpe and Tamisha Torres-Walker even think they are qualified to provide oversight to the police chief, policy, tactics, or let alone be responsible for the timing of hiring or firing a police chief.

Finally, can we all just admit we are in a society who cares more about feelings, than about actual laws and public safety? We are headed down a dangerous path and the Antioch City Council is the prime example of the inmates running the asylum.

Lamar Thorpe Headlines & Social Media Postings

posted by Lamar Thorpe

Posted by Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe


Tamisha Torres-Walker

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The Truth April 8, 2023 - 8:07 pm

I call for an audit of Mayor Thorpe’s personal cell phone.

Loretta Sweatt April 8, 2023 - 8:41 pm

It sounds like Thorpe and Walker are the criminals, not the police officers. Both of these hypocrites, in my opinion, need to be voted out. Why hasn’t anyone asked Thorpe about his gambling? I remember him costing the City $300,000 dollars on an ordinance or something against gambling but then I heard him bragging about going to Pacheco to Gamble. I thought, What a hypocrite!

Jim Simmons April 8, 2023 - 8:53 pm

A criminal city council? I like that! If the media did its job, Thorpe and Walker would be long gone. If either had integrity, both would have resigned. Neither has happened. Sadly, this site is the only one telling the truth about what is really going on in Antioch. I forgot many of these incidents with Thorpe and Walker. Maybe Thorpe should hand over his phone

Bill Moon April 8, 2023 - 8:56 pm

Let me understand this. Thorpe is talking about culture of APD and he has been on the council since 2016? And Monica Wilson? Crickets? She has been on the council since 2012. This has all happened under his watch.

WPR April 8, 2023 - 11:31 pm

Glaringly obvious Antioch voters failed to do due diligence before casting their votes and have been ignorant for years.

Joe Sala April 9, 2023 - 4:01 pm

Agreed Antioch Voters have failed to see the poor results of the politicians they have voted for/elected.

Dargging Canoe April 11, 2023 - 8:53 am

Seen them and reelected them, did you vote and did you vote for someone else after the dumpster fire started? Like around the DV time?

Robert C. April 9, 2023 - 7:11 am

And the soap opera continues…government via dueling social media posts. Pathetic. A housecleaning is most definitely in order, but it also most definitely includes the city council.

Jake G April 9, 2023 - 7:19 am

Lamar couldn’t have done this same exact speech Tuesday during his mayors comments? He couldn’t ask the police chief in public about an audit? Proof Thorpe only cares about his little videos in hopes of getting TV time. As someone pointed out, Thorpe has been on the council since 2016. What has he done to address any of this over the years? Nothing!

Enough is Enough April 9, 2023 - 8:11 am

Let us not forget he titled his anti-recall campaign “Stop the Karens”, which one could certainly argue is a racist term in itself. Use of a derogatory term to describe any group of people is inappropriate, even if you happen to be the mayor.

ME April 10, 2023 - 9:53 am

There should be an audit….and one for the Mayor and City Council and all other city officials. Put it allllllll out there. Get rid of all the racist roguish cops, City council and officials. Then maybe this city can start to make some progress and bring businesses here.

S April 9, 2023 - 9:12 am

I’ve no faith in this mayor.
I do think an audit would be helpful, but not by any org that they hire.
Maybe by the State’s Commission on Police Standards or of that ilk????
How to find an auditing group without any agenda other than the truth will be difficult…..

J. Sala April 9, 2023 - 4:17 pm

To politicize the Police of Chief position is a huge Mistake. I do not trust the Antioch City Government to effectively consider any Police Chief for the City of Antioch. They are under qualified and have no job knowledge or understanding of managing or running a modern Police Agency. They have zero qualifications on understanding the dynamics of Policing.

What the Antioch City Government will do is inject their personal bias of what policing should be; which will not benefit or provide safety for the residents of Antioch. Look at City’s like San Francisco and Oakland; politicians have absolutely decimated their police force and can not hire new officers due to the politics and polices of those City Governments. Crime and blight is ugly in those cities; due to uneducated politicians trying to understand policing with no experience or expertise.

Robert C. April 10, 2023 - 9:29 am

An audit of hiring practices is fine if conducted by a truly independent third party with valid professional credentials. But it should not be limited to APD. It should include the entire City of Antioch and specifically the hiring practices of the City Council. Don’t you agree, Mayor?

Huskerfan April 10, 2023 - 9:47 am

When you hear/see Walker in the conversation you know something is wrong. They need to investigate her not Antioch PD. Every PD has bad cops but I believe she is on a witch hunt.

Lamard Thorpe Sucks Ballz April 13, 2023 - 2:07 am

Recall Lamard! Lets see Mr DUI’s personal texts!

Cindy Violette April 21, 2023 - 11:46 am

So does Tammany Brooks he is not worthy of being a Police Chief anywhere. I had an ongoing problem and nothing was being done . I tried calling him over 50 times no exaggeration and l have still never spoke to him. l spoke to a Captain Smith who said the Chief will never speak to me and to stop calling. Period I kept calling and he was right l ve never got a returned call . But l did tell him on his Vcm what a lousy image he made
of himself making reference to me as a person without ever meeting or speaking to me . Trying to make me out to be a Mental Case. He did take the call of a friend of mine, 1st try and she spoke to him. About me and what he said was slander . I moved out of state and deal with the same crap here also . What is wrong with certain people with a badge .They dont have a mind of there own listening to one officers accusations and not hearing all the facts. Means they dont know how to think out of the box . That makes u, not to smart, RIGHT ? Police Chief head our community security and everything else within OUR Police dept. But its not ours it’s how they decide to run it . They lie all the time that’s why they believe we all do . I think Police reports should be written immediately after episode along with body cam footage .and not b changed later .

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