Home » Bill Would Prevent Unlawful Voter ID Requirements

Bill Would Prevent Unlawful Voter ID Requirements

Press Release

by CC News
Dave Min

SACRAMENTO, CA – Senator Dave Min introduced Senate Bill 1174 to prohibit local governments from imposing voter identification (ID) requirements in local elections.

Amidst a growing wave of local election interference, SB 1174 puts a stop to cities, including charter cities, seeking to exploit loopholes in state law that guard against racial bias and other forms of discrimination that often follow ID requirements – particularly with respect to photo IDs. In addition to communities of color, seniors are vulnerable to a variety of barriers if they no longer drive, while women face a unique set of challenges due to name changes in a marriage or divorce.

“Healthy democracies rely on robust access to the polls. That’s why in California we follow the facts when it comes to the overwhelming body of evidence that voter ID laws only subvert voter turnout and create barriers to law abiding voters,” said Senator Min. “During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, California made the historic move to mail ballots directly to voters and to make voting by mail easier than it ever has been. This has been an overwhelming success, and proponents of voter ID requirements have not produced evidence of a single documented case of voter fraud. At the same time, we know that voter ID laws can make it more difficult for seniors, people of color, young people, and other historically marginalized groups from participating in our democracy. I am proud to introduce SB 1174 to prevent this practice in Huntington Beach and any other city that wants to constrain the voting rights of Californians.”

The City of Huntington Beach is the latest example of a local municipality that has taken steps to implement voter ID requirements. Last year, the City Council put forward a charter amendment to be voted on in the March Primary Election that would apply voter ID requirements to city elections. The proponents of this proposal have not identified a single documented case of voter fraud in Huntington Beach that would justify this change. To the extent that this amendment also would potentially impact county, state, and federal elections, it also puts the City in likely violation of existing state and federal laws.

California is one of 15 states that does not have voter ID laws. Instead, election officials conduct signature verification checks to confirm voter legitimacy. Additional safeguards are in place, such as counties being required to recount a portion of their ballots for accuracy and the ability for voters to track their ballots.


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MODERATE February 16, 2024 - 5:20 am

This is nonsense. If Mr. Min and his fellow progressives think that Huntington Beach’s proposal is “in likely violation of existing state and federal laws” then the obvious logical step is to TEST that proposal in court – not to play “dueling laws” on the state and local level.

Bill Moon February 16, 2024 - 5:54 am

Gee I wonder why Democrats hate voter ID. These people are hypocrites. Just a few things you need to show ID for which has nothing to do with voting.
Adoption (pet/cat)
Bank accounts
Business license
Car purchase/rental
Cellphone purchase
Donation of blood
Hunting/Fishing license
Legal firearm purchases
Unemployment benefits

Jiveass honky February 16, 2024 - 7:31 am

You forgot welfare .

MEV February 17, 2024 - 1:25 am

Dems want illegal migrants to be able to vote because they’ll never win honestly.

Barb Plumlee February 17, 2024 - 9:40 am

Excuses after excuses after excuses. That’s all we hear from the left. Of COURSE not requiring valid Identification to vote will increase the illegal voting by ILLEGAL immigrants. That’s the ONLY reason Biden and his screwed up administration and the traitors to our country opened the flood gates at the border. For those who don’t see that, are delusional, including politicians!

Nellie February 17, 2024 - 1:27 pm

When Newsom gives Welfare, Obamacare to 770,000 illegals and Pelosi gives them Drivers license and they can fill out abinstee ballot forms at DMV. Our country and especially CA, has gone to hell.

TRUMP 2024 February 18, 2024 - 1:31 am

the republicans have to start doing voter fraud just like the democrats or we will never ever be able to win. the democrats have already ruined this country and they get anything they want. i mean look how we tried 2 times to get newsom out of office and somehow the recall elections didnt have enough votes. the democrats are stealing every election and also putting fake republicans on the republican side to have just a one party system. the only way we can ever win is by beating them at their own nasty evil ways .

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